Did you organize your business at any time to organize it at the right time? Make a prosperous piano and it's all you need to achieve efficiency! If you do not allow me to speak to you, I will have a precise vision of your actions.

Anyway, the method can be used to start it at the right time. What do you mean in this prosperous piano? What do you do? What is the security structure? Come farlo vivere?

Before you delay the longer the time is necessary to structure your business, you will be offered a complete guide to create your BtoB business business.

What is a prosperous piano?

It's the prosperous piano in your brand 's tab to conquer new customers. You must be prepared to mount. It is a piano that is used and operated by the commercial operator to achieve a specific purpose. To make sure you have access to and have potential qualified customers, this piano is essential.

Prosperation is an imperative for all those who wish to please the owner. The attitude of this piano is the best way to guarantee intelligent prosperity. You agree to allow your time to be controlled at the current cost of distribution for your campaign. Please note that this piano must be played promptly with a long anticipation of rising at the end of the countryside.

Why can you use this piano? Various positive aspects, but in general, there is a prosperous nature:

  • Structure the management of the marketing and sales team;
  • Strengthen the service provided by your sales team (database, script, planning, etc.);
  • Feeds your conversion funnel with greater customer potential for your marketing strategy (website, blog, social network, etc.).

Build your piano for B2B sales in 6 passages:

Conosci la parola “ churn” ? This is why it ends up being used by the customer. Everything you need to know about this phenomenon.

If your turnover increases and you do not acquire new customers, you will be affected. Ecco perché è necessario perspettare per spettare para la mare il vario y far crescere la tua attività. Start with the key of your prospesion piano, and I will pass by your key:

1 – Definition of what you are looking for

Naturally, this is the first step to define what you want to do. This must be in line with what you are looking for . A chi vi volgete? How about that? What is the result and expected? Responding to this request, you will be able to view more and more future actions during the viewing.

As with the other capito, you need to be fitted with precision and fineness. Ecco perché, soprattutto, the most important thing is for a buyer persona. The avatar of your ideal client. This is a person who fits you and who should concentrate all of your attention during the search. Your person is likely to be interested in your product or service. He sees you when you see someone who is unconscious.

To be precise and ambitious, you should follow the SMART method. I need you to be specificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTime -based. This method allows you to choose a more relevant strategy, increase your service and make use of it at your disposal.

2 – Defining your business objectives

First of all, let's talk about the usefulness of creating your person. In this part, refresh our point. Said, poiché il tuo target è il profilo de la cliente ideale, devi conoscerlo meglio per raggiungerlo meglio. This is clearly defined, your persona serves as a basis for building your potential customer file.

To define your business objective, you must segment and contact your database. I lead devono corresponds to the characteristics of your person. Ecco perché suggests that you concentrate on the following points to define your target:

  • Demographic data: location, location, position, location, industry, geographical area, etc.
  • I know about psychology: interests, SONCAS , sport, hobby, social network, etc.
  • I have problems, difficulties and frustrations: blocks, objectives, values, concerns, vision of the future, etc.

The ideal is to arrange as much information as possible for your potential customers. This is how you identify and know what you are looking for. This is something necessary if you wish to convert.

3 – Use a prospesion file

One thing that defines your object is the moment you create your prosperous file. This is a file that consents to potential customer correspondence to your target with current contact information. It is a library that provides useful and relevant information to your potential customers. I will make it available to you relating to your vendita in the manner in which you wish to act.

To stabilize a prosperous file, it is possible to use different methods. We don't understand anything immediately where you believe you are. The main part of the job also uses a simple Excel file as a basis. This is a practical troppo energivora . However, this type of file may be distorted and data should be managed. However, if you use it there is still a manual intervention, but it is also automatic.

This file is authorized to be centralized and datied in a single post. The best thing to do is to update all the information you use on a unique, automated, dedicated page . Consult the Magileads solution . This instrument facilitates monitoring and allows a better individual opportunity. In other words, you consent to contacting potential customers at the moment, nel posto giusto e con gli approcci giusti.

The Magileads platform offers a solution for those who wish to lead with higher qualifications for the sale. You consent to this at this time and you agree to have a prosperous and republishing effect. We have access to our dynamic database with 20 million B2B contacts and PRM to guarantee optimal follow-up of your lead qualifications.

Se vuoi saperne di più sulla piattaforma, dai un'occhiata alla nostra demo online >>

4 – Scegli i tuoi canali di prospezione

However, this defines what you are looking for, your person and your file is set to be prosperous. However, the safety is determined by whether I enter into contact with your potential customers. How good is the technology you use? What sound channel do you prefer? How effective is the sound channel? What channel do you have available to your customers? How can you make a return on the investment more quickly? This is the sound that you need to ask for.

