
KA-Groupe – MAGILEADS is specialized in providing IT services in SaaS mode. The content of the service and the computer application which may be available to the Customer is available on the website of the Customer, or at the time of a commercial offer.

MAGILEADS audio services are available remotely via the Internet.

The Customer will wish to use an external computer solution for the owner's needs.

In fede di ciò si conviene et si determina quo segue


Indirizzo URL: A data entry consented to access Internet information via a web browser. Contains the server name and document access.

Application: If you have any programming and the software solution is available to the Customer in SaaS mode.

Client: the legal person or person responsible for the transaction has signed the present general conditions of sale.

Contract: this document is named Contract.

Dati: If you have all the information and data from the Client generated by the implementation of the application or it has been developed.

Area customeri: area security of the site, Accessible only to MAGILEADS customers, you consent to access to personal data, to prevent damage and payment effects.

Internet: if you refer to any internet site, locate it in any area of ​​the world.

SaaS: Software as a Service is a concept that consists of offering a subscription to software as a service, and acquiring a license.

Services: If you refer to all of the services and the MAGILEADS software solutions, please provide them to the Customer in the execution of the Contract.

Soluzione: " IT soluzione" or "software soluzione" if you have any services, the software and the infrastructure are available to the Customer.

Articolo 1. Oggetto

The present general conditions of sale apply to all services provided by MAGILEADS to professional customers, regardless of the sales conditions you have to compare with the customer's documents, and in particular to their general conditions of purchase.

The contract is composed of the following contractual documents, presented in the general order of decreasing legal value.

  • General conditions of sale and service;
  • Any subsequent changes to this contract

In case of contradistinction and/or higher availability of one of the documents you need, please ensure that the document is higher in rank.

Any contraria content in any other document is considered unwritten (e-mail, fax, etc.). It remains true that some modifications, in particular written by hand, that I guard or mention an essential element or that consist of the addition or elimination of a qualsiasi element, must be urgently accepted by the written party.

Article 2. Durata of the contract

The present general conditions of sale and service will be valid for the first time (01/01/2022) at an indeterminate time.

Article 3. Commercial proposal

Customer responsibility indicates in the manner in which it is required, evaluates the software solution and ensures that it has the necessary skills to use it.

The Customer is aware of the state of the information required to provide assistance from MAGILEADS or other qualified professionals, to the end of the value of the owner's requirements and the ability to use the SaaS solution under stable conditions.

Articolo 4. Ordini

The sale if it intends to be perfect has been submitted to a commercial proposal and MAGILEADS has been expressly accepted by the Customer in its order.

When the customer purchases an order on the Internet, the sale is complete when MAGILEADS confirms the customer's part of the order module compiled online and of the payment.

All changes are made and aggiunte to an order will be confirmed only in advance with express acceptance written by the party.

The cancellation of the order of the Customer requires the acceptance of the part of MAGILEADS, for this reason, involves the full payment of the service, a right of loss, compensation for loss.

Article 5. First

The service offered by MAGILEADS will be subject to current tariffs at the time of registration of MAGILEADS, in accordance with the commercial proposal made by MAGILEADS. I prezzi sono espressi in euro, cup locked. I prezzi saranno rivisi a ogni scadenza annuale in base all’andamento dell’index Syntec.

Article 6. Payment conditions

The payment term may vary depending on the service provided.

The acconto è dovuto le giorno dell'ordine, entre il saldo è dovuto le giorno dell'emission della fattura.

If the commercial proposal includes a proposal, the price must be paid at the rate of the form and does not end in advance of the proposal.

The fat will be redacted by MAGILEADS and will be indicated to the Customer, or it will be available to the Customer Area, at the time of the computer service.

MAGILEADS does not concede any rights.

Any discrepancy relating to the fat and nature of the service must be sent immediately to the Accounting Department, located at 40 rue de plaisance, 75014 Paris, or by e-mail to . enter one (1) time of the emission of the relative order of acquisition or fattura.

I pay your customer's money and will not consider it definitively for MAGILEADS.

In case of payment of the sum due to the Customer as indicated by the commercial offer and/or the fattura, if you apply a penalty for the payment of the payment, you may have an indennità fissa, I have sensi del Decree n. 2012-1115 from 02/10/2012, for a risky bet of 40 EUR.

As a criminal law, if you do not pay your money, you will be entitled to pay the same amount as rivals, of which 15% of the sum paid is not paid.

This will be automatically acquired by MAGILEADS, subject to formal and prior notice.

If you do not hesitate to contact us immediately, you should pay all your Customer's sums, you should be aware of any other action that MAGILEADS may have if you are not confronted with the Customer's history.

