A complete and innovative offering that is automated to support BtoB prospects

a complete and innovative offer that easily automates your btob prospecting

All in one

Everything you need to convert your potential clients into qualified clients with ease.

The Magileads solution offers a technological base that allows our business teams to carry out successful and rapid customer acquisition and retention campaigns.


Dynamic contact data base


Magileads offers all aspects of digital marketing like this

An omnichannel platform

for your electronic mail, SMS, VMS, LinkedIn, Retargeting Announcements,...

An international base

dynamic and updated in real time in more than 20 data base sources

A complete quadrant of mando

for a dynamic analysis of the performance of our campaigns and marketing actions.


for the sequence of your qualified prospects in the interface with your CRM, ERP,...

What are the features of the platform?
We offer an online demonstration.