Although marketing is becoming more important, demands in the field are also increasing. Sin embargo, Gartner has announced that the marketing assumption for 2021 has diminished in comparison with previous years. Therefore, it represents only company's billing

This year 2022, Julien Rio , AVP International Marketing at RingCentral, we suggest optimizing your marketing presumptions . Please note that this advice is universal and that each industry and market has its necessary properties. In any case, you must approve the maximum financial receipts reserved for marketing . For this year, this is the “recipe” that the expert offers to marketing managers.

The generation of leads and events is its key

Según Julien Rio, the generation of leads will be covered by 40% of its marketing assumption during this year. This means that the basis of marketing is the production of trading volume (CA) or qualified sales lead (SQL).

In this sense, you will optimize your commercial prospecting time and again on a marketing automation platform like Magileads.

We know that events are also important and may represent 15 % of your assumption . The current problem, without embargo, is that it is the worst affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The cancellation and the invitation of visitors are due to circumstances. Sin embargo, no participation in any of these occasions also means that you are in the world . Therefore, the solution will contribute to a minimum of key events to limit losses.

A good marketing strategy does not exclude the image

Maintain a good brand image to help improve customer confidence and attract prospects. Julien suggests you sign the 10% of your presupuesto to promote your brand on different platforms. Therefore, businesses do not have to lose electronic reputation in social networks, including direct online advertising .

ADEMás, Crear Contenido de Calidad con a Buen SEO Podría Representar and 5% of you preupupuesto . ESTA SPARE SIGNED SPECIALLM PORQUE SERIá A LARGO PLAZO. ADEMás, the Calidad del Contenido de Su Sitio Le Permitirá Generar Confianza del Cliente in Usted . Is a detailed that Las Empresas Jóvenes tienden a Descuidar porque los resultados llevan tiempo.

Please note in advance

A bubble sequito y buenas relaciones con suntorno también its necesarios. Tend that reservar el 5% of you preupuesto para unit to different clubes there asociaciones . Sobre todo, estos te permitirán comparting buenas prácticas there conocer clients potenciales . In este caso, Sería Mejor Elegir los Clubes that interest in Equipo that adapted to the values ​​of the Empresa .

Optimize the efficiency of the team with its components

These herramientas are also an important factor in the effectiveness of a marketing strategy . Julien Rio agrees to pay 5% of his marketing assumption to distribute well. The object is to maximize the minimum value of the equipment. Sin embargo, nunca pierdas de vista la competitividad.

Additionally, you must maintain a margin for emergencies. For example, the 5% of your marketing assumption can be used to end one of the sections in the few days.

Meta-title: Marketing presumption: a form of optimization for this year 2022

Meta description: The assumption assigned to marketing has diminished in general. Aún así, no descuidarlo. We have some practical tips to optimize in 2022.

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