Photo Email workflow

Automatisation du marketing B2B: Nurturing des leads

L'automatisation du marketing B2B est une stratégie avancée qui utilise des technologies pour rationaliser et optimiser les processus marketing. Elle permet aux entreprises de gérer efficacement leurs campagnes, de suivre les interactions des prospects et de personnaliser les communications à grande échelle. Le nurturing des leads, un élément crucial de…
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avantage dun prm dans une plateforme dacquisition client

Advantage of a PRM in a customer acquisition platform

New technologies and the democratization of the Internet and especially social networks have made it possible to innovate in a consistent way the marketing field. We are currently talking about digital marketing. Today, the web is the most effective platform in acquiring new customers. And this Magileads has understood this,…
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quest ce quun prm partner relationship management

Che cos’è un Partner Relationship Management (PRM)?

Le aziende possono utilizzare le vendite indirette per vendere i loro prodotti o servizi sul mercato. Concretamente, è un canale di vendita mantenuto attraverso una rete di partner (prescrittori, distributori, integratori, ecc.). L'idea è quindi quella di FAIRE-FAIRE: essere rappresentati, vendere e aver realizzato i servizi associati alla vostra offerta.…
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