digital marketing

of a company relies on various techniques to achieve the communication and commercial objectives set by it. The most popular are probably video advertising and social networks . Still, emails haven't lost their interest yet. Here, it's no longer just a matter of writing a generic email in which you all the benefits of a product. Now, thanks to the latest technological innovations, it is possible to make its content more impactful . Here's everything there is to know on the subject!

The differences between e-mailing and newsletter

It is very common to confuse these two concepts. However, there is already a big difference in their respective objectives .

E-mailing is an e-mail with a commercial vocation , in which the company encourages the purchase of a product. It is addressed to a public that has not yet consumed the said product. As a result, marketers will need to design consistent content to list its strengths. By its nature, e-mailing is long and directly addressed to the target (use of the pronouns “you” and “you”).


For its part, the newsletter is quite the opposite. This time, this email is simply used to inform about the latest news of a company: the launch of a new product, for example. It is sent to customers who have already purchased . As the relationship of trust is already established, the content of the newsletter is short .

Due to their respective length, the frequency of sending these emails is also different . The newsletter can be sent more often . Some companies opt for once a week , it is even possible to postpone the shipment by only a few days . As the content is more concise, the reader will be more inclined to read the entire content. On the other hand, do not bombard the inbox of an email recipient, because he will be less enthusiastic to read long content frequently. A delay of two weeks to one month between shipments seems more appropriate.

Structure sentence

To list the specifics of an offer, what could be better than written content ? Indeed, it is necessary to put words on a company, a brand or a product. Otherwise, the customer will not know what they are dealing with.

First, choose a punchy hook that prompts you to open the email. For this, the sender must dwell on the subject , even before the content of the email, this is what the recipient will see. This is especially true for e-mailing that aims to sell a product.

In practice, we must avoid non-original phrases, such as “Company X: presentation of a slimming product”. Instead, choose bold formulas , such as “Want to lose 2 kg in 1 month? *o* Here is the tailor-made solution for you!!! ^_^”. Admittedly, the way of speaking is a little fanciful, especially with emoticons , but everything is good to jostle the customer towards the purchase (at least, towards reading). After this first hook in the object, it will be possible to put others in the content itself.


Subsequently, in the

, favor simple sentences , with some embellishments from time to time. We must at all costs avoid expressing oneself as an aristocrat of previous centuries. The speech must remain intelligible , even if technical characteristics are listed. The newsletter , on the other hand, will not need sentences. Groups of words will suffice to present the offer in its entirety. In the latter case, as the customer is already acquired, he will call the sales department if he needs more details.

Beware! There are several fonts and effects available for texts. It will have to be used to the best of its ability.

Adding images and videos

Even if words remain the heart of a message, it must be kept in mind that visuals attract more eye. Yes! Sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 words. Taking the same example as before, instead of talking about weight loss, the image of a fat person becoming thin will do the trick. As for the 2 kg lost, a small “-2 kg” between the photos will be welcome.

Do not neglect the choice of colors . In order not to overload the content of the email, it is preferable to limit yourself to two or three colors (two of which are dominant).

And icing on the cake: the videos . Instead of taking several images or photos to explain why the product is fantastic, a spot of 30 seconds to 1 minute can be more convincing.

As all these supports require a certain technical ease, the intervention of a graphic designer is required. Not only will they serve as designers, but they will also be able to advise on the choices of elements to include in the poster or video.

Inserting call-to-action and share buttons

In the end, we must not forget that the objective of e-mailing and newsletter is to improve sales. As a result, a call-to-action (or CTA) makes it possible to provoke the purchase. As a reminder, a CTA is a link that is clicked to be redirected to another page: the product catalog, for example.

To attract attention, don't just copy the raw link. Instead, it is recommended to insert it into a group of words , such as “Sign up” or “Buy now.” » The goal is to make the shopping experience unique right from the promotion phase.

Share buttons

Finally, the presence of share buttons is always appreciated for the promotion of the product.

Choosing the digital route to promote a product seems the easiest for a company to take, but it makes it quite the opposite. For starters, the competition is tough. But above all, a single wrong step can prove fatal. For all these reasons, do not neglect the design of an e-mailing or newsletter. It is no longer just about writing talent, but a whole process to make a product as attractive as possible , using images, videos, etc.

Emailing lead