Email marketing is at the same time a channel for acquiring and retaining customers . Used wisely, it can be a powerful tool that can greatly contribute to the success of your web marketing strategy.
Customer acquisition through the use of email marketing is one of the most used techniques in a content-based strategy. Indeed, email marketing can be used, on the one hand, to make your contacts adhere to your offer and to build their loyalty. On the other hand, it can be used to target very specific customers.
What is email marketing?
lead generating email Sent to a contact list and using an automation system, it can help your brand's visibility And as you certainly know, better visibility will allow you to both acquire new customers and retain them.
Note that there are two distinct forms of email marketing: conversion email and loyalty email . Due to their resources and approaches, the two levers do not benefit from the same deliverability.
Differences between acquisition and loyalty emails
The conversion email
For this first form, it involves targeting people who are not yet customers of your company by relying on address databases purchased or rented from third parties . These addresses are collected through online games and surveys, or co-registration campaigns. This is a marketing technique offering an additional subscription when registering for a service
The content of an acquisition email marketing is often characterized by promotional offers or product launches . These messages are delivered at convenient times to boost the conversion rate . The ultimate goal is to attract new customers .
In this type of approach, the volume of databases is unlimited .
The loyalty email
This type of email targets customers who have already purchased or who have shown interest in the company's offering. Email addresses are therefore collected from subscribers themselves. As a result, the volume of databases is limited .
The content most often takes the form of a newsletter . This is an email that provides information on the company's activities that respond to the reader's issues . It also happens that the loyalty email takes the form of a promotional offer in order to encourage the customer to purchase.
relational and more informative vocation of this type of email is much better received by customers .
Need contacts to send your next marketing emails to? Use the database available on Magideads. This includes nearly 20 million named B to B contacts and is updated daily. If necessary, it will allow you to carry out easy targeting, according to several criteria (title, sector of activity, position, etc.).
One does not go without the other: complementary levers
Both approaches have the same basis: that of nourishing your customer portfolio by sending personalized messages. However, since some of your subscribers are not yet customers, newsletters take on both the role of acquisition and retention. The two levers are therefore complementary.
The advantages of email marketing
Email marketing is an effective marketing tool to support the company's digital strategy and has many advantages.
It has a low cost and provides a sustainable ROI
To send your marketing emails quickly, easily and automatically, most emailing platforms offer affordable prices. You can also do it yourself with dedicated tools.
A study conducted among American marketers in 2016 by the Direct Marketing Association showed that the average ROI attributed to email marketing was 122%, far ahead of social media (28%) and sponsored links (25%). . Furthermore, with an average of 16% of their marketing budget allocated to emailing, this channel was responsible for nearly 23% of sales.
It allows controlled targeting
Today, most emailing tools offer recipient behavior Thanks to this statistical data, you can specify and personalize your next shipments. Furthermore, A/B testing and visual personalization of emails with WYSIWYG (Whatyouseeiswhatyouget) editors now make it possible to go further in optimizing email campaigns .
With the use of campaign monitoring tools, known as “tracking” , emailing makes it possible to accurately target customers . Thus, the latter offer more possibilities to marketers: launching targeted and personalized campaigns , sending responsive campaigns that adapt perfectly to different screens, setting up retargeting campaigns, etc.
Mass sending of email marketing: be careful of the consequences
The major risk of sending massive email marketing lies in its reception by the recipients. In fact, mailbox services integrate a filter into their system to counter the sending of abusive emails : spam. To avoid falling into this category, it is therefore crucial to avoid sending repetitive emails to unreceptive recipients.
Content that lacks relevance or is too generic can become counterproductive . Likewise, sending too frequently becomes a nuisance for the recipient. You have to find the right frequency.
The important elements of successful email marketing
The subject
The subject is very important as it is the first sentence your readers will see. It is this which will of your message or not Also, you need to write on a catchy theme and use icons .
The contents
You need relevant content that is consistent with the catchy title you have put. There are templates available on the Internet to inspire you if you are not familiar with this type of activity.
The call to action
The call to action must be clear to your readers: place an order, subscribe, contact a sales representative, etc.
Indicators to follow in an email campaign
Monitoring relevant indicators allows you to estimate the performance of your campaigns.
The deliverability rate
It corresponds to the number of emails that actually arrive in your prospects' inboxes. This number depends on the reputation of your site, the email sending service you use, etc. Avoid using email addresses with your domain name. In fact, these generally end up in spam.
The opening rate
It corresponds to the number of people who opened the email on the number of people who received the email. A/B tests will identify the hours and hooks that maximize your opening rate .
Click-through rate
The goal is to redirect the prospect to a landing page or to your website. This rate is based on the number of people who clicked on the link in the email compared to the number of people who opened the email. To increase it, use the AIDA model (attention, interest, desire, action).
The conversion rate
This is your end goal. It corresponds to the number of people who made a purchase over the number of people who clicked on a link in the email.
Unsubscribe rate
This is a variable to take into account. It corresponds to the number of people who have unsubscribed from your newsletter out of the number of people present in your database. To develop its turnover, the company will need to use email marketing .
Note that Magileads provides you with relevant KPI indicators allowing you to measure the impact of your emailing campaign as part of automated omnichannel prospecting.