Marketing Glossary
Prospect files and direct marketing - glossary
Marketing Glossary Prospect files and direct marketing - glossary
NPAI, deduplication, deduplication, siretization, address rental... the world of direct marketing and files has its own semantics which in certain cases can, to the ears of neophytes, seem singular, strange or even "barbaric".
Here is a small glossary which is certainly not intended to be exhaustive but will nevertheless (at least we hope) help you better understand the lexical universe of this marketing profession.
A/B testing : This process used to prospect by email consists of comparing several versions of different objects (subjects), in order to determine which one will have the best performance, and thus improve the results of a marketing campaign.
A/B testing is also carried out for different messages or by inserting variations in the message, in calls to action (Call-to-Action) and on landing pages by variations in content .
BAT : “ready to print” is a document handed over for signature by a printer, a router. It takes the document sent for printing or routing (fax, e-mail) for validation by the sponsor before launching the printing or the campaign.
Black list / Blacklisting : As part of an E-mailing: List of E-mail addresses or domain names sidelined because identified by ISPs (access providers) as spammers.
In the context of the referencing of a website: Sidelining of pages or a site by search engines most of the time following referencing actions defined as abusive.
B2B, BtoB : It is an adjective (Business to Business) which defines communication from professional to professional.
B2C, BtoC : it is an adjective (Business to Consumer) which defines the communication of a company towards individuals.
CGV : General conditions of sale.
Charade : Redemption of the new address of the person who has moved following the identification in a file of the contact details of the individuals who have moved (from the moving declarations for mail tracking made by the individuals to the Post Office).
Target / targeting : Population that we wish to reach during a commercial action.
These are individuals or companies or people who, due to their profile or behavior, are likely to be interested in the products or services marketed. Defining targeting is a determining phase to ensure the success of your direct marketing operation.
CMS : A CMS (content management system) or Content Management System is a web application that allows you to create, edit and manage a website in a simple and intuitive way. The CMS allows you to create a dynamic and responsive website via an easy-to-use interface.
CNIL : The National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) is an independent French administrative authority. The CNIL is responsible for ensuring that information technology is at the service of the citizen and that it does not infringe upon human identity, human rights, privacy, individual freedoms or public. It carries out its missions in accordance with law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended on August 6, 2004.
INSEE code : INSEE codes (different from the postal code) are numerical codes developed by INSEE. The Insee code is an official classification code. This code officially classifies all cities in France.
NAF code : The NAF code, for Nomenclature of French Activities, is an alphanumeric code assigned by INSEE to each company to identify its main activity. This allows you to refine your selections within a company file. Download the list of NAF 2008
Postal Code : A postal code is created by the post office to facilitate mail delivery. A city can have several postal codes, and conversely, a postal code can bring together several cities.
Counting : Operation which aims to apply one or more selection criteria to a database, in order to know the number of available records corresponding to the desired target.
Email : French name, official since 2003, for Email. Service for transmitting messages sent electronically via a computer network (mainly the Internet) to the electronic mailbox of a recipient chosen by the sender.
Behavioral criteria : Selection criteria, allowing individuals to be targeted within a file, based on information relating to their interests (gardening, cooking, etc.), consumption habits (way of purchasing, products purchased …) or even linked to their lifestyle (sporty…).
Geographic criteria : Criteria allowing individuals to be selected within a file according to their geographical location: regions, departments, cities, INSEE, Islands, Iris or even for certain so-called broad-spectrum files: on a list of streets.
Sociodemographic criteria : These criteria make it possible to target individuals on information related to their person, their family or their habitat: age, sex, income level, family composition, housing occupancy status, type of housing, etc.
CRM : Abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management. It is an application to manage all the relationships and interactions of your company with your customers or prospects.
CSP : Abbreviation designating the socio-professional category (created by INSEE). There are 8. The acronym CSP+ is used to designate higher CSPs.
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Deduplication : Computer processing aimed at deleting (or topping) common records
(duplicates) within the same file.
Deduplication : Computer processing aimed at deleting (or topping) records that are common between 2 or even several files.
Recipient : This is the person to whom the commercial message is intended: mail, e-mail or telephone call.
Duplicates : Individual present in two different records within the same customer or prospect file. They can be redacted using deduplication or deduplication processing.
E-mail : Service for transmitting messages sent electronically via a computer network
(mainly the Internet) to the electronic mailbox of a recipient chosen by the sender.
E-mailing : Sending an email to a greater or lesser number of Internet users. In direct marketing, we distinguish between BtoC E-mailing intended for individuals and BtoB E-mailing intended for professionals.
File enrichment : This is an action aimed at adding additional information to an existing file: telephone enrichment, NAF, siret, workforce, INSEE code, iris code, data linked to the iris, Lambert coordinates, etc.
T envelope : The envelope sent at the same time as a commercial mailing or a prepaid letter by a company to accompany a prepaid reply letter.
