GDPR Eprivacy Compliance

How does Magileads comply with GDPR standards?

Our database is available in France on its server. OVH .

Abbiamo diversi siti web partner dai quali raccogliamo dati opt-in.

Our activity is indicated by the CNIL: DEPOSIT N°1982723
To contact our DPO:

All we have to do is contact the revised version and you may find it in our database.

Do not hold any sensitive data that consents to the identification of a physical person (medical data, identity number, personal information, etc.).

A document of the sins of theSNCD, the professional organization that represents the current marketing industry : (General regulation on data protection).


  • Only by B2B data, there is no preventive consent as established by the CNIL under the e-Privacy Policy, which is accepted by French legislation.
  • Magileads complies with the obligation to insert a link to register in our customer's campaign, to inform you of the current information in our possession, of the origin of the collection and of the cancellation of the information in our possession.
  • It is also possible to exclude the e-mail, it dominates, it SIRET/SIREN… dell'azienda per non cercarli further. This function is also available to our customers.

Mano che procediamo, dopo aver strutturato la filo del prospecto, lo contattiamo y lo informiamo della nostra attività di email marketing via email.

Any customer has the possibility to complete the cancellation of their data in the database.
However, you may not contact us further.

Customers can cancel their list with just one click.

GDPR is not required to allow you to do so, but you will be notified only if you contact us.

Therefore, when a customer imports his file for business, you must certify that your information is valid for your customer's approval.

At the moment of cancellation of the registration, the potential customer can cancel the registration of the communication of the customer (your communication) of all my customers of Magileads on its form.


You can personalize the cancellation link and set the test to your owner's account.

If the message does not contain a link to cancel the registration, do not automatically activate it with a neutral test like For favor, do not request new: cancel the registration”.


Neutro message

In compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you can cancel your registration by email and request the email to be canceled by clicking on the following link: Cancellation of your registration

Message to exclude liability for service

The following information is offered, the contact database is provided for Magileads services.
I am aware of the GDPR and have the possibility of canceling the registration by email and requesting the cancellation of the data clicked on the next link: Cancellation of the registration

Magileads allows you to benefit from B2B offers. At this moment, it is possible to add information to our B2B database by clicking on the next link: Cancel the registration

This commercial offer is invited by Magileads and can be accessed at any time in our B2B database by clicking on the following link: Cancellation of the subscription.

Later information

I have personal data inserted into our database (name, name, title, location, email address, NAF code, professional telephone number) for my Magileads and for our services for customer service and database upgrades. .

This database comes from telemarketing operations or from information collected by a specialized company.

are specialized specialists.

This work is necessary for those interested in continuing with the Magileads company. This database is necessary for the commercial activity of the business, and therefore it is not possible to contact my customers in the future in contact with the anticipated prospect of the Magileads solution. This transaction is necessary but also for legitimate customer interests.

perché provides a relevant and efficient instrument for prospering.

I have been stored for a period of 1 year.

Contact your Magileads data protection officer:

Cookie management

Cookie management is responsible for
deliberation n. 2019-093 del 4 luglio 2019
(CNIL N°1920776Z).
Articolo che adotta linee guida sull'applicazione dell'articolo 82 della legge modificata del 6 gennaio 1978 alle operazioni di lettura o scrittura surul terminale dell'utente (in particolare cookie e altri traccianti) (rettifica di JORF n°0166 of 19 August 2019), che non richiede il consento preventivo in quantio non condividiamo dati personali ma solo a finite statistici.


Domanda : What if I implemented preventive consent (opt-in or double opt-in)?

Risposta: The RGPD does not contain preventive consent for B2B canvassing, as indicated in the article found on the CNIL website: Commercial canvassing by e-mail.
This preventive consent is not obligatory for the collection of information, but it is a good practice.
The content of this text is in its original version and is subject to one of the following conditions, as indicated in article 6 of the GDPR: the CNIL and the European Regulation on data protection.

One of these conditions is that “the work is necessary and I have finished it if you are interested in continuing to be responsible for the work”.
del trattamento”. In the case of Magileads, this legitimate interest is justified by our interest.

Inform you systematically about new contacts with our database, which you receive from our customers and partners.

Domanda: How does your fascinator cost?

Risposte: Our database is composed of information collected on the web in Open-data and legal information originating from INSEE, Infogreffe, Bodacc, Legi France, RNCS, from the public part of professional and social networks…, che aggreghiamo and strutturiamo atraverso i our intelligent algorithms.

our customers testify

Our customer testimonials


prospective contact in media al mese.


increase the number of your appuntamenti medio.


at this time it will be added to the sales on the current basis.


The commercial product is active in the media.