Writing a prospecting email is like walking on eggshells. Every detail counts to gain your prospect's attention. The slightest communication error can have a lasting impact on his perception of you. If your message is too standard, you also risk never achieving your goals.  

So, how to write a good prospecting email? The first step is to ban these 7 phrases at all costs.  

My name is (first name), I am (position) at (company)

With this hook, your prospect immediately identifies your approach as commercial . So avoid this phrase, especially since this information is already present in your signature.

To introduce your messages, immediately turn to your prospect. For example, you can congratulate him for an action carried out or comment on news from his company .

I hope you are well

Being polite and wanting to show that you are interested in your prospects is good. Note, however, that most of them do not attach any importance to your polite expressions .

So get to the point while maintaining a courteous tone . shorter and more specific your prospecting email is , the more likely you are to get your message across.

I would like… I would like… I would need….

The prospect and their problems should be at the center of your message. So don’t talk about yourself all the time (with “I”), or about what you would like to achieve. Instead, focus on the person behind their screen and the different issues that might make them interested in your offerings.

The objective of your message is that your prospect said to himself: “This person understands me perfectly. She  knows how to put words on my problem and has a solution to solve it. ”

Are you the decision maker? Tell me if you're not the right person.

You are probably thinking that by asking this question in your emails, you increase your chances of a response. In reality, this approach does not produce any results. Your emails are very rarely forwarded .

It's better to spend more time improving the precision of your targeting upfront . This way, you engage in a relevant conversation with each of your prospects. Your approach will also be perceived as much more professional .

I would like to make an appointment with you

Remember that in your prospecting emails , you must position yourself as an expert who comes to the rescue of your prospect . When reading your messages, your prospect should not think that your only objective is to sell them your products or services.

Your prospect must perceive the added value that he can derive from this first contact. You can offer him a quick meeting to discuss his issues . When you have them, use your freemium offers to create the relationship: proposal of a trial period, pre-audit, product demonstration, etc.

Would it be possible to discuss with you about….

Writing this sentence in your emails puts yourself directly in the position of a requestor. However, your prospect must perceive that he is the one who has something to gain . So favor formulas like “I suggest you”, “you have the possibility of”.

To make your proposal even more appealing, you can even imply that you select the people you call back. If you offer a pre-audit for example, you can mention eligibility conditions.

What are your next availabilities?

When you ask this question, you are asking your prospect to:

  • consult your diary,
  • think about the right time to organize an exchange in the middle of your busy weeks,
  • memorize possible slots,
  • return to your email to reply to you.

Suffice it to say that when prospecting, you cannot afford this luxury. Your prospects have too little time to give you .

It may be interesting to formulate your CTA (Call-To-Action) in the form of a question . However, be sure to ask something very explicit. Prefer a closed question and a specific action .

Emailing lead