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lead generation

If you’ve spent a lot of your marketing budget and time designing an attractive website without acquiring enough leads, the likelihood that your site was not built to generate leads is high. The good news is that the process of getting there is not difficult to figure out. Here is how to make your website a real means for the development of your business through a strategic campaign.

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What does lead generation mean in concrete terms?

Lead generation refers to all actions leading to the creation of commercial contacts. These are referred to as leads. However, leads may or may not become real prospects. Lead generation is very prominent in the BtoB marketing sector. However, this concept of lead generation can also be revealed within BtoC activities.

Lead generation is a principle that expresses the fact that the lead goes beyond a classic advertising or marketing contact. Indeed, in this concept, we find an identification as well as a sometimes advanced qualification of the commercial contact. This lead generation activity is often referred to as « lead generation ».

Various techniques or actions can work for lead generation. It includes:

  • Content marketing and inbound marketing systems;
  • Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions;
  • Prospecting by phone;
  • Project capture;
  • Campaigns through commercial links and forms;
  • Supporting the white paper or a protocol;
  • Recruitment through an email campaign added to a form,
  • Direct mail and others.

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Lead generation: the key elements for effective lead generation

There are several elements to effective lead generation.

Generating more leads starts with creating engaging content

There is no point in understanding the reasons for successful lead generation without taking the main step: generating quality traffic to your site. How to do it? When you create interesting content that meets the expectations of your audience, you attract more visitors to your site. Content creation is essential if you are looking for an effective inbound marketing approach.

In this context of inbound marketing, for example, a blog dedicated to writing and providing frequent educational content can generate interest and more visitors. You will then have to share your content by spreading it on social networks and pushing for sharing. This is when you can engage a likely prospect, the opportunity to give yourself enough access, openings and sympathies. Are you wondering how to make it work? Start the conversation and develop a real community.

It will also be necessary to think about SEO by working for a good natural referencing within search engines like Google. SEO will allow you to be seen on the first page. By highlighting SEO, you can ask yourself questions as if you were in the shoes of your audience. Find out what they will search for on search engines in order to find the content you offer. This is how you will be able to concretely define the appropriate keywords for the good referencing of your offers. So you won’t get there by trivializing SEO.

Well-defined visitors at the right time

Good inbound marketing techniques start with an analysis of your target profile or buyer personas. It gives you the opportunity to determine who you want to bring to your site and what difficulties your buyers personas are facing. Indeed, your potential customers will go looking for what answers their difficulties and independently. Thus, it is essential that you focus on the various stages they will go through in order to place yourself on each of them.

This is where the Buyer’s journey makes sense. In the buying journey, your potential customer will go through several levels. The stage of awareness, consideration and decision making do not raise the same questions. The content marketing strategy you establish must be aligned with each level of your buyers’ personas and their stage of maturity.

Generating leads therefore implies defining the target profile beforehand. You need to be sure that you are able to offer educational content that will help your buyers personas at each level of their problem solving until they finally decide. Nearly 83% of B2B marketers use a content creation strategy to generate leads.

Turning your visitor into leads: the call to action

Encouraging visitors to become leads requires a click that meets certain characteristics.

The click that engages your target

Managing to get a click is already a success in the conversion process.

Still called CTA (Call-To-Action), it is represented by a button or even a simple image, but whose effectiveness is really pronounced in order to achieve specific objectives: that of making the target click so that it manages to deepen its reflection. Contrary to a classic link, the CTA seeks to attract the reader’s attention to arouse his curiosity. This is the number one element of lead generation, as it gives your reader the opportunity to find out more about what’s in front of them. The simple act of clicking can turn an anonymous visitor into a reader who is interested in a product and wants to learn more. In other words, a potential customer.

The click that generates the desire to learn more

In order to fulfill its role as a CTA, the button must incorporate many features to achieve your goals. It needs:

  • Propose strong colors in order to stand out from the crowd while ensuring compliance with the graphic charter;
  • Have a well-defined box so that the reader’s eye is drawn to it;
  • Propose a catchy title to show in one sentence what your company offers;
  • Propose a synthetic subtitle to emphasize the benefits of the proposal;
  • A simple button that contributes to the quick completion of the action and to the drive to your landing page.

A well-placed click

The positioning of your Call-To-Action is a strategic element that must achieve two opposing goals:

  • The primary objective is to get your reader’s attention and therefore must be visible;
  • The second objective is to avoid being disruptive. This will require discretion.