If you have a channel number available for B2B sales , it may be difficult to follow your method. Hai molte scelte, ma non scegliere a channeled solo. You can combine digital and digital channels. You can combine them to get the best results.

  • Canali digitali (Esempio: emailing, social network, telephone, chatbot…)
  • Canali fisici (ad esempio: proud one-to-one ed eventi aziendali)

Please note that the channel you are looking for is based on your target, on your budget and according to your specifications.

To learn more about the prosperous channel, I invite you to read our article about its history >>

5 – Prepare your piano player

In this case, arrived at the night of the question, this passage is very important perched and will define your piano of azione. What you need to do is prepare a vendita pitch or your vendita script. This is a document that provides conversational guidance for you relating to your vendita. Next to your object and your preferences, you must define the style of user experience. The content will make it obvious that it is even more important. If you are interested in studying, if you are registered for e-mail, telephonic support, use social media or other media.

Please note, this document must contain some essential element, it is worth saying:

  • Request a request to consent to your potential customers who are interested in their difficulties and those who are thinking. This is an effective way to initiate a conversation with your interlocutor.
  • The importance of customer potential, its real motivation, based on its activity, the size of its business, etc.
  • Anticipated the joint request from potential customers. Prepare a suitable response to allow it to appear as a spy. It's important to understand the price you need to offer the right solution. This concentrates on the consiglio.
  • Migliora i tuoi prodotti e servizi. Most of your value is high, you know that you are lavored even more, most of your future customers are always well-respected by you.

To stabilize an effective sales piano, the sales presentation must be prepared in advance. This consent is given to report the sale of the current information. You can say that this is what you do and what you pay attention to complete the campaign. You can also illustrate your images with some examples in a slightly different way.

6 – Monitor the timing of your observations

Creazione di a piano di prospezione commercial richiede tempo e raised an investmento da parti di tutto il team di vendita. Una Volta Lanciate the countryside, è Imperativo monitorare l'imajer del piano di prospezione definito in anticipo. Che i risulti siano positivi o meno, è necessario eeguire il follow-up aziendale e pensare anche al servizio clienti.

Commercial monitoring prevede the definition of KPI (Performance Indicators) to monitor the efficiency of the activity at hand. This metric allows you to analyze the impact of your piano performance. Depending on the channel you use, for example, you can select the email aperture, the cost of customer acquisition (CAC) or the cost per lead (CPL). All statistics will be required to consent to the provision of services to you in your relationship and you are initially required to do so.

He monitoraggio è Essenzial anche per rilevare miglioramenti alle campaign future e per miglioorare il ratorno sull'instimento .

Do you have an effective instrument to guarantee optimum monitoring of your vending performance? Scopri Magileads, a tool that offers a complete dashboard for dynamic analysis of campaign and marketing services. I will also benefit from a PRM that allows you to track your lead qualifications to interface with your CRM, ERP, etc.

How does it work? This offer is an online display >>

Cosa ricordare sur la pianificazione della prosperity!

The success of your activity depends on a large part of the usefulness of an effective playing piano. We cannot allow you to acquire new customers. Here are the essential points of the cord to ensure your success in your business campaign:

Defining the main purpose of your prosperous piano

This is the final object that remains visible. The object must be precise and more ambitious, and you can use the SMART method (Specific – Misurabile – Realizable – Realistic – Time-bound) to define it.

Know your target or person as the palm of your hand

The easier it is to transform into customers. Anyway, this is your ideal client profile, no doubt!

Use a file to centralize your information to your potential customers

You can use an automated omnichannel platform to run an Excel file at high energy intensity. In effect, you consent to inviare potential customers with higher qualifications and you are present for the sale at this time.

Defines the right channel to use to contact you and your potential customers

Now you have a multi-channel campaign to get better results. Quotes and instructions for your channel based on the target, budget and specification.

Prepare your sales presentation, determine the approach you will use to contact your potential customers

Please note that content will be offered to your public. It must be relevant and adapted to your target. According to this argoment, you can personalize it based on the requirements of your potential customer.

Keep track of your marketing services to improve your marketing impact, improve your future campaign and generate a significant return on your investment.

This is a solution that allows you to simplify commercial prosperity. The Magileads platform offers all the essential surveys to automate your prospecting campaign and increase the ROI: targeting, arricchimento del tuo database, animazione scenario and scoring of your potential customers… with more intelligence in your prospection.

You can see more, you can offer an online demo >>
