Magileads Features: Everything you need to know
Magileads Features: Everything you need to know

Magileads Features: Everything you need to know in one platform

Magileads transforms your marketing approach. The multichannel prospecting software platform offers powerful features to optimize B2B prospecting. Marketing and sales professionals benefit from advanced tools to target and convert prospects. Magileads makes engagement easy with a global database and automated campaigns. Magileads features guarantee increased efficiency and optimal return on investment. Find out how these tools can revolutionize your business strategy .

Commercial prospecting software features

Contact and lead management

Create prospect lists dynamically using sources like LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Google Maps. Magileads then takes care of enriching and updating your lists automatically. By following this approach, you will be able to quickly build a qualified and up-to-date B2B prospect database, essential to optimize your sales prospecting efforts.

Import and Organization

The features of Magileads multi-channel prospecting software allow rapid import of contacts. Users can organize data according to specific criteria. Magileads offers an intuitive interface for managing contact lists. Marketing professionals appreciate the simplicity of this management. One user says: “Magileads has simplified our contact management process. We have saved valuable time. »

Data Enrichment

Magileads enriches contact data with relevant information. Users access detailed decision profiles. Regularly updating the data ensures its relevance. The functionalities of Magileads multi-channel prospecting software ensure a database that is always up to date. A study shows that 85% of users saw an improvement in data quality.

Here are some case studies illustrating the effectiveness of building targeted prospect lists:

Case Study 1: B2B Software Company

A B2B software company wanted to improve the quality of its lead lists for its sales campaigns.

Approach :

  • Using Magileads to enrich existing database with detailed information on companies and decision makers

  • Fine segmentation of prospects according to sector of activity, size of company and position held

  • Creation of personalized email campaigns for each segment

Results :

  • 35% increase in lead-to-opportunity conversion rates

  • 20% improvement in email open rate thanks to increased personalization

  • 25% reduction in time needed to qualify leads

Case study 2: Digital marketing agency

A digital marketing agency was looking to expand its clientele into new sectors of activity.

Approach :

  • Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify prospects matching the customer ideal in new targeted industries

  • Data enrichment with Magileads to obtain complete contact details

  • Creating lists segmented by industry and company size

Results :

  • Creation of a list of 500 qualified prospects in new sectors in 2 weeks

  • Positive response rate of 15% on first contacts

  • Signature of 3 new contracts within 3 months following the campaign

Case study 3: B2C e-commerce business

An e-commerce company wanted to develop its presence in new geographic markets.

Approach :

  • Using Magileads geolocation tools to target specific areas

  • Enrichment of demographic and behavioral data of prospects

  • Creation of lists segmented by region and buyer profile

Results :

  • 50% increase in conversion rate in new targeted geographies

  • 30% increase in prospect engagement thanks to better targeted campaigns

  • 20% reduction in marketing costs by optimizing campaigns for specific areas

These case studies demonstrate how using specialized tools to enrich, validate and segment data can significantly improve the effectiveness of sales prospecting efforts. A targeted and personalized approach, based on quality data, allows you to obtain better conversion rates and a better return on investment from marketing campaigns. Automation of Campaigns with Commercial Prospecting and Digital Prospecting Software

Creation of Campaigns

Magileads features make it easy to create personalized campaigns. Users can design scenarios tailored to prospect behaviors. Magileads offers ready-made templates to simplify the process. A marketing manager says: “Creating campaigns has become child's play thanks to Magileads. »

Monitoring and Analysis

Magileads features include advanced tracking tools. Users can analyze campaign performance in real time. Behavioral statistics offer valuable insights. Campaign adjustments are made quickly thanks to these analyses. One business saw their conversion rates increase by 30% after using Magileads.

B2B Database of Sales Prospecting Software

Magileads features: Everything you need to know about prospecting and sales tools

B2B Database

Advantages of Access to a Global Base

Magileads offers access to a global B2B database. Users explore millions of business contacts. Each profile contains detailed and relevant information. Companies discover new market opportunities. A sales manager says: “Global access to the LinkedIn contact base through Magileads has transformed our prospecting. »

Search for Decision Profiles

Searching for decision profiles becomes simple with Magileads. Users quickly identify key decision makers. The precise targeting criteria make this search easier. Sales teams save time and increase their efficiency. A study reveals that 90% of users find more qualified prospects.

