Faced with the evolution of technology and the challenges that accompany it, companies have gradually accelerated their transition to digital . This revolution has caused an upheaval within the organization at all levels. Whether at the level of business or at the level of buyers, working methods are evolving significantly with digital.

The change has effectively impacted the management of the company and its commercial organization . From now on, digitalization focuses mainly on operations such as customer relations. A new way of communicating is implemented to increase the quality and frequency of interactions between employees of the same company.

At the level of the management of the organization

The digitalization of the company is not only a technological transformation, but also a mutation that takes place on its main actor: the human. In this perspective, the manager is the main vector of the process to encourage and value the role of each.

A new manager model

According to a study conducted by Kurt Salmon in 2015 on “the impact of digital on management methods”, the transformation of the managerial model is moving towards collaborative management. Indeed, 62% of respondents believe that there is more collaboration and information sharing, and 26% that there is more participatory management. These figures reveal that the power of the manager is based on his ability to interconnect employees and departments with each other, as well as to synthesize information to extract the essentials. In this context, sharing and transparency are prioritized by the manager 2.0.

A new role for the manager

By facilitating the flow of information, the manager empowers all his employees. He thus becomes a facilitator, who coordinates his team to fulfill the company's objectives. It makes everyone's skills interact to create value and incidentally grow the community. This situation promotes employee engagement.

Horizontal power

Power thus increasingly takes the form of a horizontal authority that identifies skills in order to organize and enhance them. The traditionally vertical organization is broken by digital.

A wide variety of tools

The manager is spoilt for choice as to the tools he selects to send the right message to the right employee and interact with them. Several examples of tools are available depending on the context of your company such as social networks and collaborative platforms .

Thanks to these new tools, management takes on a new dimension. Distance is no longer an obstacle whether it is teleworking or traveling. During the lockdown period, these tools were in high demand. Companies that have acquired digital maturity have greatly reduced the impact of the health crisis on their finances.

The tools contribute greatly in the management of projects within the company. They promote workflows and detailed planning of tasks to be accomplished. The establishment of quantifiable indicators makes it possible to evaluate dysfunctions and initiate corrective actions.

At the level of the sales organization

The consumer's purchasing habit is profoundly changed by digitalization . To stay connected, companies are accelerating the digitalization of their sales and marketing departments. Indeed, the consumer almost systematically inquires on the Internet before buying. And the sales representative is now positioning himself as an accompanist, bringing added value at each stage of the sales cycle.

More informed consumers

The accessibility of information has pushed consumers to a form of requirement, and organizations to be more efficient and competitive. The Internet can therefore be a positive pressure. Digitalization facilitates the work of the salesperson, because 60% of the purchase journey is carried out solo online by the consumer.

A satisfying customer experience

A smooth customer experience is one of the basic criteria in the choices of prospects. This includes : after-sales conditions; product accessibility; the convenience of the ordering, payment, and delivery process; but also and above all the optimized customer journey. A prospect frustrated by an average user journey is harder to convert. As a result, marketing teams must bet on intuitive navigation , easy-to-identify CTAs, fast loading time, updated information, etc.

Optimal digital visibility

This visibility is central when it comes to digitalization. Your website should appear on the first page of search engines . This fact can be achieved by equipping yourself with the right tools. In particular, by creating relevant content that appeals to both Internet users and search engines. Your visibility is improved by listing your brand on Google My Business ; using links, etc. If your site meets all the criteria, prospects are guaranteed to reach your salespeople.

A team on the lookout for the latest technologies

Consumers buy differently. As a result, brands sell differently and need to adapt. Using means whose ergonomics is not advantageous is counterproductive . In this case, training for employees is a wise decision . Increasing their skills makes them more efficient and more present with customers.

Digital solutions bring mobility and time savings to your sales team. The use of high-performance sales software is a prerequisite for following market developments. Each service must adopt dedicated software. This software increases your sales force and improves the working conditions of your teams.

With this sales software , Sales Managers can track the performance of their teams through comprehensive dashboards.

Digital has impacted the habits of individuals, but especially those of companies . More and more organizations are taking the path of digitalization to meet consumer expectations. In addition to visibility, digitalization brings considerable benefits to companies: the dematerialization of various processes, the improvement of communication, the automation of tasks, etc.

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