Have you just added 70 new contacts to your CRM following a webinar? Do you come home from a professional show with dozens of prospects business cards? Potential customers left their email address on your site this month?

Maintaining the relationship after this first contact is the nerve of war. In now known anglicism, this is called the lead nurturing . This step is often overlooked. Here is why she shouldn't:

  • This first interaction cost you dearly. Think about the price of the stand at your living room. Allow the time you spent preparing your webinar. 
  • Your prospects have a short memory and quickly forget you . Even when they need you. Even when they showed enthusiasm during your discussions.
  • The majority of your prospects do not feel urgently to buy your products or services. It's up to you to convince them .

How long are you waiting on average to relaunch a prospect? How often do you contact it? What do you do when he gets rid of? How do you understand your preferences? Do you send him personalized messages? 

If you dry - wherever you can breathe: "I don't do it enough" - your prospecting may quickly reach a glass ceiling.

In this article, we will explain how to avoid this thanks to PRM .

What is PRM exactly?

Unlike CRM (Customer Relations Management), PRM (Prospect Relationship Management) is still very little known in the field of relational marketing. However, the PRM is an effective lever to increase your sales.

The PRM is considered a subset of the CRM. More specifically, the CRM is used to manage and improve the relationships of a business with the whole of its contacts: prospects, customers and partners . The PRM is specifically intended for the management and improvement of relations with prospects.

In other words, a PRM strategy allows you to focus on the specific expectations of your prospects. A prospect does not ask the same questions as your customers. He does not have the same problems or the same expectations. It is therefore much more relevant to build with him a full -fledged relationship .

How do you know if you need a PRM?

You now know what a PRM is. But is it really worth changing your current operation? After all, you have already converted prospects into customers without PRM.

You can work without. But you expose yourself to the risk of losing many opportunities . Here are 5 situations that should make you react.

You often send the same campaigns to your entire base 

A new offer? A news on your business? You tend to communicate this information to your entire base. Here are two reasons why you take great risks:

  • Your customers and prospects are not receptive to the same information. 
  • Your prospects are much more volatile than your customers. 

Sending non -targeted campaigns to your prospects is likely to disengage them faster. Your prospects are saturated with information. And unlike your customers, they have not developed any attachment to your business.

It is therefore important to qualify your prospects and accentuate the personalization of the messages addressed to them.

You do not know the level of commitment of your prospects

Do you know today who are your most inclined prospects to buy your products or services? A prospect who reacted to your last campaign is more than the one who has not been opening your emails for 6 weeks.

What happens when you don't have quick access to this information? You miss hot prospects ready to meet your salespeople. You are also more likely to lose a prospect permanently, because you have done nothing to re -engage it.

To avoid this, the implementation of a lead scoring system is very effective. These features are present in the Magileads platform .

Your prospects “Ghostent” 

Your latest prospect generation campaign is a success. You have collected many contact details. The problem ? Three -quarters of these contacts then ghoste you. To use this popular expression, your prospects pretend that you no longer exist. This situation shows that your prospecting funnel is not effective .

Make sure you good onboarding your prospects? Have you planned a series of interactions the days following the acquisition of contact? In other words, what are you doing during this period when your prospects are the hottest?

If you have not automated such a process, it is normal for a large share of your prospects to escape you. Using the PRM is in this case a good option to develop your pipeline durably.

Your transformation rate is not satisfactory 

Are your salespeople struggling to transform your prospects into customers? This can be explained by poor qualification of your prospects. You cannot identify relevant and mature enough contacts to buy your products.

The PRM can be the lever you need to increase your transformation rate:

  • The lead nurturing helps you to advance your prospects on the prospecting funnel.
  • You accumulate knowledge on your prospects (Progressive Production) thanks to the history of your interactions.
  • Your salespeople are better equipped to make their appointments.

Thanks to a customizable scoring system, the Magileads platform allows you to build a tailor-made PRM strategy.  

Your marketing and commercial activities are doing well

PRM is not only useful when you have a problem to solve! It is above all a powerful efficiency lever for your marketing and commercial actions. It allows your teams to save time and increase their results. PRM becomes essential for all companies wishing to optimize their prospecting activity.

PRM: How does it work?

For a PRM strategy to work, you must first generate prospects. It is therefore essential to choose effective prospecting methods . In the BtoB sector, inbound marketing has developed considerably. This technique is to attract your prospects with content that interests them. There are many possible formats: webinar, podcast, article, infographic, etc.

You must then qualify these prospects in order to differentiate their level of maturity and adapt your communication . This first means to collect relevant information with your Lead Tracking Contact and Tools.

Once this first information is collected, your prospect is ready to integrate a scenario . A marketing scenario is a succession of actions triggered according to conditional rules. You decide, for example, that if your prospect downloads your white paper, he receives complementary content a few days later. Before programming these actions, you can carry out your “ Customer Journey Map ”. It is a visual representation of all interactions with your prospects.

Note that the needs, positions and expectations of your prospects can change along the way. The marketing department must be able to be informed and modify its scenarios. It is important to always ensure that your data is updated. This is what Magileads guarantees with its dynamic base of 20 million BtoB contacts.

Do you want to implement an effective PRM strategy? Help you the tools offered by Magileads

Aware of the need for a PRM strategy , Magileads offers tailor -made automated tools. These instruments help you implement an effective acquisition strategy based on modern marketing tools These include targeting , basic enrichment, animation scripting and prospects and partners scoring .