The following copywriting techniques come from the expert in Copywriting Bond Halbert and his book "The Halbert Copywriting Method Part III" . These 5 proven methods will improve your persuasion power.
1. Make text easy to read
One of the objectives of Copywriting is to encourage your prospects to read each word of your ad, e-mail or message on social media. However, if you write an email of 500 words divided into two major paragraphs with little or no formatting, it becomes difficult to read . And if so, most people will not read it.
The author refers to a concept he calls "providing relief for the eyes" . For him, "without that, you will lose all those who have no knock" . Make sure that the text is exciting and easy to look at rather than something boring and long.
The reader must not think he is reading. The idea is to ensure that it is so captivated by your content that it does not realize what it does that when it has already won the phone to call you.
2. Write as if your prospect is in a hurry to go
Everyone is busy and in a hurry. Therefore, according to Bond, "once readers think they know everything they need to know, they start looking for a good place to stop reading" or listening.
This is the reason why the author recommends writing (or speaking) as if your reader needed to pee . This will help you eliminate all the fadas that will not maintain your prospect's interest or distract it from your message.
“Each word must deserve its place. »»
3. Surge your content
Do not make too long paragraphs, complicated sentences or too heavy words. Instead of using words as "advantageous", for example, use simpler words as "useful ". As soon as you use a word that someone does not understand or that is difficult to read, it may zap your content.
You must also ensure that your text is exciting and full of enthusiasm .
“Give readers the same level of emphasis in the print as when you talk to them. »»
This energy will be transferred to the reader and will influence it towards the objective of your message . Maintain enthusiasm by ensuring that your paragraphs are short. Long paragraphs tend to take more time to bring value. The more time it takes to deliver your message, the less people will react .
4. Give the fear of not knowing
As soon as the reader receives a file, he starts looking for a place to stop reading or listening . In the words of the author, "they will continue to read if they think that there could be future information that will make their lives better. »»
In copywriting, it is important to make sure that the prospect never has the opportunity to withdraw from the conversation . He must have the impression that he cannot stop reading or paying attention, for fear of missing something that will be beneficial to him.
“Never give them the opportunity to feel safe if they stop reading. »»
For example, mention the advantages of listening or reading more , before revealing what you offer them. There will thus be more likely that your prospect is hung until the end .
5. Show empathy
You have to understand what your prospects want the most and why in order to persuade it. According to the expert, "big copywriters understand people" . Effective editors and prospectors are those who know what attracts and rejects prospects . It will therefore be necessary to choose the words,
For example, the words "teach" and "learning" look like work. These are words that people secretly hate. The common one does not want to read something that you have to teach it. These words may seem little appetizing and losing the interest of prospects .
“We, humans, prefer simple tasks to learn professional techniques and we prefer to have a quick solution than an attack plan. »»
Engage your prospect with attractive content rather than postponing it with an apparently difficult process. For example, the formula "Let me give you a secret ..." is preferable to "I will teach you how ..." .
"You want the reader to be so caught in reading that he forgets everything that is going on around him. »»
Now that you know what a persuasive content is and you know six new ways to immediately increase your results, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and put these tips to the test! You will be satisfied with your results.
With Magileads, you will have the opportunity to put all these good copywriting practices in action through your BtoB prospecting campaigns.