Commercial number and website: Magileads.eu
Owner of the situation: SAS KA-Groupe
Company number: SAS KA-Groupe
Commercial number: Magileads
Direction of the owner: 40 Rue de PLaisance, 75014 Paris – France
Owner’s telephone number: 01 89 32 21 80
SIRET number: 84874663200019
Capital social: 20,000 euros
RCS registration number: 848746632
Intracommunity IVA number: FR93 848746632
Director of publication: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu
Number of webmaster: François KOLLIcontact @ magileads.eu
Creator of the site: MyFreelance.fr contact@monfreelance.fr


MAGILEADS offers the possibility to correspond to our services, to connect with the Marianne reference system. This interministerial letter has as its object to guarantee the quality of the reception and promote its values ​​such as consistency, accessibility, speed, clarity of response, but also the spirit of writing, rigor and transparency.

To add more interchanges and meet the appropriate contact person:

  • General requests, information requests or additional information: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu
  • The operation of the site, the technical difficulties, a problem of publication or download, observations and suggestions: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu


The policy of the magileads site. We comply with Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy.

Alojamiento del sitio: The servers that your new location is located only in France

  • OVH
  • 2 rue Kellermann
  • 59100 Roubaix – France


Use of the magileads location. I imply the full acceptance of the general conditions of use described for continuation. These user conditions may be modified or supplemented at any time, so that users of the Magileads web site are invited to do so. had to consult them regularly.

This location is normally accessible to users at all times. However, MAGILEADS may decide to interrupt the website for technical maintenance reasons. MAGILEADS will endeavor to inform users of any incidents and times of intervention.

This site is updated regularly by Magileads.
However, legal notices may be amended at any time: no matter what, it is binding for the user, so you are invited to consult them with the greatest frequency possible to note yours.


MAGILEADS will not be considered responsible for direct and indirect damage caused by the user's equipment when accessing the Magileads site. However, this may result from the use of inadequate or defective equipment, or from the appearance of an error or incompatibility.

MAGILEADS will be responsible for indirect damages (such as loss of merchandise or loss of opportunities) resulting from use of the magileads.eu .

Users have their interactive zones available (possibility of having preguntas in the contact zone). MAGILEADS reserves the right to eliminate, without prior notice, any content published in this space that contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions relating to the protection of data.
In this case, MAGILEADS also reserves the right to take civil and criminal liability, especially in cases of racist, insulting, defamatory or pornographic messages, whether used by the average user (text, photographs, etc.).


The magileads team . We are especially attentive to the legal obligations of your editor of web sites and following the recommendations of the National Commission of Informatics and Liberties (CNIL).

Summary of applicable legislation

Go to the magileads web site. Directly through a bus motor, the magileads web site. respects the privacy of the user and respects strictly the applicable laws regarding the protection of privacy and personal freedom.
No personal information is received without your knowledge during your navigation. No personal information is transmitted to third parties. The electronic correos, las directions de correo electrónico and other personal information received by this site are not used at any time and only are kept during the time necessary to process them.


The magileads web site . I have not managed personal data and, therefore, have not been declared to the CNIL.

Statistical data: tracking and elaboration of profiles

When navigating to the site, Internet users are already stored on the computer. This set of information is retrieved through a cookie, which does not contain any personal information.

To improve the ergonomics, the navigation of the site, the editorial content and the service to the Internet users, the support that manages the statistics of the site magileads.eu provides information relating to the profile of Internet users: equipment, navigation user, geographic origin requests, connection times and times, location navigation, frequency of visits, etc. These connection data are used to make statistical extractions and are kept for a year.

Every Internet user has the possibility of recharging the register of these data by modifying the configuration of the browser of your computer which authorizes or does not allow the register of cookies. You can remove or eliminate them unless it affects your access to the location. To avoid the storage of cookies or to be notified before you accept them, we recommend that you leave the navigation section of your browser, which will indicate how to proceed.


Requests for reproduction of public and official documents

From the publication of Orden nº 2005-650, of 6 June 2005, relating to the freedom of access to administrative documents and the reutilization of public information, this information can be reused for fine distinctions in those produced , in particular the information that is of public access. These documents are intended for public distribution and are not published by any other author, so they can be reproduced freely. The graphic design, iconography and editorial content belong to the property of the State and, like stories, are subject to the protection provided in the Code of Intellectual Property.

Art. intended for the public uttered in political assemblies (…), as well as in public meetings of political character and in official acts”.
This is the case, in all cases, of public speeches and interventions, which are an exception to the author's requests.
As well, public and official documents, such as official communications, are not published by any other author, so they can be freely reproduced. If partial or total reproduction of these contents is authorized, it must be accompanied by the number of the author, the source and, eventually, an enlace with the original document in the site. Therefore, you must indicate “© MAGILEADSwww.magileads.eu” .

All other contents of the site are protected by copyright.
Therefore, any reproduction is subject to copyright notice in article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. The information reproduced may only be used by personal, associative or professional users; This prohibits any distribution or use for commercial or advertising purposes.

Request for authorization to reproduce contents

The request must specify the content to be published and the situation in which it appears. If you have obtained this authorization, the reproduction of contents must comply with the following principles:

  • free distribution
  • respects the integrity of the reproduced documents (without modifications or alterations of any type)
  • Obligatory notice: “© MAGILEADSmagileads.eu – reserved reservations”. This message will be attached directly to the content of a hipervínculo
  • insert an icon that represents the web site.

The organizations dependent on other ministers are subject to this authorization request, so the following notice is inserted: “© MAGILEADSmagileads.eu – reserved”. This message will appear directly on the content via a text message.


The location magileads. We offer numbers linked to other sites, mainly official sites (governments, institutions, public bodies, etc.), but also to sites, French or foreign, of associations, professional organizations of the educational sector or companies associated with specific operations.

Therefore, it is systematically specified when the situation suggests that you are there. These pages, these directions are read periodically, do not form part of the Magileads web site. eu: we do not compromise the responsibility for the writing of the site, that we cannot be held responsible for the contents which we have attached to. Only pretend to facilitate the use of access to other documentary resources on the consulted topic.


The magileads web site . eu authorización, without prior authorization, the establishment of hipervínculos on these pages, with reservation of:

  • We do not use the technique of deep embraces, this is what you decide, the pages of the magileads site. There is no incrustation on the pages of your other site, otherwise it will be visible on an independent window.
  • Mention the source, which will be directly connected to the content in question through a text message

The situations you decide to join with magileads. was responsible if it damaged the image of the public situation.


Any dispute relating to the use of the magileads web site. it is subject to French legislation. The competent courts of Paris have exclusive jurisdiction.


Please pay special attention to the Magileads web site. It is the most accessible possible, especially for people with vision problems. The pages are progressively adapted to the recommendations of the French Internet Administration reference number 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 for the latest news and opportunities, the participation and citizenship of disabled people.

Our new customers are the ones who are better off.