Prospecting using email marketing automation: 5 tips for success

Prospecting using email marketing automation: 5 tips for success

Thanks to technological advances, it is now possible to take advantage of marketing automation . A relatively new term, it refers to all tasks carried out regularly, which can be automated using computer programs . This is particularly the case for e-mails intended for commercial prospecting .

Digital marketing takes a vital place in the development of any company’s strategy. The digital route makes it possible to reach a wider clientele, while eliminating geographical barriers. However, when you use marketing automation , the goal is not to become intrusive to consumers. Here are 5 tips for a successful campaign!

Classify your customers according to their specificities

In marketing automation , the most common mistake is to schedule the sending of a generic email to all your contacts at well-defined periods (arbitrarily). This technique allows you to save valuable time, but the recipients may not be receptive. The reasons ? Too much intrusion, too archaic an approach, no consideration of their needs, etc. In the end, we don't see the use of it.

Take the time to understand your customers and determine their needs! Indeed, you are not going to send exactly the same content to a customer who is in the process of purchasing your product and to another who is just starting to discover it. The technique of maintaining good contact with your prospect is called “lead nurturing” . To implement it correctly, you will need to consider: the stage of the purchasing process , interests , the right time to send emails and the content itself.

Create a specific and ergonomic email

From now on, say goodbye to emails full of texts that tout all the wonders about your product! Know that on average, your prospect will only spend a few seconds in front of your content (they are already quite busy). You will therefore have to ensure that it is attractive, through beautiful visuals and clear illustrations. Also use calls-to-actions to redirect readers to your page with just one click! This will further simplify the purchasing process.

In any case, the objective is not to put forward a parade of colors. Instead, call on a team of infographic designers who will put together something simple for you, but which will seduce you at first glance. However, in addition to the neat visual appearance, you must not forget to highlight the chosen message in your communication strategy . Eh yes ! The email must follow a editorial line .

Email marketing
Prospecting using email marketing automation: 5 tips for success 2

Track your email performance

The main advantage of digital is being able to put concrete figures on the performance of your email campaign. By inserting, for example, calls to actions to your website in your emails, it will be possible to check whether the number of visitors has increased. Therefore, to properly assess your performance, it is essential to set SMART objectives and see if they have been achieved. In the event of failure, you will have to rectify the situation quickly and adapt your communication strategy to the expectations of prospects. In addition to the number of visitors, pay attention to open, click and unsubscribe rates!

To do this, you will need to go through a testing phase before using marketing automation for your final prospects. Target a specific panel of testers to whom you will send a first draft of emails, and see their behavior! It is imperative to ask yourself 4 questions : “Does my content have added value? Did my prospect understand my message? Is its content specific enough? Did I send my message at the right time? ".

Optimize Marketing Emails for Mobile Devices

According to a study conducted on consumer browsing habits, mobile phones are now more used (42%) compared to computers (38%) and tablets (7%). Obviously, this will essentially depend on the age of the prospects, because older people are more reluctant to change.

Therefore, you will need to ensure that the mobile rendering of your marketing email is pleasant to look at and encourages you to scroll through it until the last lines. Also, when the prospect is redirected to your website , don't forget to do the same for him. That the sections are arranged ergonomically so that the Internet user is not lost in a clutter. The experience must become just as qualitative as on the computer.

Concretely, you will need to use the services of web developers who will be assisted by your marketing team . These 2 entities will absolutely have to work together since the developers will take care of the technical aspect (setting up the site), while the marketers will ensure that the company's strategy is respected.

Send your emails when you need them

This deserves special attention, because the choice of when to send an email is very often crucial. You don't have to set a single time for all your contacts. As mentioned previously, segmentation will be necessary for better results.

First of all, carefully separate your individual (B to C) and professional (B to B) customers! Professionals will be freer at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., except Monday and Friday. In fact, the beginning and end of the week are generally set aside for meetings with management. If they are regular, it is very possible that they take place before lunch (11 a.m.) or in the middle of the afternoon (3 or 4 p.m.). For individuals, the right time is harder to determine, because the target may be students with a more flexible schedule. You can conduct a little survey on their web browsing habits if necessary.

Having a solid database of your prospects will allow you to create an atmosphere of trust, where they know that you care about their needs instead of only thinking about your financial benefits. The more reassured a prospect is, the quicker he will become one of your regular customers.


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