Businesses can use indirect sales to sell their products or services in the market. Concretely, it is a sales channel managed through a number of partners (Prescriptores, Distribuidores, Integradores, etc.).
Therefore, the idea is DO-FAIRE: it represents, sells and has the services associated with it offered. Therefore, the PRM (for Partner Relationship Management) is a tool designed to monitor the evolution of the negotiation and facilitate communication between the parties.
A PRM system provides members with easy access to all the information they need to sell their products . Allows you to register transactions quickly and easily, access merchandise information and find product information.
What is a good PRM solution/technology?
The SMR can be used by anyone related to the trade: corredors, sellers or distributors of aggregated value, etc. Therefore, the PRM software can be considered an extension of CRM ( for Customer Relationship Management). The idea is to allow the company to achieve greater visibility of the cuentas, the sales processes and the results that our partners are creando .
To ensure that a PRM package is effective in the indirect sales process, it must incorporate some essential characteristics. Items include:
- A socios portal so that our socios can quickly access the content,
- the declaration of opportunities,
- lead management,
- training and certification,
- content management,
- transaction register,
- solid relationships with the existence of socios,
- Planning together of activities.
In summary, the SMR is designed to bring together a variety of traditional herramientas on one platform. All that a channel manager needs to work with socios is available on one platform.
Who owes a PRM herramienta?
Las Empresas that más se benefician of una estrategia indirecta its mainmers which no ven venden directament is the final usuarios . Industrias Como la Manufactura, Automotriz, Seguros, SaaS e Incluso Hospitalidad y Ocio that Venden, Al Menos in Parte, with a Distribión channel , Deberían Tener una Estrategia SMR Efectiva . Por otro lado, recomienda that las empresas that venden mainmement a sus clients utilicen solo una solución crm .