Magileads is the first French SAAS omnichannel customer acquisition and loyalty platform, integrating all the data and tools enabling omnichannel campaigns to generate engagement among prospects, customers and partners.

The specifics of its platform? It includes all the tools dedicated to:

  • Omnichannel prospecting;
  • Digital communication;
  • PRM ( prospect relationship management or customer relationship management).

Concretely, Magileads has a database updated daily including 20 million named B to B contacts. You can use it to facilitate your targeting strategy. To do this, select your contacts based on certain criteria (sector of activity, position, civility, etc.). You will be able to send them messages on several channels (Linkedin, e-mail, SMS, VMS, retargeting ads, etc.).

Subsequently, you will have a socio-professional data analysis tool to identify your typical persona and measure the interest that your interlocutors give to your offer. You will be able to increase your interactions with them in order to retain them over the long term.

Magileads: a support tool for lead generation (prospecting and retention)

Before using the Magileads , it is important to review some semantic notions. This will allow you to better understand the benefits of this tool. In fact, many people still confuse the concepts of customers, prospects and leads. This is completely normal, since their meaning is very close.

In short, these are three individuals at different levels in the purchasing process. And there is even a fourth: the suspects.

  1. The suspect is a target individual who has not yet expressed interest in the offer.
  2. The lead has already expressed interest in the offer, but does not yet intend to purchase. 
  3. The prospect is in the evaluation phase and potentially already intends to buy.
  4. The customer has already consumed the offer and requires loyalty.

Magileads' objective is to generate leads and also to support salespeople in finding new customers thanks to its Demand Generation platform.

How to use the Magileads platform?

(Software as a Service) platform . This means that the user has a dedicated account, accessible via an identifier (using an email address) and a password. The account in question is therefore secure.

The platform has 4 main tabs, which will give you access to all the levers of digital marketing.

  • Contacts: this is the database of 20,000,000 B to B contacts. This is updated daily by Magileads enrichment algorithms. Therefore, all you have to do is go to this tab and carry out targeting according to the available criteria.
  • Multichannel campaigns: this is a tool that allows you to create an omnichannel campaign (e-mail, SMS, VMS, LinkedIn, Ads, etc.). You can opt for a one-shot . In this case, you will send unique content to all your contacts. But it is also possible to personalize the message if you wish. In this context, marketing automation makes it possible to automatically schedule sendings and reminders.
  • Statistics: this tab gives you the results of your campaign. Among the information available, you will know in particular how many times and by whom your sent messages have been opened and who visits your website or downloads your attached documents.
  • PRM: This feature allows you to isolate people who have been receptive to your messages. You will then be able to manage your next communication campaigns in a personalized way. The idea here is to turn your leads into prospects and ultimately become loyal customers.

“Contacts”: carry out your targeting with a solid database

Targeting is an important step in a marketing campaign. This allows us to select only individuals whose profile matches our target. Without targeting, your marketing and sales departments would waste valuable time. Indeed, it is in every way counterproductive to contact everyone. It is necessary to focus your efforts on the individuals most likely to consume your offer.

With Magileads, the targeting process is dematerialized. By entering the “Contacts” tab, you will have a fairly generic form in front of you.

This asks you to enter 2 pieces of information:

  • the function(s) of the B to B contacts,
  • their workplace.

At the function level, you can target specific positions, such as “human resources director” or “HR director”. But it is also possible to opt for a broader term, such as “purchasing”. In the second case, you will then be redirected to all the people whose function is linked to “purchasing”.

Once the function and place of work have been entered, you can launch the “count” or search. The system will directly display how many profiles match your 2 criteria.

After these first results, you will have access to an advanced search function on the Magileads platform. In particular, it allows you to reduce the proposals based on criteria, such as:

  • NAF codes;
  • The area of ​​the activity ;
  • The turnover of the company;
  • The number of company personnel;
  • Civility (Sir or Madam);
  • Centers of interest;
  • Additional information about the company.

Magileads' goal is to make your targeting as precise as possible. This will prevent you from wasting your time with individuals who show little interest in your offer and thus personalize your messages.

After completing your targeting, you will have the files of individuals with the right profiles. You can browse each sheet if you wish. It will be available in the “My lists” section of the same tab.

Moreover, in your lists, you will find all your old backups. If necessary, you can consult them and even modify them, by changing your search criteria. And if you want, you have the option to import your own contact list.

“E-mailing”: prepare your omnichannel communication campaign

E-mailing is the heart of operations during a digital communication campaign. It makes it possible to establish a first contact with the target. It is therefore crucial that the message is carefully crafted. In addition to formal details, it is important to rely on marketing automation in this context. Indeed, if you want to write to certain people, you must choose the right time slots, the right sending frequency and personalize the content of the message as little as possible.

But beware ! Despite the relevance of e-mailing, you must also use other communication channels to target your audience. It is, for example, possible to schedule SMS, VMS, messages on LinkedIn, etc.

In an omnichannel campaign, you combine the reach of each channel. Indeed, you should know that individuals act differently depending on the platform used.

In this tab you can first create a new campaign. To do this, you will need to enter some information:

  • The name of the campaign: not visible to contacts
  • The purpose of the campaign
  • The name of the sender
  • The return address: to which the responses of the interlocutors will be sent
  • The sender's address

The choice of information visible to recipients must be impactful. We must not forget that in the case of the first message, this will be the only chance to make a good impression on the recipients.

“The first impression is often the last. 

Create communication campaigns

For the content itself, you have 3 possibilities in the “My campaigns” tab:

  • Use a pre-designed model in the Magileads database;
  • Use a model already saved previously;
  • Import a message from computer memory or a URL.

