Educational content: an extremely powerful marketing strategy
Looking for something new for 2022? Educational content marketing is precisely what audiences love most.
How to use Chat GPT to generate prospecting emails?
With Open AI's revolutionary Chat GPT tool, you can now generate prospecting emails automatically for your campaigns.
The virtual event: the new digital marketing tool
The virtual event is an effective and practical way to generate leads. Why and how is this done?
Why and how to integrate backlinks into your SEO strategy on Google?
The best way to increase your visibility on Google is to work on quality backlinks. Here's the essentials to know!
The rise of frontline marketing: the new key to B2B growth
Frontline Marketing: Faced with the dynamic B2B landscape, companies must rethink their marketing approach to remain competitive.
7 foolproof strategies to multiply your B2B sales
These strategies will undoubtedly allow you to multiply your B2B sales. You can take inspiration from it and adjust your approach.
How to automate your LinkedIn prospecting and save (a lot of) time?
To acquire new customers on Linked In, you need to know these LinkedIn BtoB prospecting tools and best practices.
Which channels should you choose for your BtoB prospecting plan this fall?
To acquire new customers, you have a variety of tools and approaches. This list will help you design your strategy.
Why do my emails go to spam? 7 tips
Do your emails sometimes end up in spam? Here are 7 practical tips to ensure your messages reach their destination.
White label Magileads: An opportunity for agencies, integrators and consultants
Magileads is now available as a white label, a great opportunity for agencies; integrators and consultants.