What is CNIL influenza in commercial prospects?

The general regulation on the protection of data, known as “GDPR”, in force on 25 March 2018, is a European test that regulates the processing of personal data in the territory of the European Union. This follows the modification of the leg of 6 gennaio 1978 relating to the text, agli archived and free. It C NIL is the regulator. Cooperation with the CNIL in the processing of personal data in the dispute with commercial prospects is obligatory. Is the CNIL responsible for its impact on commercial prospects?

Is it the CNIL?

It is an independent administrative authority responsible for the protection of personal data in France. The CNIL or the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties will control your actions to verify compliance with the GDPR. Guarantee of digitalization and digital technology does not violate human identity, privacy and individual freedom. The CNIL is responsible for its competition in conformity with the law n. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 amended on 6 August 2004.

Its main mission:

  • Inform: inform the person who is obligated and directed.
  • Regulate: supports the manager without digital programs. Please note that all information relating to the protection of your personal data (fattura, difesa and pubblica security) is requested. At the end of simplifying the formalità for the richest comuni, the CNIL has established a simplified standard.
  • Protected: it should be noted that the city does not use the instructions (access to the fascicoli and data on the instructions, instructions and instructions). Accompany the responsibility for the protection of the company's name.
  • Control: controls the related computer development. Verify the risk of individual freedom, but also the security of the information system.
  • Sanction: If there is a violation of the provisions relating to the GDPR, dopo a messa in law, the CNIL can impose sanctions on multiple legal grounds (adita to the competent tribunal, adita to the public minister)
  • Anticipate: you must always anticipate the use of technology to value the consequences of your actions and freedom.

In commercial prosperity, the CNIL protects the affected person.

Commercial prospecting and CNIL

In the end of commercial exploitation, the CNIL verifies whether its main line is: it consents to “libero, specific, information and inequivocal” of the person to request and it responds to the direction of opposition of the person.

In this case, in general, the application of the GDPR and the existence of the CNIL do not change the regulation on commercial exploitation. Finally, these are the basic principles of the recipe:

  • For individual or BtoC propaganda, it may have effect in the sole condition of the person who expressly agrees to it at the time of the personal contact. The person must be present at the appropriate time easily and free of charge.
  • For my BtoB profession , it must be kept informed in advance so that your direct email will be used for your business. Well, he says otherwise. Furthermore, these commercial generics (data of contact with the relevant person) are not subject to objection. The business of prosperity must be in accord with the profession of the person in question.

Data transfer

Any time this happens, you will be transferred to your commercial partner. The CNIL agrees with the fact that you are promoting commercially on the bank that is collected from another company that has free and specific consent from the Internet for its primary propaganda purposes.

In these conditions, which organization you have and you have contact details and you want to combine them with other organizations for the purpose of success, regardless of which channel you are using, you should have primary access to the following devices:

  • The person must consent to the condition of the owner indirizzo con altri. My first address must be information about transmission and its view.
  • The person can be matched with mezzi simply and free of charge. Concretely, it must be materialized in a special control box accompanied by a message that stipulates the opposition.
  • The persona must have access to all the partners of their partners who are present (visibile sul modulo).
  • The person must be responsible for the change in their nature. An item that is not modified must be visible directly on the modulo where there is a link.
  • The company's consent to this information is given by your partner and is valid only for the ultimate purpose.
  • I partner che sollecitano le persone devono dare loro il diretto di opporsi. Devono inoltre indicates the origin of the loro fonti.

This information on personal data processing should be of interest to you.

Personal data may not be transmitted to the European Union (second to the European Union Directive of October 24, 1995) if the destination country does not offer adequate protection. Alcuni paesi che non sono membri dell'Unione Europea hanno adottato leggi simili riconosciute dagli stati membri (Monaco, Svizzera, ...). Other Europe Canada, Australia, Senegal, …. It does not contain equivalent authority. Gli Stati Uniti, il Giappone … hanno, d'altro canto, adottato una legislazione to guaranteee che siano i tribunali giudiziari ad essere responsabili di sanzionare le violazioni.

The CNIL supervised commercial development. Guarantee of good commercial activity across the board: verification of nature and date of origin; the supervision of the contract with its subcontractors; and inform the interested person.

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