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Magileads is a software in SaaS mode to help with digital prospecting
which brings together the three pillars of digital prospecting under the same tool

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Access the largest nominative database of
business managers and directors. With qualified and nominative email addresses

Automated marketing: Putting the salesperson back at the center of their prospecting

Automate your prospecting and engage qualified business opportunities

Our goal at Magileads is to help you carry out the first cold prospecting by sending sequences of text emails as you usually do with your customers (''1 to 1'').

A prospect reacts much less to a graphic advertisement (Template).
A personalized customer relationship allows for better engagement from your prospect.

The principle is simple: Create textual and personalized scenarios

  • Send a first email where you ask him a question about his problem
  • Send a second reminder email to find out if they received your first email and get a response
  • Send a third, almost identical email with the possibility of obtaining an APPOINTMENT from the prospect
  • Send nurturing emails to assert your presence and elevate them to the rank of customer (nurturing)


If you're having trouble finding new B2B customers , it's time to rethink your acquisition strategy .
When customers don't come to you on their own, there is only one way to find them:

You have to go to them to prospect them.

One of these best methods remains cold canvassing by email (cold emailing).

  • It's a huge time saver: You can contact dozens of prospects simultaneously. So, you don't waste your time interacting with people who are not interested in your services.
  • It costs quite little: Apart from a Magileads subscription to increase your results tenfold, you will have nothing else to spend.
  • This is the least intrusive prospecting method: An email is always less disturbing than a phone call or an impromptu visit.
  • There is nothing more powerful: Once you have automated your prospecting, your emails and follow-up messages send themselves. So you can focus on what really matters, your customers.

Best practices for your emails

  • Be short and concise
  • Avoid images
  • Request an action by email
  • Highlight your links or buttons
  • Always keep your promise
  • Avoid words that trigger spam (spam-word)
Once again, do not hesitate to make several reminders .
Contrary to popular belief, just because a prospect doesn't respond doesn't mean they're not interested. He may be busy, distracted, etc., hence the importance of persevering. Tell yourself one thing: as long as we haven't answered you, we haven't said no to you.


Here are some tips from Magileads for writing a good prospecting email :

Content must be short and targeted : To have a chance of being read, your message must not be too long. It must include the following three elements:

  • Introduction, in the form of a question
  • Specific value proposition
  •   Clear call to action

Request an action by email

Keep it simple, concise, and to the point, offering only one main call to action per email.
Example : An appointment request, a video, a PDF

Avoid words or actions that trigger spam

Spam words are words monitored by email providers to determine if an email is spam

  • Avoid images and prefer an image in your signature and/or a banner
  • Do not put the subject in ALL CAPS and do not write in ALL CAPS
  • Moderate the frequency of your emails, which is the time between the 1st and the reminder messages
  • Avoid spam words : keywords that trigger alerts
    Example : Free, Buy, Reimbursed, No cost, Congratulations, Win, etc.
  • Be brief: The person you are contacting does not know you.
    If you send her a huge block of text, she won't read you.
    Ideally, your email should be no more than 150 words or 3-7 lines maximum
  • Don't talk about yourself: No need to list everything you can or know how to do.
    Instead, talk to your prospect about their needs. (And the solution you propose.)
  • Don't try to sell: The goal of your email is to get a qualified meeting, not to sell directly on the first email
  • Don't write a marketing email: A good prospecting email should not look like a sales message.
    Your first email should simply connect you with your prospect. (Always avoid elaborate layouts.
    Simply write in black on a white background, as you would if you were writing to a friend.)
Always monitor your statistics. Once your campaign is launched, you may need to make adjustments if the results are not good enough.

Use your Personas!

To write a persuasive message, I recommend having your Persona in mind.
Pretend the message is addressed to him. It might not seem like much, but it will help humanize your message.

Also keep in mind that your messages must be personalized, despite the fact that we will automate their sending. When writing, be sure to leave fields free for personalization . (And make sure your message remains consistent, no matter what you say in the fields.)


For all of our clients' scenarios, we have observed that there are 3 to 4 times more responses to the follow-up of the first email. A reply email is the fact that the prospect takes the time to respond personally to your message

Statistically, there are 10% of business opportunities based on prospect responses.
Which allows you to calculate your ROI

Our tools allow you to automate your process . Once you have written your emails, all you need to do is set up a scenario like:

  • Day 1: Sending email no. 1 – Making contact
  • D+5: If no response to the previous message, send email no. 2 – Follow-up
  • D+9: If no response to the previous message, send email no. 3 – Follow-up
  • D+14: If no response to the previous message, send email no. 4 – Follow-up or nurturing
  • D+30: If no response to the previous message, send email n°5 – Nurturing
  • D+30: If no response to the previous message, send email n°6 – Nurturing
  •  Etc. …

Depending on the target you are aiming for, do not hesitate to try 4 to 9 raises .

