Digitizing a company takes a truly important place in today's society. It concerns all sectors of activity, such as the educational sector, the industrial sector, or the commercial sector.

The COVID-19 health crisis has been a catalyst for the digital transformation of companies. Economically and strategically disrupted, they have sought to improve all their processes as quickly as possible. In addition, supported by technological advances, it has become essential and obviously indispensable. However, some companies do not yet understand the major and real issues of digital marketing. This is how we will try to answer the following question: why and how to digitize your company?

Digitize to optimize visibility and traceability

Currently, 50% of French people have said they have adopted new ways of consuming, particularly online shopping . In this sense, it would be more intelligent and useful to change the company's strategic marketing approaches, including the detachment from the physical age in order to move more towards the digital world .

Digitalization will then allow prospects to locate the company more easily and quickly. This can be done, for example, through e-mailings, pop-ups, or through various digital advertising systems.

Then, it will also allow customers to share and talk about the company on the internet, through social networks through influencers or through pages, sites, and forums.

So, with the explosion of potential customers, isn't it easy to increase your digital presence? Thus, by the sum of these actions mentioned above, digitalization contributes greatly to the increase in the visibility and traceability rate of the company . As a result, the absence of the digital world can now be synonymous with the disappearance of the economic fabric.

Digitize to improve competitiveness and grow quickly

If a company wants to stay on track and ensure its development, it must be competitive. At present, it is no longer simply a question of competitiveness on the real market, but also on the digital market .

Thus, the company must develop the best strategic plans so that it survives in the long term, whether public or private . As a result, it is essential for a company to undertake its digital transformation, so that it can adapt to this new situation.

Digitization will then allow the company to ensure its referencing on a market level . For example, we are recently witnessing the digitalization of universities (100% online courses, digital library, etc.) putting them in competition with each other. These are concrete struggles to stay in the market.

Logically, the company's entry into this competitive digital world will contribute to its development. In addition, according to a study conducted by Comarketing-News (aka COMK), a news site dedicated to Digital, E-business and Martech as a whole, digitized companies grow 2.2 times more than those that are not.

Digitize to improve your customer relationship

The digitalization of a company is indeed a new way to be closer to its customers . This is because: the transparency, immediacy, availability and accessibility generated by new technologies, strengthen the link between the company and customers. As a result, it would be easier for the company to gain the trust of the latter, and to optimize their loyalty.

Apart from that, the digital transformation of a company allows it to respond effectively to the real needs of the customer. Indeed, thanks to the exchanges made by the customer and the marketers, the services and products can be more or less personalized . Also, since the storage and processing of customer data is simpler, so is personalization.

Finally, corporate digitization will lead to better and greater customer satisfaction. For example, after-sales service (or post-purchase) can be done in a shorter time, communication between customer and company being very fast. This is how the complicity and proximity between the company and its customers is formed, leading to their mutual fulfillment.

How to digitize your business?

First, for successful digitization, you have to start by digitizing the customer pole . To do this, the company must use several tools, such as social networks, mobile applications, Big Data, etc. Thus, the company will not only be able to improve its Human Relations (HR) processes, but also its interactions with its customers (Internet users, subscribers or “followers”).

Secondly, the company must have a fluid website that is accessible to all. This site will allow customers to view the products and services offered by the company. It must be well presented in order to give the best image of the company itself, but also its employees. Also, it must be well referenced (SEO reference) so that it can be very visible on the internet. To do this, it would be better for the company to call in a specialist.

Third, the company needs to set up a team responsible for the digital domain. More specifically, she must set up a team that will be focused and specialized in the world of digital marketing : digital communication manager, manager, web editor, social media manager, etc.

These steps are mandatory for the digital transformation to be successful and beneficial for the company. Otherwise, poorly controlled scanning can give a very bad image of the company. The latter will thus lose all its credibility, but especially the trust of its customers .

In conclusion, the presence in the digital world, and its integration should seem obvious for a company. The digital transformation will allow it to establish itself in this hyper-competitive world while making it discover new horizons and strengthening its reputation. However, every step that allows for a successful digital transformation must be followed in order to avoid the destruction of the entire company.

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