Do you want to better organize your prospecting activities to keep up to date? ¡Having a prospecting plan is the best way to gain efficiency! You do not allow yourself to declare your objects, if you do not have a clear view of the actions you take.
Without embargo, the method code can be used to allow the time to come. ¿What should we do with this prospecting plan? ¿Dónde empezar? What is the structure to follow? How to have it live?
Before you start building your prospecting, we offer a complete guide to create your BtoB prospecting plan.
What is a prospecting plan?
The prospecting plan is a route to conquer new clients. Be prepared to prepare water in advance. Is a plan that brings together the steps and commercial activities to take to the port to log a specific object. To improve your objective and obtain qualified prospects, this plan is essential.
Prospecting is imperative for any business that needs to be paid for invoicing. The implementation of this plan is the best way to guarantee intelligent prospecting. This allows you to optimize your time while controlling the costs implemented in your camps. Tenga en cuenta que este plan debe estar mucho antes delanzamiento de su campaña.
Why can you use this plan? Various positive aspects, but in general, the prospecting plan is permitted:
- Structuring the actions of our marketing and sales teams;
- Please note that your sales team's performance is proportional to the media (data base, script, chronogram, etc.);
- Feed your conversion process with more prospects thanks to your marketing strategy (website, blog, social media, etc.).
Build your B2B prospecting plan in 6 steps:
Are you familiar with the “ churn” ? This is the term used to refer to lost customers. All businesses are aware of this phenomenon.
If the rate of abandonment increases and you do not log in acquiring new clients, your negotiation is in danger. This is why it is necessary to prospect to llear the vacío and to create your negotiation. Comienza con el desarrollo de su plan de prospection, estos los steps that must be followed:
1 – Define your prospecting objects
Therefore, the first step is to define our prospecting objectives. This must be online with the commercial objects of your company . ¿Who are you objectivo? ¿Qué buscas? What result do you hope for? If you respond to these suggestions, you will be able to better visualize the future actions that will occur during the prospecting.
As you understand, your objects must be accurate and reliable. So, of course, the most important thing is to have a buyer persona. Is the avatar of your ideal client. This is a fictitious person who must focus on your prospector's attention. Your person is the person with the highest probability of being interested in our products or services. Your object is to meet people who are matched with it.
To establish precise and ambitious objects, we recommend the SMART method. Our objects must be specific S – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Temporal . This method allows you to take advantage of a more relevant strategy, increase your yield and make good use of the resources at your disposal.
2 – Define your prospecting object
First of all, let's talk about the use of creating your persona. In this part, reforzaremos nuestro point. The fact is, the person you are targeting is the profile of your ideal client, you need to know better to get them better. If it is well defined, your persona will serve as a basis for building your prospect file.
To define your prospecting objective, you must segment your contacts based on data. Potential clients may match the characteristics of their persona. So we suggest you center in the following points to define your target:
- Demographic data: population, generation, population, ingresos, industry, geographic area, etc.
- More psychological data: interests, SONCAS , deportees, aficiones, social rights, etc.
- All necessities, difficulties and frustrations: obstacles , objects, values, worries, vision of the future, etc.
The ideal is to bring together the most possible information available in our prospectos. Please try to identify what you need. This is more than necessary if you want to convert them.
3 – Use a prospecting file
Once you have defined your object, it is time to build your prospecting file. This is an archive that allows you to list prospectuses that coincide with your object with your contact information. This is a library that provides useful and relevant information in our prospectos. We will have our sales representatives available to actuate.
To establish a prospecting archive, you can choose between different methods. Buy a list to use or create your own item. Most businesses use a simple Excel file to serve as their base. This is a very energy-intensive . Additionally, this type of archive may distort data if it is poorly managed. After all, all usage requires manual intervention, including if there is automation.
The prospecting archive allows you to centralize the data in one place. Therefore, the best series collects all the useful information on a unique dedicated automated platform . We recommend the Magileads solution . This herramienta facilitates your seguimiento and allows a better detection of opportunities. In other words, you are allowed to contact the prospects at the appropriate time, in the correct location and with the correct inserts.
The Magileads platform offers a solution for businesses that want to attract more qualified potential customers to our sales representatives. This is a good time and allows you to take a more profitable prospect. You will have access to our new dynamic data base with more than 20 million B2B contacts, as well as the PRM that guarantees optimal follow-up of our qualified potential customers.
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4 – Select your prospecting channels
Ahora that has defined our objects, its persona and configured its prospecting file. Ahora, the desafío is determined by the means by which you will be contacted by your prospects. What prospecting techniques will you use? What are your preferred exploration channels? Which channels are more effective? ¿In what channel are your prospects available for viewing? Do you want to get a faster reversal return? This is the type of preguntas that must be damaged.