Estocade : Allows you to identify and delete from a file the contact details of individuals who have moved (from moving declarations for mail tracking made by individuals to the Post Office).
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions : Space where you will find answers to the main questions you may ask yourself. Magileads offers a general FAQ on our solution.
Prospect file / prospecting file : File bringing together the contact details of potential customers, those likely to become customers because their profile corresponds to the products or services marketed.
We distinguish between BtoC prospect files (individual files) and BtoB prospect files (professional and business files).
Footer : English term for the footer. On a prospecting email, this is generally the link allowing the recipient to unsubscribe.
Geocoding : Processing aimed at adding geographic data expressed in the form of coordinates (X,Y) to the records in a file (companies or individuals).
This geocoding processing can make it possible to map a catchment area or define an optimized route for a tour. You can do this processing yourself by purchasing geocoding software.
Geomarketing : Geomarketing brings together all marketing actions that use modeled cartographic, socio-behavioral and socio-demographic data.
Geomarketing allows, among other things, to analyze your commercial sectors, to produce cartographic backgrounds, to delimit your catchment areas, to study traffic flows, etc.
You can independently carry out your own geomarketing studies thanks to the acquisition of specific geomarketing software.
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Hard bounces : Unfinished emails whose refusal is final; the recipient's email address no longer exists.
Header : At the top of an E-mailing indicating where the address was collected.
Block : The block was the basic geographical unit for statistics and the dissemination of population censuses until 1999.
The blocks were defined by INSEE in consultation with the municipalities.
✓ In a dense built-up area: the block is most often a block of houses, possibly split in the event of a municipal or cantonal limit crossing the block;
✓ In the “peripheral” zone: the island is a set limited by roads (or other visible limits)
dividing this zone into several pieces.
The islands can be empty of inhabitants (for example a train station).
There was a division into blocks in each census until that of 1999.
IRIS : Division of the territory into meshes of uniform size (developed by INSEE).
An acronym which meant “Ilots Regroupees pour l’Information Statistique” and which referred to the targeted size of 2,000 inhabitants per unit cell. Since then, IRIS has constituted the basic building block for the dissemination of sub-municipal data.
It must respect geographic and demographic criteria and have unambiguously identifiable contours that are stable over time. Municipalities with at least 10,000 inhabitants and a large proportion of municipalities with 5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants are divided into IRIS. This division constitutes a partition of their territory. France has around 16,100 IRIS, including 650 in the French Overseas Territories.
Lead : A lead is a prospect who can become a potential customer.
It can come from various origins such as filling out a form, contacting your website, responding to
a direct mail marketing campaign or prospecting by email.
Lead nurturing : it is a technique generally used in emailing which consists of maintaining or strengthening a marketing relationship with prospects who are not yet ripe for a purchasing action or for whom this action has failed because it was too early in order to nurture them. to the rank of customer.
Lead scoring : Lead scoring is a technique for assigning a prospect's engagement score.
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Robinson List – stop advertising list : File created and managed by the Union Française du Marketing Direct which lists all French people opposing the use of their contact details for direct marketing purposes.
This system does not concern leaflets placed in letterboxes (free newspapers, hypermarket advertising, local stores, etc.) nor canvassing by telephone or fax.
Consumers who wish to appear on this list must communicate their contact details (surname, first name, address) in writing to: UFMD – Liste Robinson / Stop Publicité – 60 rue La Boétie – 5008 PARIS
Red List : File, managed by France Télécom, bringing together people who do not wish to appear in the telephone directory.
Mailing (direct mail) : Advertising technique which consists of directly sending information or a sales proposal to the consumer, it is sent by post.
Geomarketing study software : A geomarketing cartographic analysis software/tool allows you to independently study your catchment areas, the geographical location of your customers or your best prospects, and to optimize your marketing campaigns and distributions. ´ISA…
Direct Marketing : Communication and sales technique which consists of broadcasting a personalized message to a target of private individuals or companies.
The most used direct marketing channels are addressed postal mail (direct mail), telephone marketing, e-mailing, SMS and faxing.
MMS : Multimedia Message Service. Improvement of the SMS service, it allows you to receive text messages implemented with images and sound.
Postal standardization : Processing which consists of reprocessing an address to make it conform to the standard (RNVP processing). The standardization of French addresses was carried out by AFNOR in 1997 through the creation of the AFNOR XPZ 10-011 standard.
NPAI : “Does not live at the address indicated” this means that the postal mail could not be delivered due to an error in the address or the fact that the recipient has moved. The NPAI are returned to the sender by post.
Opt-in : Opt-in is the principle by which an individual must give prior consent before being the target of direct prospecting carried out by an automated marketing channel.
There are 2 types of Optin: ✓ Active opt-in: the Internet user voluntarily checks a box to agree to receive commercial offers.
✓ Passive opt-in: the box to receive commercial offers is already pre-checked.
