Integrate content curation into your web marketing strategy

Integrate content curation into your web marketing strategy

Content curation is a practice that improves your traffic by integrating content of interest to your community. Indeed, it allows information to be mixed and concentrated into quality content. But what is content curation really about? Does it replace content marketing? What are its prerogatives? Overview of content curation.

Content curation: what is it?

Content curation is a system which consists of collecting the most relevant information on a subject or theme via third-party sites , then reworking it in order to share it for its own audience . Sharing can be done on various communication channels : websites, social networks, e-mailing, etc.

Content curation focuses on monitoring quality content and its sharing . The most concrete example of content curation is the White Paper . However, there are several forms of curation: aggregation which brings together several sources in the same place , distillation which simplifies the content , elevation which analyzes several contents in order to draw a synthesis , mashup the mixture of original content and content from curation .

Steps to follow in content curation:

  • First of all, the most important thing is to carefully select Sourcing . The goal is to find the most captivating content.
  • Then identify the information that is worth sharing. This is Filtering.
  • Rewriting is an essential step for greater originality and readability. The content must be relevant to your audience . the expectations of the target must
  • Finally, the point that makes the difference between simple monitoring and content curation: sharing . It can be broadcast on various channels in correspondence with the target audience .

What are the prerogatives of content curation?

Become the reference : Internet users are sometimes overwhelmed by the information presented to them during their searches. Faced with this, when you regularly share content that satisfies your audience, you become a reference. The public saves time thanks to you.

Build relationships : By bringing more visibility to the external content you have selected, you trigger the feeling of “accountability” within it. This opens up new opportunities for you. On the one hand to share your own content , and on the other hand to build collaboration through joint actions.

Build expertise : by sorting and rewriting on one or more themes, you acquire knowledge that brings added value to your content .

Save time : producing marketing content takes time while content curation is faster , even more so with the many tools available on the Internet .

Broaden horizons : several themes can be addressed during content curation. Indeed, subjects complementary to your area of ​​expertise that interest your readers can be exploited.

Bring credibility : by publishing articles from external sites, you show your audience that you are opening up to the market.

Is content curation replacing content marketing?

Content marketing
Integrate content curation into your web marketing strategy 2

The two concepts are sometimes confusing, but the difference is quite significant . While curation is based on existing content, creation indicates authentic content production . This difference also stigmatizes content curation as being duplicate content . Content curation certainly provides less originality than creation, but it assimilates and disseminates content .

Both techniques are strategic assets in a web marketing maneuver and present complementary benefits for the company :

  • Content marketing makes it possible to: increase traffic, attract qualified leads, improve natural referencing, assert the company's notoriety in the market .
  • Content curation gives the possibility of: creating relationships with other companies and thus increasing its notoriety and theirs, saving the content manager's time, expanding the market by increasing visibility thanks to topics provided and varied.

Content creation is essential in a web marketing strategy. However, to diversify your editorial line, and bring articles with different resources, content curation is ideal.

Ultimately, it is not a question of replacing one concept with another, but of using each of them in the ideal proportion. According to Convince & Convert, the majority of companies use articles from their intelligence to the extent of 25 and 50%. The key is to have a suitable curation/creation ratio. The study conducted by Convince & Convert also showed that the balance is 25/50% curation versus 75/50% content creation.

Tools to help with content curation

Of many software programs are available online to perfect content curation. Here are some examples:

Content Studio

It allows you to search and filter content before sharing it on your platforms: social networks, newsletters . The free version allows you to publish up to 500 pieces of content per month on two social networks . To access an unlimited number of posts on social networks and blogs, you must switch to paid mode .

Publish this

This tool offers the same features as its Content Studio counterpart . It allows you to share content in newsletters and on social networks . Basic features are also free.


It gives the possibility of sharing content on various channels: social networks, blog, site and newsletter. The free version is limited to a single social media compared to 5 accounts for the paid version .

Content curation is valuable as long as it is used sparingly.

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