Frequently, many channels available for B2B prospecting can be difficult to choose using your method. There are many options, but there are no single channels. You can combine digital and physical channels. The best combinations are to obtain better results.
- Digital channels (Example: emailing, social networks, telephones, chatbot, etc.)
- Financial channels (e.g. individual business fairs and business events)
It is necessary to choose the prospecting channels of acquisition with your object, if you presume and the objects that are marked.
To consider a more straightforward prospecting channel, we invite you to discover our new article on them. >>
5 – Prepare your action plan
In this step, I take the best step, this step is very important because you will define your action plan. Exactly what you need to do is prepare a sales argument or your sales guide. Is a document that serves as a conversational guide for our sales representatives. Depending on your object and your media, you must define the style of storage to be used. The content you are going to send is very important. You should study on your devices, you should be interested in electronic correos, prospecting , use social security and other media.
Please note, without embargo, that this document must contain some essential elements, to be noted:
- Preguntas abiertas para permitir que nos prospectos expressen sobre su dificultades y lo que piensan. This is an effective form for initiating a conversation with your interlocutor.
- The needs of the prospect, their real motivations, their activity, the quality of their business, etc.
- Anticipate the preguntas communes of the prospecto. Prepare responsibly, so that the permit can appear as an expert. It is important to understand your requirements to be able to find suitable solutions. Así que concentrate en los consejos.
- Improve our products and services. Show your aggregated value, know your work better than Nadie, show your future clients because they are absolutely necessary.
To establish an effective prospecting plan, sales arguments must be prepared in anticipation. This permit allows our sales representatives to have the same level of information. You can circle the exact steps that you take and keep them in place to complete the campaign. Included can illustrate your explanations with concrete examples so that you hear better.
6 – Monitor the log of your objects
Estable a plan of prospecti co -comial lleva tiempo there represses una inverted Una vez that ses lanzan las Campañas, Es Imperativo Monitorear el Impacto del Plan de Prospectción Definido de Antemano. There is that los resultados sean positivos o no, debe hacer el seguimiento comercial y también thought in el servicio al client.
The commercial monitoring involves the definition of KPI (Indicadores de Desempeño) key to the effectiveness of each action that has been implemented. These metrics allow you to analyze the impact of your prospecting plan. Depending on the channels used, for example, it may be the price of electronic communication, the customer acquisition cost (CAC) or the potential customer cost (CPL). All the statistics that will be shown must allow me to influence the performance of your prospecting in relation to the initial objects defined in the first step.
El Seguimiento También essencial para detectar mejoras in Futuras Campañas y para mejorar su reversión .
Is it effective to guarantee optimal sales performance? Discover Magileads, a tool that offers a complete dashboard for dynamic analysis of the performance of your campaigns and marketing activities. You will also benefit from a PRM that will allow you to realize a sequence of your qualified potential customers interconnected with your CRM, ERP, etc.
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¡Qué record in the planning of the prospection!
The existence of your negotiation depends on the large scale of the planning of an effective negotiation plan. We cannot permit you to acquire new clients. These are the essential points that must be recorded to exist in your prospecting field:
Define the main objective of your prospecting plan
This is the final object that is missing. The object must be more precise and more ambiguous, you can use the SMART method (Específico – Medible – Alcanzable – Realista – Limit of time) to define it.
Consider your object or person as the palm of your hand
As long as you are working, it will be easier to convert them into customers. After all, this is your ideal client profile, we are here!
Use a prospecting archive to centralize all information about your prospects
You can best use an automated omnichannel platform to store an Excel file that consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, the license will send more qualified prospects to our sales representatives for the time being.
Defines the correct prospecting channels that you will use to contact your prospects
The best thing is to use a multi-channel campaign to get better results. You must choose your channels according to your purpose, assuming and commercial purposes.
Prepare your sales argument, determine the format you will use to contact your prospects
Cuida el content that you will offer to your audience. It must be relevant and adapted to its purpose. For your arguments, you can personalize them with the needs of your prospect.
Realize a pattern of your sales performance to influence the impact of your marketing actions, improve your future campaigns and generate a better return on the reversal.
There is a solution that allows you to simplify commercial prospecting. The Magileads platform offers all the essential tools to automate your prospecting campaigns and increase your ROI: targeting, enrichment of your data base, animation scenarios and scoring of your prospects… mine will have more intelligence in your prospecting.
If you want more, we offer you an online demo >>