You have a company, and you want to win new customers? You will have to go through the prospecting stage. This is necessary to improve your turnover and sustain your business. However, as there are different techniques to conduct it, it will be necessary to take into account according to the context and the type of prospects targeted. Discover, through this article, the b. A.-BA of commercial prospecting!

Commercial prospecting: a hunt for new customers

Commercial prospecting is an approach that consists of looking for and finding new prospects . Commercial prospecting has two variants. One is adapted to B2C (“business to consumer”), where the sales force addresses individuals directly. The other, on the other hand, focuses on B2B (“business to business”), where salespeople go to meet company managers in order to sell their goods or services. In this case, the sales strategy adapts to the needs and possibilities of the prospect.

The end goal is to turn prospects into customers . To get there, you will have to go through these 4 steps:

  • The qualification of the “lead” (or prospect who has already provided his contact details): using a marketing campaign, a free trial, a promotional action, etc. ;
  • The identification of the “buyer persona”: that is to say the analysis of the habits and problems of your prospects, in order to personalize your speech;
  • Responsiveness: your marketing and sales team must contact the prospect as soon as possible;
  • Innovation: the need to be creative to stand out from your competitors.

It will therefore be necessary to put in place a very precise strategy in order to determine the concrete actions to be carried out.

The choice of your commercial prospecting strategy

Before implementing your strategy, you will first need to define your goal . Is it about finding new customers? Or retain those who already consume your products?

When it comes to targeting new customers, the most important thing is to identify the prospects who will need your offer. Then, group them according to predefined criteria. This is called segmentation . These criteria vary depending on your target. In B2C , they can take into account age, professional situation and purchasing power. But in B2B, it can concern the size of the company, the sector of activity, etc. The common criterion remains the geographical location.

After making this list, start contacting your target , using one of the techniques at your disposal. The messages you will convey must be precise and clear. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to call on specialized agencies !

If, on the other hand, you are looking to sustain current customers , the most important thing is to retain them and then create an additional sale . This is called existing portfolio tracking. In the context of loyalty , the priority is to have a good relationship with the customer. Your client must feel that you are available for him and that you accompany him. Loyalty rewards, personalizing offers, creating a sense of belonging, etc. are tactics you can use. To ensure loyalty , flexibility and performance must work together. As for the additional sale , it requires time, because the offer must be personalized. To develop this offer, it will be necessary to analyze the purchases of your customers.

Don't forget to keep a dashboard to see the relevance of your strategy, and modify it if necessary.

Technical sales prospecting

Telephone prospecting or teleprospecting

The goal is to sell a product over the phone and/or make an appointment with the customer. These phone calls are usually made from offshore call centers on the basis of qualified files. Unfortunately, telemarketing is often labeled intrusive by the public.


It is a form of direct prospecting. The sales representative contacts the customer at home, at his place of work or at any other place that is not intended for marketing. We also talk about door-to-door. The problem is that this alternative is subject to the provisions of the Hamon law. The customer has 14 days to withdraw after the sale.

Direct marketing

This is quite broad because this technique includes advertising communication , which can trigger direct action. Mail, fax, telephone, digital marketing (email, commercial link, advertising banner, social networks, etc.) are part of its channels.

Attendance at fairs and exhibitions

These are commercial events that bring together several participants . The goal is to bring companies together in one place . They then come to expose their goods and services to an informed public. They can be regional, national or international in scope. The show often brings together exhibitors belonging to the same sector of activity . When a trade show is said to be specialized, it is aimed at a professional audience. The fair, on the other hand, brings together diversified sectors and is aimed at the general public. The fair often has a festive dimension. These shows and fairs ensure good visibility with customers, but are also an opportunity to see your competitors , prove your professionalism , expand your network of contacts and consolidate your experience .

When prospecting commercially , it will not be a question of using these techniques wrongly and through. You will decide, according to your target , which ones are the most optimal. It will then be necessary to facilitate the purchase process in order to satisfy your customer . Indeed, a satisfied customer will be more likely to recommend your business . On the other hand, a bad buzz will be harmful to your entire business. Indeed, as a marketing quote says: “A satisfied customer talks to 2; A dissatisfied customer tells 10.”


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