Data Update

Magileads ensures regular updating of data for your commercial prospecting. Users always have access to up-to-date information. Relevance of data improves the quality of interactions. Businesses see a 25% increase in their lead conversion rate. A user testifies: “The continuous updating of data is a major asset for our team. »

LinkedIn integration and create your contact lists for your prospecting

Automation of Actions

Linkedin Account Management

Magileads simplifies the management of your LinkedIn accounts. You can centralize several accounts on a single interface. This feature optimizes your time and efforts. Users report a 40% increase in their prospecting effectiveness. A sales manager says: “Centralized management has transformed our LinkedIn approach. »

Automated Interactions

Magileads automates interactions on LinkedIn. You can schedule invitations and follow-up messages. This automation creates constant engagement with your prospects. Businesses see a 50% increase in successful logins. One user says: “Automated interactions have doubled our response rate. »

Lead Scoring of your leads from digital prospecting software

Qualification of Prospects

Engagement Criteria

Magileads Lead Scoring evaluates the engagement of prospects to re-engage them. Criteria include email interaction and website visits. Magileads awards points for each action. Users quickly identify the most interested prospects. One marketing manager notes a 35% increase in conversions using this method.

Prioritization of Leads

Prioritizing leads from your prospecting on LinkedIn optimizes your time. Magileads ranks prospects according to their score. Sales teams focus on the most promising leads. Businesses are seeing increased effectiveness in their sales efforts. One user reports a 40% reduction in sales cycle.

Analysis tools with the commercial prospecting solution and lead management

Behavioral Statistics

Magileads analytics tools provide essential behavioral statistics. Users observe prospect interactions accurately. Data includes email opens and link clicks and sync with your CRM. Marketing teams better understand prospect preferences. One company noted a 20% increase in customer engagement thanks to these insights.

Valuable Insights

The insights provided by Magileads are valuable for marketing strategies. Users identify trends and adjust their approaches. Behavioral data reveals prospects’ interests. Marketing managers optimize campaigns accordingly. One user said: “Magileads insights have transformed our understanding of customers. ". It is also possible to synchronize your leads in your CRM.

Campaign Adjustments

Adjusting campaigns becomes simple with Magileads. Users modify policies based on collected data. Quick adjustments improve campaign performance. Businesses see a 25% increase in conversion rates. A marketing manager says: “Real-time adjustment has doubled our efficiency. »

Advertising Retargeting and the needs of businesses for a prospecting tool

Advertising Retargeting

Retargeting Leads

Magileads advertising retargeting allows you to track leads and retarget prospects who have already interacted with your content. Businesses use this feature to remind prospects about products or services they viewed. Users report a 60% increase in conversions thanks to retargeting. A CRM marketer says: “Retargeting has transformed our customer engagement strategy. »

Relevant Messages

Magileads helps you create relevant messages for each prospect. Personalized messages capture attention and generate interest. Users see a 50% improvement in click-through rate. One company says: “Relevant messages doubled our email response rate. »

Increased Reengagement

For businesses, re-engaging prospects becomes simple with Magileads. Retargeting campaigns encourage prospects to return to your site. Businesses are seeing a 40% increase in recurring traffic. One user says: “Re-engagement has significantly increased our customer loyalty. »

Accessibility and Pricing of Campaign Management Software

Free Access

Without Bank Imprint

Magileads offers free access without requiring a credit card. Businesses can explore essential features without financial commitment. One user said: “The full, free access allowed us to test Magileads risk-free. » Businesses benefit from a free introduction to the platform for all features of the sales prospecting software.

For All Businesses

Magileads is aimed at all businesses, regardless of their size. Small startups and large companies can access the platform. An SME manager said: “Magileads is accessible to our limited budget and with the added use of integrated CRM software” Companies in various sectors can take advantage of this access.

Pricing Options

Monthly Subscriptions

Magileads offers flexible monthly subscriptions. The ultra-competitive all-inclusive base price of 133 euros excluding tax per month allows full access to the multichannel prospecting software platform and its CRM to the largest number of companies. Businesses can scale the plan tailored to their needs based on the number of users. One user noted: “Monthly subscriptions give us great flexibility. » Businesses can adjust their subscription based on their growth.

Personalized Offers

Magileads offers personalized offers to meet specific needs. Companies can negotiate prices adapted to their requirements, such as the addition of Mail or LinkedIn accounts to manage, and the number of enrichment credits. A customer testified: “The personalized offers perfectly met our expectations. » Companies benefit from a tailor-made solution to optimize their investment.


Magileads functionalities of the commercial prospecting software

Magileads offers considerable benefits from its multi-channel prospecting software to optimize your B2B prospecting. The multi-channel platform improves campaign effectiveness and increases ROI. Powerful features make contact management and campaign automation easy. Analytics tools provide valuable insights to adjust your strategies. Try Magileads today and discover how to transform your marketing strategy. Take advantage of 14-day free access to explore all the commercial prospecting software features without financial risk.

See also the tools for your telephone prospecting

Learn more about: All about Magileads Features

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