In a company, whatever its activity, customer data is of paramount importance. Nowadays, these files are computerized. Indeed, they are included in commercial management software , or even in quote-invoicing software . Thanks to these files, the company will be able to increase their turnover , because it is an excellent marketing lever . Creating an effective customer file is therefore necessary to successfully carry out the organization's commercial strategy.

What is a customer file?

The customer file is a list of characteristic information about a prospect or customer. It contains their contact details , their orders , and even messages exchanged on social networks. This is a valuable document for a company, because it allows you to know how to act towards the customer/prospect .

What are the advantages of having a customer file?

The customer file can be of great help to business owners for the following reasons.

Win time

Customer data is grouped in one place. It thus becomes easier to find information on a particular customer. The same goes for contact details updates .

Analyze the customer base

Customers' consumption habits are recorded in the file. You will then be able to position yourself in relation to the strategy that you will use to convince him to buy a specific product.

Improve communication

Databases and information useful for mailings can be exported without difficulty. This will make it easier for the company to personalize the emails to send to the customer.

Establish a good commercial strategy

Thanks to knowledge of the customer's needs, their budget and their usual purchases, the company will be able to provide them with relevant offers. The company can use basic software like Microsoft Excel and list complete customer information Some dedicated programs are also interesting, but they often require a certain amount of time to get started.

However, regular updating must be done so as not to be mistaken about current customer needs. Furthermore, by combining the management of customer files customer relations activities (invitations, gift certificates, etc.), you will artificially retain your customers.

What does a customer file contain?

The data to put in the customer file depends on the sector of activity of the company. However, it is essential that the files contain following basic data

  • type (customer or prospect),
  • first and last name,
  • gender (male/female),
  • address
  • date of birth,
  • date of contact,
  • phone,
  • E-mail,
  • website,
  • origin of the contact (source),
  • turnover achieved,
  • Order history,
  • contact history,
  • loyalty card: number of products consumed,
  • commercial actions to be carried out,
  • dates of telephone interviews
  • desired project,
  • budget,
  • other remarks.

In any case, you must be very clear and precise when entering the information .

How to collect information to put in the customer file?

Information is collected when a new customer makes a purchase . The customer can also provide their contact details when preparing a quote or order form . In addition, it is possible that he provides them during sales meetings or gives them directly to the company.

Concerning data on prospects, the collection can be done by setting up games or competitions for example. Or the company can create an online form or invite them to design a loyalty card .

How to create an Excel customer file?

Creating a customer file tidy and complete information The company must then know how to consider 5 essential points.

1. Gather existing data

First of all, you must gather all the data contained in the customer contact book , in the activity calendar or in an invoicing file . Then, we must put them in an Excel file . The latter contains different tabs which allow you to gather all the information in the same file.

2. Set customer purchase frequency

The company must determine the purchasing frequency of its customer/prospect to analyze quotes and their conversion into contracts . Managers then need to know whether the customer buys something per month, per year, or per day. If you buy 2 to 3 times a month, you should choose file analysis If it is rarely monthly, quarterly analysis is most recommended.

3. Compile the data and fill the file.

In an Excel file, the company can gather its data by doing the following:

  • List customers.
  • Fill in and copy their characteristics : for an individual, the necessary contact details are the email , postal address, profession, age, etc. While for businesses, the information to remember is emails, addresses, telephone number, Turnover and number of employees.
  • Complete customer purchase history for the last 3 years. For each period, you must note the number of purchases and its total amount.

4. Analyze the data

Using automated functions in Excel, the company can easily identify:

  • The number of active customers : total or periodic.
  • The identity of the customer : their seniority, their loyalty, the regularity of their purchases. Thanks to this data, the company will be able to determine the most important customers, according to their weight (evaluated according to their turnover).
  • The customer's purchasing frequency : their average basket, the age of their last purchase, etc.
  • The seasonality of the company's activity : the months when there is the most work, its evolution over the year, etc.

5. Target the actions to be taken

The customer file can help the company easily identify customers who meet the criteria considered important. Once the file is in place, the company must take certain actions to contact :

  • its former customers who have become inactive to try to bring them back ,
  • its customers who have less loaded baskets to try to introduce them to new products and services ,
  • its loyal customers to invite them to sponsor other people by giving them a discovery offer.

Keeping the file up to date and analyzing it regularly requires great discipline. However, it must be kept in mind that it is a source of income and added value for a company , and should therefore not be neglected. The in-depth analysis and updating must be done at least every year.