Indeed, even if there is no precise rule to place your CTA in the best way, some good practices exist and must be taken into consideration so that your CTA is placed efficiently. It will be up to you to ensure a management and to test various parameterizations thereafter so that the best conversion rate is reached.

Consider that a reader will not always read a blog post in its entirety. This is where the definition of different CTA sizes comes in. Thus, a discreet size inserted in the first paragraphs of your article would be ideal, to which is added another more imposing one placed lower down in the article.

You can also consider placing it in the sidebar if you use it.

In order to optimize the position of your CTA on your page, don’t hesitate to perform tests and analysis. The A/B test, for example, is the most common test that is performed. The latter seeks to produce two kinds of address (A and B) integrating CTAs placed at distinct positions. The distribution of these pages to several different groups of visitors will allow the realization of an analysis of the statistics of impression on the rate of clicks and conversions that each address can generate. From there, the best performing one will be defined.

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The procedure to lead your visitor to a dedicated address to complete the conversion

Being able to lead the visitor to the address you want is essential to finalize the conversion. For this, you will need to make some adjustments.

Modify your landing page

It must meet some standards

Unambiguous landing page

In this regard, it will be a special place where lead conversion will come into play. The landing page is in fact an address belonging to your site, set up to expose a counterpart to the exchange of information that your audience holds dear. Your landing page should symbolize an area of conversation kept out of the way. It should create a positive experience for your reader where the information they find offers a strong added value as in example, a white paper or other. This address has a crucial role that you must take care of.

A page full of one goal

The number one rule of an optimal landing page is that it focuses on a single path and a single action that is available to your audience. If you don’t want to scatter your next lead, it should feature a single proposition that aligns with a CTA that makes sense.

Through its editorial, the landing address will allow readers to focus solely on discovering the company’s proposal and they can make their data available in exchange. Each campaign you run brings traffic that the landing page will convert into leads. What is recommended is to produce a specific landing page for each operation. The better optimized, clearer and more concise your landing page is, the higher the probability of generating a significant number of qualified leads.

A page with well-defined characteristics

Just like the CTA that leads to the landing page, your address should incorporate various configurations to boost lead generation. Thus, it must:

  • Include a main title: a key element that clearly highlights the subject and the general interest
  • Include a subtitle that reinforces and provides more information about the content
  • Provide a visual of the content so that a clear idea of the payoff is identified
  • Clearly describe the assets
  • Propose a form that only has fields that you consider useful in qualifying a prospect.

You can add other elements to solidify your speech and increase the interest of the proposal. It can be:

  • A presentation of the offer through videos or images;
  • Words from an expert or a client testimonial to support the credibility of the proposal.

Modify your form

The volume and design of the forms should help minimize the mismatch between the content (the visitor’s interest) and the visitor’s information (what your company is trying to get).

The first thing to do is to make sure that the content hidden behind the form adds significant value. So, by asking your visitors for the information, know that they will be preparing to acquire essential content. When designing your form, you should consider and focus on the information that is most important to you or use progressive profiling to reduce the length of your form by collecting only new information about your leads.

Change your thank you address

Once a prospect proceeds to fill out and submit the protocol offered by your landing page, they should be taken to a thank you address. You will need to modify this so that it includes:

  • The link to download the content
  • Buttons to share (either by email or social networks) the destination address
  • A new CTA highlighting a proposition that moves your prospect along the buying journey. It can be a free trial version of a product or a request for a demonstration.

The email in return

Everyone who fills in the fields should receive an email with a direct link to your proposal automatically. Thus, she will be able to access the content at any time from her inbox.

Also, with this email, you have the possibility to propel other offers that can for example invite the prospect to a subscription to your blog or to follow an event that will be held in the next few days. This is how your company will be able to start a more personalized communication with each prospect.

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Providing real added value to keep the lead's attention

We will never stop saying it, if you don’t have anything interesting to offer, it will be impossible for you to generate leads. Offer important free educational content, but also make sure it’s easy to download in exchange for data. This is a key marketing policy. Once you have created blog posts to attract your target audience, the content that will be created must be more in-depth to generate leads.

