How to accurately score your BtoB prospects? The complete guide
To properly qualify a prospect, you need to score it. Here's how to write them down accurately.
B2B prospecting and prospecting plan: what are the productive approaches?
Although there are several types of B2B prospecting, it is essential to base them on a very specific plan to make them more productive.
How to acquire qualified leads on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is effective for acquiring qualified leads and also for boosting your visibility, especially when the right methods are adopted.
lead nurturing and inbound marketing: an inseparable duo?
Marketing is a science that brings together numerous techniques intended to understand the needs of consumers, to offer them products […]
Smarketing and what it can bring to your business
Smarketing is a set of techniques to better synchronize your marketing and sales teams, for greater efficiency.
For a more successful business, go omnichannel
Today's customers are much more aware of products, brands and prices than ever before. Typical buyer characteristics […]
Lead generation: what is it? And how to implement an effective strategy?
Lead generation is an essential step in the buying cycle. What is it, and what are the most effective strategies?
7 phrases you absolutely must ban from your prospecting emails
The quality of your prospecting emails determines a large part of the success of your campaigns. Here are 7 phrases to avoid.
6 ideas to generate more qualified leads
If your ROI does not meet your expectations, you may need to explore new approaches to attracting leads.
Lead generation: what are the different types of B2B leads?
To refine your marketing strategy, you must know your prospects well. For the occasion, here are the different types of leads.
The new B to B funnel to adapt to market realities
This new B to Be funnel allows you to adapt to new market realities to remain competitive and stimulate your growth.
How to carry out effective competitive intelligence?
Discover the key steps and practical advice for setting up competitive, effective and technical monitoring to collect information.