I recommend that you test your sequence with one of your emails, just to make sure everything is set up correctly.

Lead nurturing campaigns

You want to sell a product or service to B2B customers, but you know that it can take time, from knowing the need to making the purchase. 

Even before they are ready to buy, continue to send relevant content to your prospects.
THE lead nurturing is one of the principles of inbound marketing. It helps you to qualify your leads, help them to move forward with their decision, increases their chance of convert And consolidates their relationship with your company.

If lead nurturing requires work upstream (research, strategy, and content creation), distribution is configured only once with our solution (scenario models)


The open rate largely depends on your subject

The subject must be 50 70 characters long to display it correctly

The subject of an email is displayed directly in the inbox. This allows recipients to decide whether they will open the email, take the time to read it and respond to it or not .

One of the big secrets to getting users to open your messages is to be creative with email subject lines, which is not easy to do.

The subject of an email initiates the encounter between the user and your email campaign .
If the topic is not interesting, the user will not open the message.
Typically, when a user opens their inbox, they subconsciously ask themselves this question: “Is this email worth reading?” »

The answer to this question depends on how creative you are.
Certainly other characteristics, such as the name of the sender, influence the user's decision, but the subject remains the most determining factor.

Therefore, you must make sure to find inventive objects.


The subject must be short

As a general rule, the shorter and more concise the topic, the more likely one is to open it.
It is said that the ideal number of characters is no more than 70, but only the first 20 characters make the difference. For the same reason, try to use simple and direct language.

Use emojis

Used sparingly, emojis make your emailing objects more visible, more attractive and above all more expressive.

The subject line should be the main call to action

If the email has a specific goal, why not state it up front?

The most important thing in an email is the call to action.
If you clearly explain your call to action right from the subject line, the user will be more likely to open the message, and you will be more likely to achieve your goal.

Example : Buy seasonal fruits. Our offer is the best.

Example : renew your subscription now.

Personalize the subject of the message

Personalizing the subject line using, for example, the user's name is a very useful strategy and a very good way to encourage the user to read the message. Some companies sometimes forget that they are writing to people and write schematic objects as if the recipient were a machine.

Example : François, this offer will delight you.

Formulate a question

Creating a subject line in the form of a question is a good tip to attract the attention of your recipient…

Examples: Are you the right person?

Examples: Should I contact you?

Include personalization

According to a report from Adestra, personalized items with the prospect's first or last name increase the chances of being opened by 22.2%.

Examples : Claude, you will love it

Examples : Sandra, a little advice?

Examples : Eric, could you help me?

Relaunch the subject discussed during the first exchange

If your potential customer asked you a specific question and you didn't know how to answer it at the time, the follow-up email is an opportunity to explore the question further...

Examples : I have the answer to your question

Examples : Additional information following our exchange

Examples : One last thing I forgot to tell you last time…

Deliver new information

Example : Here is the article we discussed during our last interview

Example : This is the data you were looking for

Send an email after several calls with no response from your prospect

Examples : I tried to contact you

Examples : I missed you again


Use numbers

All statistics show that using numbers in the subject line increases the opening rate. In fact, numbers help us remember what we read when we read headlines and they help users get a more precise idea of ​​the message.

Example : Take a trip to Italy for only 99 euros.

Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is a technique that never fails.
This strategy encourages the user to open the message immediately — it prevents them from putting off reading, which often means they may never open it.
Therefore, try to create a need to act in the moment from the moment he receives the message.

Example : Last day: enjoy a 20% discount on your entire order.

Talk about what others have already done or bought

We tend to operate in groups and that is why the attempts of others attract our attention. If you have data like this, use it in the title. If it's first-person data, these testimonials will increase the open rate exponentially.

Example : Find out how 96 out of 100 companies make a profit

Example : 3,000 people have already found a job thanks to our offers

Inform the reader what they will find in the email

Creating expectations about what the user might find is a good way to provoke a reaction. However, be careful not to create expectations that you cannot meet.

