Do you know the essential tools for digital prospecting?

Do you know the essential tools for digital prospecting?

Do you know the essential tools for digital prospecting?


One of the stages of marketing is prospecting. Prospecting involves finding customers and getting them to buy your products or services. Traditionally, it is advertisements and salespeople who take care of this part. However, time changes and prospects evolve too. Technology has taken a very large place in daily life. This is precisely where digital prospecting comes into play. It uses websites and new technologies to achieve its ultimate goal. Indeed, it is a way of attracting readers to become customers. So what are the tools to achieve this?

Build your own website the right way

Before any other platform existed, websites ruled. They still continue to exist. Indeed, it is a significant tool for making your business known.

Structure your website well

A website is first of all a digital showcase of your brand. In addition, it must give a good image of your company. You must present your activities and skills there. You must arouse your prospect's interest in purchasing from you through your site. Therefore, it must be pleasant to see and easy to navigate. Readability and attraction are your main goals when designing it. Make sure it captures your customers' attention. Illustrate with images and videos. Even create forums for more interaction between you and customers. Therefore, go for easy-to-use software to design it like WordPress, Jomla, Drupal etc. Otherwise, do not hesitate to call on professionals for an optimal and personalized result.

Choosing SEO

However, for your site to be as visible as possible, it must be SEO oriented. Concretely, this consists of positioning your page among the first results on search engines. Internet users prefer what jumps out at them. The easy way out and the reason for less effort are the main consumer behaviors. This technique is based on factors related to your site itself. Additionally, it is about the structure and quality of your platform. The keywords included in your texts and your content are the direct responsible.

Integrate a blog into your site

Having a blog increases your visibility in search. It also allows you to assert your professionalism and popularity. The blog may be for informational or promotional purposes. You can also link news to your products and customer needs. Always attract your readers to use your services. Email and social media can help you market your blog. However, you need articles that are easy to read and attractive. Terms should be simple and easy to understand and not too technical. Your target must want to access the content at all costs.

Be visible on social networks

Since their existence, half of the planet has been connected to all kinds of social networks. You have to go where the customer is. This is the main hunting ground these days.

Inform prospects about your products

In these platforms you can have your personal account or your business account. Do as you see fit. Via these profiles, show the image of your company, present it effectively. Encourage people to follow you on all networks. Highlight your products. It’s not enough just one post. You have to start again as often, but always in different ways. So, to promote your cosmetic product for example, write an informative text with the image of your product. Next, make a demonstrative video. You will see that you will quickly get interested people.

Communicate and interact with your prospects

Knowing is good, but discussing it is even better. Indeed, followers will want to ask questions, tease or find out more. Messages and comments were created for this purpose. Every question, serious or not, should always be answered in a professional manner. It is through your way of reacting that the customer will be won over. If he manages to be convinced, you can then direct him to your site or directly to buy. Online stores should be designed to make purchasing easier.

Organize games and promotions

What attracts Internet users the most is receiving products for free. Yes, people like free stuff. To do this and to also increase your visibility, organize sharing of your offer. Additionally, include other people in this share. Your account or page will be boosted and visited by a lot of audiences. It’s a way to make your products and services known. By giving a small gift, you will receive countless new consumers in return. Always make sure your profile and posts are public.

Don't forget emailing

It is true that many are on the network, but other people have still chosen to be on the sidelines. They prefer emails instead. It's more discreet, but just as effective.

This involves sending emails to individuals or companies who would like to benefit from your services. These messages can be informative, promotional or relational. For the first 2 categories, you talk about your company and your offers. As with sites and social networks, it must be both brief and attractive. You must be both professional and accessible to readers. They will then respond to you or not depending on their interest. For the third type, you come back to ask for their opinion on the services offered. From there, you will be able to know the continuity of your collaboration.

It is clear that technology is driving small and medium-sized businesses forward. The customer becomes more accessible thanks to technological progress. Traditional prospecting is being abandoned in favor of digital prospecting. This is easier and more profitable. In fact, you no longer have to travel. However, your reach is maximum, even global.

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