You want to better organize your prospecting activity to save time? Making a prospecting plan is your best ally to gain efficiency! It allows you not only to clarify your objectives, but to have a precise vision of the actions to achieve them.
However, Lack of Method May lead you to put off the plunge. What Should you put in this Prospecting Plan? Where to start? What is the structure to follow? How to make it live?
To avoid delaying the moment of structuring your prospecting, we offered you a complete guide to create your btoB prospecting plan.
What is a prospecting plan?
The prospecting plan is your roadmap to conquer new customers. It must be prepared in advancation. It is a plan that groups Together the Steps and Commercial Actions to be Taken to Reach a Précise Objective. To Better Reach Your Target and Get Qualified Leads, This plan is essential .
Prospecting is an Imperative for Any Company Seeking to Develop Its. The implementation of this plan is the best way to ensure intelligent prospecting . It allows you to optimize your time while control the costs deployed for your campaigns. Note that this plan Should be ready Well before the Launch of Your Campaign.
What is the purposes of this plan? To many positive Things, but in general, the prospecting plan helps to:
- Structure The Actions of Your Marketing and Sales Teams;
- Strengthen the Performance of Your Sales Team by Providing Them With The Means (Database, Script, Planning, etc.);
- Feed your conversion tunnel with more leads through your marketing strategy (Website, blog, social networks, etc.).
Build Your B2B Prospecting Plan in 6 steps:
Do you know the word " churn" ? This is the term used for attrition or loss of customers. All Companies Are Familiar with this phenomenon.
If the Churn Rate Increases and you fail to acquire New Customers, Your Business is Going Down the Drain. That's Why You Need To Prospect to Fill The Gap and Grow Your Business . This starts with development your prospecting plan, here are the steps you need to follow:
1 - Define Your Prospecting Objectives
Of Race, The First Step is to Define Your Prospecting Objectives. These must be in line with your company's objective business . Who is your target? What are you love at? What Result do You Expect? By Answering these questions, you will be able to better visualize the future actions you will undertake during the prospecting.
As you can see, Objectifs must be set with precision and finesse. This is why, before anything else, the most important thing Thing is to have a buyer persona. This is the avatar of your ideal customer. It is a fictitious person on whus focus all your attention when you prospect. Your persona is the person most likely to be interested in your products or services. Your goal is to find people who are similar to them.
To define precise and ambitious objectives, we recommend that you adopt the smart method . Your Objectives must be specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Temporal . This method allows you to develop a more reporting strategy, Increase Your Performance and Make Good Use of the Resources at your disposal.
2 - Define Your Prospecting Target
In the First Step, We Talked about the Usefulness of Creating Your Persona . In this part, we will reinforce our point. You know, since your target is the profile of your ideal customer, you need to know him better to better reach him . If it is well defined, your persona will serve as a basis to build your prospect file.
To define your prospecting target, you must segment the contacts in your database. The prospects must match the characteristics of your persona. That's why we suggest you focus on the follower points to define your target:
- Demographic Data: Age, Gender, Rental, Income, Industry, Geographic Area, etc.
- His/Her Psychological Data: Interests, Soncas Profile, Sports, Hobbies, Social Networks, etc.
- Its needs, difficulties and frustrations: blockages, goals, values, concerns, vision of the future, etc.
The ideal is to gather as much information as possible about your prospects. Then, Try to identify their needs. This is more than necessary if you want to convert them.
3 - Use A Prospecting File
Once you have defined your target, it is time to build your prospecting file. This is a file that allows you to list the prospects that corresponds to your target with their contact information . It's like a library that gathers useful and reporting information about your prospects. You will make it available to your sales people for them to act upon.
To establish a prospecting file, you can choose Between Several Methods . EITHER YOU BUY A READY-MADE ONE OR YOU CREATE It Yourself. Most Companies Still Use A Simple Excel File As A Basis. This is too Energy Consuming has a practice. In addition, this type of file can distort your data if it is mismanaged. After all, it uses still requires manual intervention, even if there is already automation.
The Prospecting File Allows you to centralize data in one place. The Best Thing Would Be to Gather All The Useful Information On Single Automated Dedicated Platform . We Therefore Recommend the Magileads Solution . This tool facilitates your follow-up and allows a better detection of opportunities. In Other Words, its use allows you to contact prospects at the right time, in the right place and with the right approaches .
The Magileads Platform Offers A Solution for Companies that Want to Send More Qualified Leads To Their Sales People. This Save Time and Makes Prospecting More profitable. You will have access to our dynamic database with more than 20 million b2b contacts as well as to the prm which guarants an optimal follow-up of your qualified leads.
If you want to know more about the platform, check out our online demo >>
4 - Choose your prospecting channels
Now that you have defined your objective, your persona and set up your prospecting file. The Challenge now is to determine the means by which you will contact your prospects . What Prospecting Techniques Will You Use? Which Prospecting Channels Should Be Favored? What are the Most Effective Channels? We Which Channel Are Your Prospects Ready to Listen to You? Which ones give you the Fastest Return on Investment? These are the Kinds of Questions You Need To Ask Yourself.
