Are you relying on emailing campaigns to acquire new BtoB customers? While this prospecting method retains great potential, it is becoming more and more demanding. Your prospects receive an average of 48 emails per day. With the development of social media, instant messaging and other digital tools, their attention is increasingly demanded. In this context, how can we obtain a good response rate? Here are our tips.
Write a unique, relevant and impactful subject
The subject of a prospecting email is decisive. It is he who will encourage your future customers to open, or not, your email . You need to make your item unique . It must be able to capture attention while being as precise as possible . Otherwise, your email will likely end up directly in your prospects' spam folder.
So what you need is for your title to stand out. Among the other emails your contact receives, it should stand out from the crowd . To do this, it must be intriguing , arouse interest or curiosity , without forgetting of course to be relevant . In addition, you must ensure that it is short and impactful (no more than 10 words). When writing the subject line of your email, get to the point. Try to place the most important information , or formulate a question . In any case, try to give the recipient of your email the feeling that you wrote it especially for them. To do this, do not hesitate to write their name or that of their company in your subject line.
Don't forget to introduce yourself
In your prospecting emails, always remember to introduce yourself . Give a short introduction to yourself and your business so your prospects can quickly learn who you are. Also remember to explain to them, from the outset, why you are writing to them . Preferably, make this introduction at the beginning of your email .
At the end of your letter, also add your professional signature . Include your name and that of your company to show your seriousness and legitimacy to your interlocutor. And to make it easy for them to contact you, also include a contact .
Be convincing
When it comes to the content of your emails, always make sure it is as compelling as possible . As with the subject line, your message must quickly capture the attention of prospects . You absolutely must their trust To do this, be as explicit as possible. Get straight to the point, while being professional and reassuring .
Remember that to make a good impression and capture your target's attention, the first few seconds of reading are the most important . In your content, be sure to put a short and clear catchphrase , and preferably personalized .
Depending on the case, use this phrase to congratulate your targets . To do this, consult social networks and find out about their most recent successes.
To hook your prospects, you can also offer them solutions directly. If, for example, your product or service solves one of their problems, quickly mention the problem in your content. Then highlight ways you can resolve it.
If your products or services are aimed at businesses, consider providing constructive criticism . To do this, for example, go to the site of your targets and first identify anything that could be likely to harm them (gaps, weak points, etc.). In your content, talk about it before proposing your solutions .
Warning: you must avoid focusing your message too much on you and your solutions . Instead, focus it on your reader and their issues. Also make sure to write a short email ( no more than ten lines) and not make any mistakes (spelling, grammar). Before sending your message, reread it several times.
Don’t forget the CTA (Call to Action)
A CTA encourages your prospect to take a specific action. This could mean reserving a slot in your calendar for a 15-minute call or downloading your latest white paper. Make sure to close your emails with a CTA . It will also serve as an indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of your prospecting campaign .
In summary, keep in mind that a good email should always:
· Have a short and punchy object;
· Allow you to clearly know who you are;
· Understand a short, but clear and ideally personalized catchphrase;
· Contain a short, convincing message, focused on the target and showing that you have made real research efforts on the latter;
· Contain a CTA,
· Be signed.
Need effective tools to facilitate the sending of your prospecting emails. Remember to go to Magileads. On our omnicanal SaaS platform for customer acquisition and loyalty, you have both the tools necessary for omnical prospecting as well as access to the analyzes of the results of your e-mailing campaigns.