Premium content works to solve the problems of your buyers personas. It must respond in terms of quality and quantity, while providing detail or extra help. Make sure you create something rare, exclusive as well as relevant that gives you a good reputation. These are the ingredients for content that stands out. It must provide enough value so that the visitor will be in favor of joining the conversion process.

Tools that depend on the context

Several media can be developed to meet the expectations of your potential customers. By responding more to the challenges of your industry, you maximize your chances of generating more leads and placing yourself on the different levels of the Buyer journey. In this regard, here are some materials that would be useful to you:

  • The white paper;
  • The ebook and webinars;
  • Free trial and training;
  • The email newsletter, the report and the infographic, not to mention the studies.

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The qualification stage of your leads

This is the time when you need to convert your leads.

Convert your leads into customers

Once the conversion of your visitors into a lead has been achieved, their conversion into a customer must follow. Here, the marketing and sales teams will have to collaborate. Don’t make the mistake of lumping all leads together and thinking they are all on the same level of thinking. The lead that matches your buyer persona and is ready to make a decision to buy is a qualified and mature lead. It is only at this level that the role of the sales people will begin.

Change your marketing method

Once you have created your campaign attributes, start planning the strategy by which you will promote your ebook or the proposition that the content contains.


Consider a blog post that deviates from the topic you’ll be sharing on your website. Research blogs or publications that align with the target audience of the proposed ebook. Conduct a study on the article reported by the site related to the theme and think of a method that can offer added value to the readers of the site in question.

Social networks

Opt for the creation of optimized images to be published on LinkedIn. Nevertheless, LinkedIn is not the only social network, as you can also turn to Facebook, Twitter and others. You can even generate a tweetable link to make it easy to share with your team.

Paid publications

Here, it will be a question of positioning your sign in front of new prospects. These customers who correspond to your buyer personas will think of you when they are ready to request your services or products. So, it would be wise to dedicate a budget to paid publications.


Reusing something is one of the best ways to increase the scope of your proposal. Depending on the topic, you can create a presentation of the information and save it on SlideShare. Consider integrating CTAs into the presentation or using the lead generation feature SlideShare offers where you can insert a form.

The definition of a lead scoring

Depending on your leads and the level of engagement with your website and content, strategies and tools like hubspot will have to be developed to ensure prioritization. So you will need to determine what determines the maturity of a lead. It is this prioritization that will help you prioritize your actions.

To do this, you will have to carry out a lead scoring which will involve awarding points according to the actions your visitors take. A visitor can have X points when they perform a specific action (like downloading a white paper) on your site. This is how you can define the maturity level of your visitor or new readers. Using marketing automation tools such as hubspot for example, you will be able to score your leads and trigger the right actions automatically once a lead matures. 67% of B2B marketers believe that lead nurturing helps increase sales opportunities by at least 10%.

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Hubspot: a lead generation tool

For successful lead generation, you can rely on a few tools. Among these, we find hubspot, which has multiple assets.

Hubspot: why choose it?

Keeping your marketing and sales teams up to date is key to converting your prospects into customers. You will need to monitor the process from start to finish to identify the factors that lead to customer loss. The latter may be due to a lack of information or to a marketing strategy applied in the wrong way. Hubspot is a reference in terms of inbound marketing and will help optimize the success rate with your current customers.

Hubspot offers vital data on the effectiveness of the actions you take. You can count on Hubspot to give more sparkle to the content you offer thanks to its automation system. With Hubspot, you can be sure that your offers will be recommended and that your prospects will have an easy time interacting with you. Let’s not forget that Hubspot remains an excellent tunnel to redirect your visitors to your site and guarantee the interest of the content you offer.

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Other tools to generate leads

Generating leads is complex because of the huge number of B2B and B2C platforms on the web. With tools like Bontact, Google keyword Planner, or Google trends, you can communicate with your prospects in a very simple way without having to use many platforms.

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Marketing automation according to Magileads

MagiLeads’ automation solution allows you to easily create automated scenarios to send personalized messages to your leads.

With automation, you know exactly how prospects interact with your content. You collect information about their behavior. This way, you can better qualify your leads.

Finally, with the lead scoring feature, you can automate the transmission of hot leads to sales teams to initiate a first sales contact at the right time.

Email marketing is always a channel of choice in commercial prospecting. But, to remain effective, it is now necessary to gain in finesse in the creation of sequences, the content of messages and the analysis of results. Adopting an email automation solution like Magileads will help you optimize your campaigns.

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