With so many channels available for b2b prospecting , it can be difficult to choose a method. You have many choices, but do you choose Just one Channel. You can combine Digital and Physical Channels. It is best to combine them for best results .
- Digital Channels (Example: Emailing, Social Networks, Phoning, Chatbot, etc.)
- Physical Channels (EG Trade shows and one-to-one business events)
You must choose the prospecting channels according to your target, your budget and the objectives you have set.
To Learn More About Prospecting Channels, we invite you to discover our article that talks about it >>
5 - Prepare your action plan
At this internship, you enter the Heart of the Matter, this step is very important because it is here that you will define your action plan. What you need to do exactly is prepare a Sales Pitch or your Sales Script . This is a document that serves as a conversational guide for your sales people. Depending on your target and your means, you must define the style of Approach to Use. The Content You Will Put Forward Is Even More Important. You must study Your Approaches, Whether You Choose To Do Emailing , Telephone Prospecting, Use Social Media or Other Media.
It Should be noted, However, that this document must include a few essential elements, namely:
- Open-Endeed Questions to Allow Your Prospects to Express Themselves About Their Difficulties and Their Thoughts. It is an effective way to start a conversation with your interlocutor.
- The needs of the prospect , his real motivations, according to his activity, the size of his company, etc.
- Anticipate Common Questions from the prospect. PREPARE ADEQUATE Answers that allow you to appear as an expert. It is important to understand His or Her Needs in Order to Be Able to offer appropriate solutions. So Focus on the Tips.
- Promote Your Products and Services. Show Your Added Value, You Know Your Business Better Thanonone Else, Show Your Future Customers Why They Absolutely Need You.
To establish an effective prospecting plan, dirty pits must be prepared in advance. This allows you to put your sales people on the same level of information. You can Tell Them Exactly What Steps to Take and What To Watch Out For To Complete The Campaign. You can even illustrate your explanations with concrete examples so that they understand Better.
6 - Tracking the Achievement of Your Goals
Setting up a Sales Prospecting Plan Takes Time and Represents An Investment on the Part of Your Entire Sales Team. Once the Campaigns are Launched, it is Imperative to Follow Up the Impact of the Prospecting Plan Defined Beforehand. Whether the results are positive or not, you must follow up on the Sales and also think about Customer Service.
Sales Tracking Involves Defining Kpis (Key Performance Indicators) that allow you to Measure the effectiveness of Each Action You Have Taken. These Metrics Allow You To Analyze The Impact of Your Prospecting Plan. They Depend on the Channelles Used, for Example, It can be the emailing open rate, the customer acquisition cost (cac) or the cost per lead (CPL). All the Statistics that you are going to follow must allow you to measure the performance of your prospecting in relationship to your initial objectives defined in the first step.
Tracking is also essential to detect improvises for future campaigns and to improve your king .
Are you look for an efficient tool to ensure optimal monitoring of your Sales Performance? Discover Magileads, A Tool that Offers A Complete Dashboard for A Dynamic Analysis of the Performance of Your Marketing Campaigns and Actions. You will also benfit from a Prm that will allow you to track your qualified interface interface with your CRM, ERP, etc.
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What you need to know about the Prospecting Schedule!
The Success of Your Business Dependes in Large Part On the Development of An Effective Business Development Plan. You can afford not to acquire new customers. Here are the key points to remember for a successful prospecting campaign:
Define the Main Objective of Your Prospecting Plan
This is your ultimate goal. The Objective Must Be Precise and More Ambitious, You can use the Smart Method (specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Temporal) to Define It.
Know your target or persona inside and out
The More You Know Who You're Dealing With, The Easier It Will Be to Turn Them Into A Customer. After all, this is your ideal customer profile, let's not forget that!
Use a prospecting file to centralize all the information on your prospects
It is better to use an automated omnichannel platform Than an Energy-Consuming Excel File. Indeed, this Will Allow You To Send More qualified lead to your Sales Representatives While Saving Time.
Define the right prospecting channel that you will use to all in touch with your prospects
It's best to run a multi-channel campaign for best results. You must choose your channels according to your target, your budget and your business objective.
PREPARE Your Sales Pitch, Determine the Approach you will use to contact your prospects
Take Care of the content you will offer to your audience. It must be falling and adapted to your target. For the arguments, you can customize them according to your prospect's needs.
Track your Sales Performance to Measure The Impact of Your Marketing Actions, Improve Your Future Campaigns and Generate A Better Return On Investment.
There is a solution that allows you to simplify the commercial prospecting. The Magileads Platform Offers All The Essential Lavers To Automatate Your Prospecting Campaigns and Increase Their King: Targeting, Enriching Your Database, Animation Scenarios and Scoring Your Prospects… While Putting More Intelligence Into Prospecting.
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