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If your LinkedIn import is not working, you can check these points:

  1. Go to or in “Senders” then “LinkedIn Accounts”
  • Verify that your account has been added or is still logged in
  • You must use the Chrome browser
  • If your account is no longer connected, you must refresh the connection cookie using the Chrome extension that you must install.

Check if your account is still activated

A LinkedIn account can become disconnected for several reasons:

  1. Prolonged inactivity : If you are inactive on your account for an extended period of time, LinkedIn may automatically log you out for security reasons.
  2. Changing Password : If you change your password, it will cause all active sessions on different devices to be logged out.
  3. Cross-device use : If you're signed in to LinkedIn on multiple devices, logging out on one device can sometimes affect others.
  4. Browser issues : Problems with your browser's cookies or cache can also cause frequent disconnections.
  5. Security updates : LinkedIn may make security updates that require a reconnection.
  6. Using third-party extensions or applications : Some browser extensions or third-party applications may interfere with your connection.

To reconnect or refresh the LinkedIn login cookie on Magileads, follow these steps:

  1. Sign out of LinkedIn : Make sure you are signed out of your LinkedIn account on all browsers and devices.
  2. Clear cookies : Go to your browser settings and clear cookies associated with LinkedIn. This may vary by browser, but generally you will find this option in the "Privacy" or "Site Data" section.
  3. Log in again on Magileads : Return to the Magileads platform and select the option to connect via LinkedIn.
  4. Authorize access : When the LinkedIn login window appears, enter your credentials and authorize Magileads to access your account.
  5. Verification : Once connected, verify that the synchronization is working correctly and that your data is up to date.

How to install the Magileads extension on Chrome

Chrome extension link

picture 9
Reconnecting a LinkedIn account 2
  • Launch Chrome browser
  • Open and log in to your LinkedIn account
  • Open and log in to your Magileads application account
  • Install the Magileads extension
  • Click on the Magileads extension
  • Select your account in the Magileads extension (Without doing any other manipulations)

Video procedure on your Magileads account