If you are a company and you want to stand out from your competitors, digital prospecting is your best asset. It is a set of techniques specific to web marketing that aim to attract visitors to a site. These visitors are then converted into leads after an action is taken, and then into customers. However, consumer behavior on the Internet is constantly evolving over time. So, here are the best prospecting techniques for 2021.

Mailing, it always works

Contrary to popular belief, email has lost none of its effectiveness. For B2B prospecting, nearly 60% of companies prefer to receive emails. The statistic is lower for B2C prospecting, but the obstacle is not the mailing technique itself.

Be aware that newsletters allow you to quickly increase traffic to your website. They generate leads and at the same time multiply the chances of contact. Mailing is therefore always essential for successful digital prospecting. You must adapt the content of your emails to each type of prospect. As you can see, mass emails are no longer very trendy. The opening rate of this kind of email is much lower than personalized emails. What should your emails look like then?

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· A well-groomed and obvious call to action (CTA) so that the prospect can easily access it,

· An email with an eye-catching subject,

· and an email compatible with mobile devices.

Your future customers should be able to read your email with a short message. In order for them to complete a purchase, your CTA must be clearly visible. Hence the interest of a very impactful object since it is the first thing they will see. In addition, more than half of prospects check emails via mobile. So, make sure that the display of your newsletters is compatible with all media (tablet, pc, smartphones …)

Properly exploited, the e-mailing technique can be effective and the return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed. This is pure inbound marketing, because it will be your prospects who will come to you.

Opt for personalized videos

YouTube is the most used platform when it comes to video. Many companies now have channels on this social network to promote their products. They also do it to improve their image and increase their notoriety.

Using content in video format has many advantages. This is a very effective and trendy way to encourage buying. The chances of a potential customer buying a product by watching a video are close to 85%. Such a ratio is only achieved if the video in question is well designed and the content is relevant to your targets. Videos are also used to pass on information quickly. The shorter they are, the more people look at them until the end.

Depending on the type of prospecting and the targets, the objective and the type of video to be produced vary. Most often, the mission is entrusted to an agency in the field. Rethink your marketing strategy before and define your targets. With the latest web features, you can do without major social networks like YouTube or Vimeo to share video content. Creating video content for your website, for example, can be very effective in capturing the user’s attention.

What to remember about video prospecting, the shorter, the better. The technique is used in different aspects on different platforms. Distribution channels are also diversified, especially with social networks.

Prospecting well on LinkedIn with social selling

How can we talk about digital prospecting without talking about social networks? Facebook has been on the podium for a very long time and surely will be for a while. It is also on this social network that companies prospect the most. Twitter and Instagram are also very profitable when it comes to prospecting, but have you thought about prospecting on LinkedIn?

With other social networks, practices are also evolving. Like pages, groups are becoming a « must » for communities. People in your group will quickly find your products. You need to ensure constant animation by creating different types of content. You can also use Facebook to share your content on other social networks such as LinkedIn.

The social network for professionals now has more than 700,000,000 users with 260,000,000 active per month on average. What could be better than this type of specific network to prospect in B2B? It’s also a long-term investment, because the more relationships you have, the easier it is for your future customers to find you. Don’t just use « Ads » options to advertise, but take some actions:

Actions to be carried out

· Create an optimized profile by filling in all the fields,

· Connect regularly and remain responsive,

· Connect with qualified prospects to follow their news,

· Actively participate in group discussions.

Its actions are already a good lever for a good presence on LinkedIn. Thus, you can easily expand your professional network in addition to working on your e-reputation. In order to exploit the potential of LinkedIn, you can go further by using the paid options offered by the social network. The result will be much higher.

As Steve Job said « The content is king », the trend of digital prospecting is based on the content marketing strategy. Inbound marketing is also key. The most effective techniques are therefore those that encourage prospects to come to your company. Consumers appreciate content adapted to their profile and especially to their needs.

Emailing Leads Social networks