Example: Reminder for xxx

Example: Your digital training – recommended training

Example : List of tips for increasing your salary

Example : 5 places not to miss this spring

Choose a title that is included in the body of the email

A good technique for finding an effective subject line is to start the message in the title and link it to the rest of the message to complete it . An ellipsis is an appropriate method for an unfinished title. We find for example:

Example: A few days ago, I had the chance to… 

Example: The ideal getaway… 

Say what you are going to propose

Try to create expectations in the user about what they will find if they decide to open the message. However, always keep in mind that these expectations must be real; so never write something unrelated to the content of the message because it will irritate the user.

Example : Discover our last minute offers.

Take advantage of the novelty factor

Anything new attracts users. If you are able to announce something new, it is worth mentioning, in the subject line, what is new for the subscriber .

Example : The latest news from your friends on Pinterest
Example : Your daily Magileads summary

Say what other people have already done

The best guarantee for a business is its customers. If you have data from people who have used your services for profit, mention this in the subject of your message. This instills trust in the user and encourages them to open your message.

Example : 3,000 people have already found a job thanks to our offers.

Write a subject line that continues in the email

Another good strategy for finding creative objects is to start a sentence in the title to link it throughout the rest of the email. An ellipsis is a suitable resource for writing an unfinished title.

Example : the perfect getaway…

Present your brand

Although this method can be associated with other elements of the email, such as the sender, presenting your brand from the subject line is a good way to be recognized by the user . If they trust your brand, they will decide to read the message.

Example : Magileads: registration of a new user.

Offer a benefit

Another very useful tactic for the user to open the message is to present certain advantages or benefits to the user. For example, if you are running a special promotion, mention it in the subject line, as this will provide enough incentive to grab the recipient's attention.

Example : Online only offer: 25% off for your friends and family.

Take advantage of special dates

Special dates are moments not to be missed. Everything is to be considered: celebrations, vacations or birthdays for example. This will give you a human face that users will appreciate; they will be more likely to open your message.

Example : Happy birthday François! We have a gift for you.

Playing with users' imagination

Everyone is curious — it's a human trait you shouldn't overlook. Just tell someone not to do something and they will do it. Play with users' intelligence, arouse their curiosity and make them eager to open your message.

Example : Do not open this message.

Use the surprise factor

To encourage users to open your emails, surprise can also be your ally. Try to make them see that what you are going to offer them in this message is essential and very interesting .

Example : You won't believe what you find in this message.

View customer reviews

Show positive reviews from existing customers of your business. Users rely a lot on the opinions of customers who have already used what they are considering purchasing. In a way, this instills confidence in them and encourages them to open the email.

Example : Find out what our customers think about product X.

Show users that they are missing something

Another great way to create creative email subject lines and encourage users to open those emails is to show users what they're going to miss . This technique often works with people who have been inactive for a long time, for example; This is a good strategy for getting them back.

Example : You are losing points.

Provide quality data

If you have a study on user-relevant data, take advantage of it. Show that you are going to talk about useful and potentially very interesting information for the recipient.

Example : Discover the best sellers of the year.

Find a “helper” object

If your company is specialized, take advantage of its knowledge and help users by addressing their problems and needs. Very often, users search for solutions to their problems on the Internet. Address these people, clear their doubts.

Example : Things not to do if…

Try to generate traffic

If your goal is to increase traffic to your physical stores , email is a good way to achieve this goal.

Example : Come to our store with this message and you're a winner!

Suggest ideas

Another big fear of users, which we particularly feel as specific dates like Christmas or Mother's Day approach, is not knowing what to offer their loved ones. Reassure them by showing, from the subject, that you will support them in this task.

Example : 10 gifts with which you will hit the mark.

Create a sense of need

If there's anything users don't like, it's feeling left out and missing out on trends. Take advantage of this to come up with inventive email subject lines.

Example : You are the only person who hasn't seen this.

Avoid capital letters and special characters

Excessive use of capital letters, exclamation points, quotation marks or hyphens, for example, leads users to associate the email with spam, which they will not open. This is why it is necessary to exercise moderation and not abuse these resources, as it will be useless if the email lands in the “junk” folder.

Example : offer on Barcelona — Madrid flights.

Here are some techniques to follow to make your email subject lines inventive. Don't wait any longer and start using the ones you like the most. Your email marketing results will improve.

B2B emailing remains one of the essential marketing levers for any company operating in this market. Associating it with marketing automation, as we have seen through this document, will allow you to achieve your commercial objectives, optimize your ROI and develop relationships with your customers.