Automate your prospecting by email, then relay it via linkedIn: why and how?

Automate your prospecting by email, then relay it via linkedIn: why and how?

Since its development, the professional LinkedIn platform has quickly become an essential channel for prospecting in digital marketing . LinkedIn brings together more than 320 million professionals, including a significant number of decision-makers from the largest and most powerful multinationals and those from VSEs and SMEs .

 However, prospecting on LinkedIn requires expertise and the establishment of a good strategy. Therefore, handing over this perilous task to an automation tool seems wise. As email prospecting is still relevant, it is one of the actions that you can automate and relay via LinkedIn.

Why should you prospect from LinkedIn?

More precise targeting

The platform brings together countless professionals in different fields. Prospecting via LinkedIn thus constitutes a method that facilitates and allows more optimal and, above all, more precise targeting. Additionally, instead of checking their cold calling emails, business owners are more likely to visit LinkedIn.

With the help of the nature of the user profile, you can easily obtain the necessary information about your prospects and detect your targets without making too much effort. You will also be able to adapt your contact to the skills of your prospect who will be a decision-maker for the company.

Prospects come to you more

With a traditional emailing channel, you will have more difficulty achieving considerable return rates, unless you opt for email marketing automation . The problem mainly comes from countless canvassing emails received by your prospects. At worst, your emails could be filtered and sent to spam.

Additionally, your prospects can come to you on LinkedIn. They give you more credibility and are more motivated to connect with you by seeing your background, your areas of expertise and your achievements.

A more concrete database

Your network of contacts automatically updates their data. This is a very practical aspect of this professional platform. This is a bit like a living database. It is easier for you to identify your prospects by first learning the organization in which your target decision maker worked.

Reasons to automate your email prospecting

Tasks are automatic

Automating your email marketing gives you a very important advantage in sales prospecting , an automated process. Writing numerous messages to thousands of recipients and spending a good part of your time and energy on them will no longer be necessary. You will only have to choose the specific criteria of your prospects. The related workflow can then be implemented with simple gestures.

Very effective in lead nurturing

If your email campaign aims to nurture new prospects, automating your emails is perfect to help you achieve this objective. New prospects are even more sensitive than those who have already been acquired.

Usually, a company's sales teams adopt cold calling as an approach. However, the majority of customers, if not all, are not really seduced by this communication strategy.

Cold calls can actually turn them off when they make a final decision. This is where emails come in and are a more promising and beneficial alternative. In addition, only sharing content deemed useful for your leads makes more sense.

Personalized content

Using an email automation tool isn't just about automating sending. Apart from saving time, this will have no benefit. Emailing automation tools also allow businesses to send personalized emails to their targets. This detail is really important for an effective strategy. Moreover, certain details of the personalized content of your emails (such as the personal information of your lead) will allow you to establish a closer and deeper connection with your targets.

Use a LinkedIn automation tool to relay your emails

To save time and expand your B2B lead generation, LinkedIn automation is a very good way. If your email marketing strategy has been this automated, you still need to use a LinkedIn automation tool to relay messages. The tool also takes care of all the time-consuming stages of your marketing strategy.

Automation allows your network to grow quickly. Notifications are sent to users when actions are taken on LinkedIn. This could include profile visits, LinkedIn message sending, connection invitations, etc.

The LinkedIn automation tool performs all of these operations for you. It triggers notifications to let you know. To respond to these actions, prospects, who are also users, will either consult your profile, or even that of your company, or connect to it. In short, varied responses come from potential leads from a LinkedIn automation.

Automated and Customizable Email Scenario Examples

A welcome email

What could be warmer than receiving a welcome message! To connect with your prospects, the welcome email proves that you care about them. Of course, you must first direct them to browse your site and subscribe to your newsletter.

An email for a promotional code

Regarding the second email, a named offer is very practical. To do this, content can convey a special offer to your prospect. If he is interested, great! All you have to do is focus on your incentive nature.

A reminder email

The reminder email is used to notify your prospects about various upcoming events to inform them of subscription renewals, for example.

Prospecting on LinkedIn will undoubtedly continue to evolve over time. However, LinkedIn automation for your automated emails seems to be an excellent approach to guarantee more efficiency and generate new business opportunities .

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