Opt-Out : Opt-out is the principle by which an individual must opt out of receiving direct communication from an automated marketing channel.
There are 2 types of Optout: ✓ Active opt-out: the Internet user must voluntarily check a box to not receive commercial offers.
✓ Passive opt-out: the Internet user does not have the possibility of choosing not to receive commercial emails when he registers for a form and indicates his personal data.
The legal framework for Opt out depends on the country. Opt out is prohibited in France except in a situation of E-mailing between companies for commercial activities. In other circumstances, Opt out is considered a spamming technique.
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Overkill : Process used during very strict deduplication or deduplication processing.
This consists of comparing only 2 or even 3 fields of a file, so homonyms or individuals with the same last name and residing in the same city can be wrongly considered as duplicates. Example: Pierre DUPOND and Paul DUPONT living in Grenoble can wrongly be considered duplicates.
PackEco Pro : The Ecopro File Pack is an economical professional file. You can therefore buy from all companies in the same profession (eg: all electricians in France) at an extremely competitive price.
ECO PRO E-mails pack : low cost of professionals from professionals online by verity360 . Prospect: individuals or companies likely to become a customer.
Directing: Direct marketing action using the postal shipment channel.
Retargeting : It is an online marketing practice that allows you to target visitors to a site or web page who have already demonstrated interest in a brand, product or service, by sending them targeted advertising. based on what they viewed.
Email retargeting : This is an email marketing technique which consists of sending emails to clickers who visit your website or who have performed a specific action on this email received.
GDPR : This is the general data protection regulation. It is the new legal framework of the European Union which governs the collection and processing of users' personal data. It will come into force on May 25, 2018. The GDPR only applies to “personal data” defined as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person”.
Routing : Mass shipping of postal letters or e-mails.
Postal this term covers the folding, the folding, the transition to the machine to be freed, the sorting and the post office.
RNVP : Restructuring, Standardization, Postal Validation. Processing aimed at validating the existence of the addresses present on a file and ensuring their standardized nature and, if necessary, correcting errors. This processing aims to limit the number of undelivered mail during a postal mailing campaign and also allows you to benefit from specific postage rates.
First name scoring : Selection of individuals according to their first name based on statistics established annually by INSEE by comparing the attribution of first names to the number of births (according to registered births, we know for example that 81% of Jérôme are now between 25 and 45 years old). Reliability of this approach: Around 75%.
SMS : An acronym for Short Message Service, these are text messages, also called text messages, sent from one phone to another.
Soft bounces : Temporarily unsuccessful emails, most of which resolve themselves and are delivered to the recipient later.
The reasons are: ✓ the recipient's inbox is full (rarely consulted or because the recipient has received volumetric emails)
✓ the recipient's server is temporarily malfunctioning
✓ the filtering system of the recipient's mailbox is blocked a given sender.
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Successful E-mail rate : As part of an E-mailing campaign: this corresponds to the number of messages actually received by Internet users excluding Hard Bounce and Soft Bounce (number of successful messages / number of messages sent* 100).
Reactivity rate : In the context of a mass e-mail action, the reactivity rate is the ratio between the number of messages clicked and the number of messages opened X 100.
Opening rate of an e-mailing action : This is the ratio between the number of messages opened and the number of messages sent. This rate on average between 7 and 15% for an E-mail prospecting campaign is largely based on the notoriety of the advertiser and the attractiveness of the subject of your E-mailing.
Telemarketing : Use of the telephone as the main vector for implementing marketing actions (prospecting, sales, surveys, market studies, after-sales service, etc.).
Topage : Action which consists of “marking” recordings (corresponding to a certain profile, to a sub-segment of your target, used during a campaign, etc.).
Tracking : This is the follow-up, as part of a BtoC or BtoB E-mailing campaign, this consists of transmitting after the routing of the campaign the statistics of the operation: number of E-mails sent, number of 'Successful emails, number of clicks, hard bounce rate, reactivity rate, etc.
Underkill : Deduplication technique which consists of carrying out the comparison only on the contents of identical fields, it is a very flexible level of modulation... Example: Pierre DUPOND and Paul DUPONT living in Grenoble can wrongly be considered as duplicates.
Wap push : SMS message including a link to a mobile website.
Catchment area : Geographical area of commercial attraction surrounding a point of sale and in which customers and prospects reside. It is determined either by distance or access time.
Blue zones : Areas with high social dominance. They are defined by urban divisions of 100 to 200 households. These divisions are established according to the assessment of the following socio-economic indicators: the average income of the neighborhood, the dominant CSP, the proportion of social housing, the price per m².
Red zones : Disadvantaged/difficulty sectors. They are defined by urban divisions of 100 to 200 households. These divisions are established according to the assessment of the following socio-economic indicators: the average income of the neighborhood, the dominant CSP, the proportion of social housing, the price per m².
is the abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management.
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