what is a prm partner relationship management

What is social relationship management (PRM)?

Businesses can use indirect sales to sell their products or services in the market. Concretely, it is a sales channel managed through a number of partners (Prescriptores, Distribuidores, Integradores, etc.).

Therefore, the idea is DO-FAIRE: it represents, sells and has the services associated with it offered. Therefore, the PRM (for Partner Relationship Management) is a tool designed to monitor the evolution of the negotiation and facilitate communication between the parties.

A PRM system provides members with easy access to all the information they need to sell their products . Allows you to register transactions quickly and easily, access merchandise information and find product information.

What is a good PRM solution/technology?

The SMR can be used by anyone related to the trade: corredors, sellers or distributors of aggregated value, etc. Therefore, the PRM software can be considered an extension of CRM ( for Customer Relationship Management). The idea is to allow the company to achieve greater visibility of the cuentas, the sales processes and the results that our partners are creando .

To ensure that a PRM package is effective in the indirect sales process, it must incorporate some essential characteristics. Items include:

  • A socios portal so that our socios can quickly access the content,
  • the declaration of opportunities,
  • lead management,
  • training and certification,
  • content management,
  • transaction register,
  • solid relationships with the existence of socios,
  • Planning together of activities.

In summary, the SMR is designed to bring together a variety of traditional herramientas on one platform. All that a channel manager needs to work with socios is available on one platform.

Who owes a PRM herramienta?

Companies that most benefit from an indirect strategy are mainly those thatno sale directly to our final users. Industries such as manufacturing, automation, security, SaaS and hospitality and tourism included, all of which include, through one distribution channel , deberian tener an effective SMR strategy. For other reasons, it is recommended that the companies that sell mainly to their customers who use them solo CRM solution.

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