A company needs to determine the typical profiles of people most likely to buy its products and services. Successful targeting will increase market share .
Brands are therefore constantly looking for new strategies to refine their targeting. They aim to develop a targeting technique adapted to each of their marketing objectives. In this article, you will discover some effective targeting techniques that will save you time .
Here are the different types of targeting
Contextual targeting
Contextual targeting allows you to gain deposit with ads targeted by topic or theme . The purpose of this advertising, backed by editorial content , is to highlight the link between the product and your brand's identity or values .
Socio-demographic targeting
This type of targeting differs from contextual targeting in that the audience analysis is based on the socio-demographic data of the customers. Advertisers use age or gender criteria to determine the profile of their target customers and avoid any loss of audience .
Geographic targeting
Geographic targeting is probably the most cost-effective method . It allows advertisers to study only a small group of individuals . This type of targeting, known as geolocation, will allow the advertiser to address only prospects located in a specific region or city . It is a way to avoid wasting advertising resources on areas not covered by their offers.
Time targeting
Time-based targeting allows companies to promote their products and services at a specific time . This targeting technique allows them to know the right time to advertise. The timeliness of advertising actions depends on the customer's buying cycle or login pattern . In short, advertisers will try to identify the time slots or days when their advertising messages will be most effective.
Behavioral targeting
Behavioral targeting is a marketing segmentation technique specific to Internet media . It allows advertisers to tailor their messages based on the behavior and interests of Internet users. E-commerce sites will use scores to qualify the behavior of their visitors and segment their prospects.
Choose Magileads to target your prospects
In a context where competition between companies is increasingly strong , the acquisition of new customers becomes a major challenge. Your marketing department will be able to efficiently establish an acquisition strategy based on relevant targeting thanks to Magileads . You can easily target your prospects on different channels.
It is a powerful marketing tool that will allow you to enrich your database , to animate your advertising campaigns or to establish a customer scoring agreement to the type of targeting you have chosen. The Platform Presents these Targeted Prospects in the Form of A List Enriched With Various Information. You can use Your Own Base or a BtoB Base Provided by Magileads to Launch Your Acquisition Campaign .
You are now able to recognize the different types of targeting. Beware! This list is not exhaustive. Other techniques such as retargeting or remarketing are widely used. Generally, the choice of targeting method depends on the business objectives of the company.