Business name and website: Magileads.eu
Owner of the site: SAS KA-Gruppo
Azienda number: SAS KA-Groupe
Commercial name: Magileads
Indirizzo del proprietario: 40 Rue de PLaisance, 75014 Parigi – France
Owner's telephone number: 01 89 32 21 80
SIRET number: 84874663200019
Capital social : 20,000 euros
RCS registration number: 848746632
Partita IVA intracommunitaria: FR93 848746632
Responsible for advertising: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu
Name of the webmaster: François KOLLIcontact @ magileads.eu
Creator of the site: MyFreelance.fr contact@monfreelance.fr


MAGILEADS offers the possibility of correspondence with its services, in conformity with the Marianne connection system. This interministerial letter aims to guarantee the quality of the accoglienza and promote the value of quality, accessibility, speed, response, and the spirit of ascolto, rigor and transparency.

To do this you don't need to change and find out what you're talking to:

  • General, information-rich and aggressive information requests: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu
  • The operation of the site, technical difficulties, publishing or downloading problems, services and suggestions: François KOLLI – contact @ magileads.eu


The policy of the magileads.eu complies with legge n° 2004-575 of 21 August 2004 for the digital economy trust.

Hosting of the site: I server that hosts our site if found exclusively in France .

  • OVH
  • 2 rue Kellermann
  • 59100 Roubaix – France


Use of the magileads.eu requires acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. magileads.eu web site and are therefore invited to consult you legally.

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Allo modo, le note legali possono essere modificate en qualsiasi momento: esse sono comunque vincolanti per l'tente, che è è è invitato a consultarle il more spesso possibile per priserne atto.


MAGILEADS is not liable for any direct and indirect causes of the device's appearance during access to the magileads.eu , and is due to the use of an incorrect or defective device, or due to a bug or bug. an incompatibility.

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Gli utenti hanno a disposizione aree interactive (possibilità di porre require nell'area di contact). MAGILEADS if you release it, you will be notified in advance, some of the contents published in this space contravene the applicable French laws, in particular the provisions relating to the protection of the data.
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Dopo la pubblicazione dell'ordinanza n. 2005-650 of 6 days 2005 on the freedom of access to the documents used and on the use of public information, this information can be used for various purposes in which the information is available to the public. This document is intended for public broadcast and does not contain any copyright, but it may be freely copied. The graphics, iconography and editorial content remain the property of the State and are protected by the Intellectual Property Code.

Article L.122-5 of the Code of Intellectual Property stabilizes the principle secondly that "when the opera is disclosed, the author cannot view the broadcast, also in its entirety, from the part of the stamp or of the television, to the title of cronaca, di discorsi destinati al pubblico pronunciati in occasione di assemblee politiche (…), nonché di unioni pubbliche di carattere politico e di cerimonia official”.
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All rights reserved, my published or official documents, such as official communications, are not copyrighted and have been freely copied. If you authorize partial or total reproduction of this content, it must be accompanied by the name of the author, in the font and possibly with a link to the original document on its site. It is therefore necessary to indicate the wording “© MAGILEADSwww.magileads.eu” .

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Please note that all three ministers are responsible for this content which is rich in authorization under the condition that you insert the following words: “© MAGILEADSmagileads.eu – right to read”. This mention directly relates to the content to provide an authentic link.


The site magileads.eu offers a number of links to other sites, mainly official sites (governors, institutions, public authorities, etc.) but also a site, French or foreign association, professional organization or operating partner specifiche.

This is why it is systematically specified in its current location. This page, and this page is not legally controlled, is not part of the magileads.eu : it does not impregnate the responsibility for the editing of the site and cannot be held responsible for the content on the other side of this link. The loro scopo è solo quello di facilitare l'utente l'accesso adtre risorse documentarie sull'argomento consultato.


This site is authorised, subject to prior authorisation, the creation of the collection is published on this page, under the following conditions:

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This site is registered with magileads.eu and is responsible for the image of the public site.


magileads.eu web site is currently in English. I have jurisdiction in Paris exclusively.


Please note that please post the rendering of this location. If it is more accessible, it can be easily accessed by the person with visual disability. The page will gradually be aligned with the recommendations of the quadro comune according to the criteria of accessibility for the Internet services of the French State, at the end of which the legge n. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 on the parità of diritti and opportunity, the participation and the city of the person with disability.

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