Market research or marketing research?

In general, the market research is carried out at the beginning of the project. It consists mainly of gathering information about a market. Marketing research , on the other hand, focuses on the promotion of a product or service. Despite this, the two conceptions can merge, or can depend on…
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Acquisition leads sur-mesure: la clé du succès

L'acquisition de leads sur-mesure est une méthode de marketing visant à générer des prospects qualifiés de manière ciblée et personnalisée pour une entreprise. Cette approche se distingue de l'acquisition de leads traditionnelle, qui implique souvent l'achat de listes de contacts génériques. L'objectif est d'attirer des prospects ayant un intérêt spécifique…
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Why give importance to lead scoring?

Before stating the importance of using lead scoring for your business, it would be wise to know what this system really consists of and how it works. What is lead scoring? Lead scoring is a marketing technique aimed at scoring prospects according to their ability to become customers. The scores…
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