As a sales manager, your goal is to increase the conversion rate of your team. And of course, to increase your company's turnover year after year.

It happens that you are expected to increase these performances without granting you a budget for recruiting. A situation that can be as delicate as it is stressful.

This constraint nevertheless has an advantage. It pushes you to optimize your existing resources. It's up to you to adopt the right tools to automate as many tasks as possible and make the work of your salespeople easier.

So how can you improve your sales performance without a recruitment budget?

What is the commercial performance of a company?

The commercial performance of a company is its ability to generate income through the sale of its products or services . These performances are directly linked to what we call commercial efficiency, i.e.: the ability of a company to set up an efficient organization to increase its sales volume, its average basket or even its number of signed customers.

How to increase your commercial performance?

You would have understood it. For a company, developing its commercial performance therefore means implementing all possible means in order to achieve better performance . It's about finding and applying the best strategies to sell better and sell more, using the best tools to achieve this and continuing to do better over time.

It all starts with implementing a carefully thought-out strategy

To increase your business performance, first start by defining the best strategy for your business . So set goals, then develop an action plan and then clearly define the means you can implement to achieve your objectives.

Attention ! When developing your strategy, always set reasonable goals for which you will have sufficient budget. In other words, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound or SMART goals . In addition, be sure to always select the right business performance indicators (KPIs) so that you can subsequently measure your progress.

At this stage, you will therefore need to create a good sales dashboard . Thanks to this and the indicators it will collect, you will be able to manage your action plan more effectively. This dashboard will also allow you to more easily evaluate your performance .

When developing your business strategy, also consider carrying out a SWOT analysis . This way, you will be able to know your strengths and weaknesses not only in relation to the opportunities, but also to the threats relating to your sector. This will allow you to best optimize your strategy.

Know that if you want to evaluate and increase your commercial performance, while improving the satisfaction of your customers , qualitative KPIs will be your best allies. Among the latter, let us cite in particular the reasons which caused the failure of your marketing actions, the qualification of your prospecting file or even your customer satisfaction rate.

If increasing the volume of your sales and your turnover is your objective, base yourself instead on quantitative KPIs (sales forecasts, turnover that you have achieved, quantity of leads, new customers or appointments). you got…). In both cases, these indicators will allow you to have a precise idea of ​​your commercial performance.

Targeting: a step that should not be neglected

Remember, to be able to sell more, you will need to work to convert as many prospects as possible into customers . Be careful though, because not all prospects are equal. To avoid wasting your time and energy, don’t neglect your targeting. The success of your commercial prospecting will depend on the quality of this. Before moving on to this phase and launching actions, always do careful targeting . This will help you attract and convert high-quality prospects , retain more customers and improve your offers more easily ...

To achieve effective targeting, consider using tools such as those currently offered on the Magileads . Using these tools, select your contacts according to the criteria of your choice (sector of activity, position, civility, etc.), send them personalized messages according to their behavior and their level of maturity and you will give yourself every chance on your side to convert them into good customers.

Increasing your commercial performance also requires using the right tools.

Know that today, various digital tools can help you improve your commercial performance . This is particularly the case for “sales automation” platforms. They are designed to allow you to save both time and efficiency.

As a reminder, thanks to a marketing automation platform, you will be able to automate some of your most time-consuming tasks . You will also be able to optimize many of your marketing actions.

Do you want to have automation tools that can help you work faster and more efficiently ? Go to the Magileads .

If you haven't heard of it yet, know that it is a French SAAS omnichannel customer acquisition and loyalty platform . It was specially designed to help businesses run effective omnichannel campaigns. The tool is also used to better generate engagement from their prospects, customers and partners. To do this, it notably offers a huge database including 20 million named BtoB contacts to its users. Updated daily, this can greatly facilitate the targeting strategy of companies .

Magileads also offers several automation tools . Automatically programming the sending of messages (e-mail, SMS, VMS, LinkedIn) is therefore possible. You can also create marketing scenarios or workflows. On this platform, you can therefore ensure that emails are sent automatically to your contacts. For example, after they have viewed the page of one of your products or subscribed to your newsletter... After launching your campaigns, you will also be able to evaluate your results using various other tools specially designed for this purpose. effect.

Of course, these are just some of the ways an automation platform like Magileads could help you improve your performance. To discover all the advantages you can benefit from using it, don't hesitate to try it.