NB: The content entry area uses HTML language. However, you already have tools that make it easier for you to use. Knowledge of HTML is therefore not a prerequisite for using the Magileads platform.

Among the options available, you can:

  • Add the title and name of the recipients;
  • Add image files (like your logo), with a customizable size;
  • Include a download link (of a document, for example);
  • Insert your signature.

Once again, the objective here is to personalize the message as little as possible, while minimizing the time spent on it. This is the system that will take care of the sending according to your programming.

In this first section, you can send a one-shot to all the selected contacts. But if that's not your goal, then you can just register the said campaign.

Among the personalization options available, you can notably insert a large number of variables to make your message unique:

  • Add the civility variable 
  • Integrate the function variable
  • Put the variable of the sector of activity
  • And insert the geographic area variable (city, region, etc.)
  • … 

Use dynamic ABM

ABM (account based marketing) is a powerful acquisition strategy.
This strategic account marketing focuses on prospects with high conversion potential and ensures you are sure to reach your core target. You focus on a limited number of high-potential customers. Thanks to identification techniques, you concentrate your efforts on your core target. Instead of canvassing all of your potential customers.

  • Identify the companies and know who you want to target (specific accounts)
  • Engage: create personalized content and campaigns by function in the company
  • Message testing: allows you to test several different sentences on a function in the company
  • Prospect engagement: Once you find a gateway to communicate with a contact from these accounts, maintain the relationship with the contact in order to gain traction and their trust.

Set up scenarios

You should know that after sending your campaigns, the recipients' reactions will be different. Some will open your message. Others will even take the time to respond. There are even some who will download your documents and, why not, subscribe to the newsletters. This is where storylines are very important. From there, you can schedule reminders according to everyone's reactions.

To get started, you can:

  • Either create a new campaign 
  • Either modify the sending parameters of your pre-recorded campaigns

In any case, you can still edit your message in the same way as before. However, you will have access to additional functions, apart from programming.

First, you can limit the number of messages to send per day or across the entire database. Then you can create an exclusion list. It's actually about deselecting certain addresses to which you don't want to send content. This can include suppliers, partners and especially competitors.

What is the AB testing module?

Finally, there is an AB testing module. The latter is useful when you want to test different objects for your message. You can choose 3 which will then be tested on 10% of your contact base over a period of 24 hours. Once you know which one worked best, you can focus on that one. This will put all the chances on your side during commercial prospecting.

In terms of reminders, you can program them specifically for each action of your recipients. For example, if people have opened a link, you can schedule a reminder X days after this action. And in the same way as before, you will have to edit a new message.

NB: It is always possible to make reminders when you deem it necessary, even if it does not conform to the scenarios. Also, the scenarios can be modified at any time.

Discover Magileads in video »

“Statistics”: evaluate the results of your campaigns

After launching your campaign, you will have several reactions from your recipients. These reactions will be collected in the form of statistical data. Above all, the Magileads platform will give you overall results in relation to messages:

  • the number of openings,
  • that of clicks,
  • and that of answers.

However, it is possible to go even further, starting with the reporting function. You will know how many people just opened your message, how many clicked, how many downloaded your document, etc.

It will even be possible to see statistics based on:

  • the number of openings per hour;
  • that of clicks per hour;
  • socio-professional statistics of recipient profiles (functions, company size, sector of activity, location, etc.).

Score your prospects accurately

Subsequently, there is a scoring function. Concretely, you can assign a score to each reaction. For example: a score of 50 for message openers, 10 for clickers, 20 for downloaders, etc. This function also allows you to program alerts based on reactions and scores and automate reminders based on scoring. This will serve as a checkpoint each time you reach an important step.

“PRM”: manage your customers efficiently

In this tab, you will have access to a report of everything that happened during your campaign. The reporting is displayed in the form of a list of contacts, classified according to their score. You will see all the information concerning them as well as the last action taken in relation to your campaign.

By opening a file, you can, among other things:

  • Create a memo,
  • Follow up on what has been done, what has not been done and the next steps,
  • Schedule a reminder so you don't forget to contact the person.

Magileads also allows you to export this PRM database. This way, you will be able to access it whatever the tool (SFA, CRM, Excel, etc.).

“Tools”: access additional practical tools

In this last tab, you will access practical functions, such as:

  • creation of exclusion lists;
  • design of contact forms;
  • implementation of landig page / Funnel in order to design a mini site specific to your prospecting;
  • customization by object, which allows you to insert a variable into an image;
  • tracking: which allows you to follow the behavior of prospects sent to web pages.

Magileads: in summary

With its new tool for generating qualified leads, Magileads wants to democratize access to prospecting methods . This is above all possible thanks to its solid database encompassing 20,000,000 contacts from which you can choose.

Targeting is extremely easy here. Not only is the base qualified, but the available filters are infinitely precise. You will simply need to clearly define your target in advance, and the system will take care of presenting you with the suitable profiles.

You can then move to the creation of your omnichannel campaigns (email, Linkedinn, SMS, ADS,…). Here, it's not just about creating generic messages. Indeed, it is possible to personalize the content a little bit. Admittedly, the system uses HTML language for this. But the interface has been arranged so that you can design your messages with ease. At this level, you will already be able to program reminders on the right channels according to the action of your target.

Precise monitoring of your campaign

After launching your campaign, you will have access to an advanced statistical analysis function. You won't just see overall numbers. It will be possible to push the analysis further, based on pre-established targeting criteria. Scores can even be assigned to contacts, always based on their actions.

You can then follow up on your most relevant contacts in the PRM . You will have, among other things, the possibility of noting what has been done and program reminders to regain contact with your recipients.