Please note, MAGILEADS should you operate this service, in case you do not have the right payment conditions so far, you can cancel or cancel the customer's computer services and/or support the delivery of the required service. The suspension of a service does not include the suspension of its fatturazione.

Article 7. Impegno and rinnovo has finished

MAGILEADS services are subject to one (1) year notice, and are not otherwise indicated in the commercial offer accepted by the Customer.

The subscription if it is renewed tacitly for successive periods of one (1) year, does not result in failure of the Customer in conformity with the stable conditions.

At the moment of the new product, the applicable tariffs will remain in force during the current product.

Article 8. Consegna

MAGILEADS if impregnated with its good quality to provide rich services to the Customer entered into stable commercial conditions.

Please note that you will be informed of this information and the eventual termination of the termination will not result in any rescission, cancellation or cancellation of the Customer's order.

If there are no computer services provided with one (1) specification, the sale may be canceled on the basis of the Customer's written record. The amount paid to the Customer will be refunded.

In order to reserve or urgently request the Customer's formula at the moment of the product and service instructions, it will be considered consistent with the order, in terms of quantity and quality.

The Customer has already received (8) timely provision of services to receive or request by post from the Accounting Office or by e-mail from, including all relevant documents. .

You will not be able to request a valid acceptance if the Customer does not accept this formality and delay.

Article 9. Responsibilities of MAGILEADS

MAGILEADS is not liable in any case for any eventuality of any unforeseen circumstances with which the Customer may derive from or in connection with the present contract and its consequences. For this reason, it is intended to be an explanatory and non-exempt title, but it does not guarantee any profit or loss, the loss of data, the loss of opportunity, the loss of business, the consequence of the request or the richness of the return of third parties not confronted by the customer, However, MAGILEADS is still aware of the possibility of verification.

In any case, the liability of MAGILEADS in the case of its Customer, for whatever reason and for which the basis is invoked and maintained, for all of its combinations, will be strictly limited and subsequently imported: During the distribution of the software solution, due (2) to the import of the cost relating to the implementation of the solution: the cost of implementation, please specify and consult. The importation of the license plate and the training costs are expressly excluded.

This clause is considered essential and decisive by MAGILEADS, che not stipulating in a binding contract. The Customer if impegna a informare MAGILEADS, per written, in the case in which the sum guaranteed is not sufficient to take into account eventuali risks included in its data and/or its attività.

The Customer must stipulate an aggressive servizio acgiuntivo to provide sufficient warranty.

Article 10. General warranty

MAGILEADS expressly guarantees the conformity of products and computer services with contractual documents.

MAGILEADS guarantees the Customer's quality services, software solutions, documentation and other elements relating to intellectual property or industrial rights belonging to third parties or to MAGILEADS, which are used or made available by third parties.

All parts of the service provided by MAGILEADS are subject to contraventions, legal compliance or other violations of intellectual property rights, MAGILEADS will not direct your customers to continue to use the computer services, or they may be in question. replace with an equivalent item that is not cost-effective if a disputed violation occurs, or modify the service to avoid potential violations.

The warranty does not apply if the Customer has provided or has made changes to the software solution.

The Customer is guaranteed to have obtained the necessary authorization when using MAGILEADS, in the scope of the service provision, when using the software, documents or other elements covered by a proprietary intellectual or industrial policy belonging to the third party.

The Customer guarantees that MAGILEADS will receive a correct, timely and reliable payment for any violation or violation of MAGILEADS.

Article 11. Privacy

Definition of updated information

I have finished the present Accordo, for "information riservate" if you intend to use the information, i dati ei documenti di qualsiasi type di una Parte che vengono trasmessi o resi noti all'altra Parte per iscritto or orally o con qualsiasi altro mezzo e che understandono, The title is illustrative and non-exhaustive, including technical, commercial, strategic and financial information, the studio, the specification, the software, the components, the products and the devices.

The information provided does not include the information available to the public or its availability to the public if it is a contractual or legal violation of the request.

Protection of stored information

The Part che receives the Information riservate if impegna nei confronti dell'other Parte a proteggere et mantenere strettamente riservate the Informazioni riservate and trattarle con cura.

If the disclosure of information is disclosed, it is subject to prior written consent of the other party.

In this case, inside the company, the information provided may only be transmitted to the person you know and will only be aware of its disclosed state.

Il presents impegno di riservatezza si protrarrà per a periodo di cinque (5) anni dalla data de cessazione del rapporto tra le Parti, per qualsiasi motivivo.

Dati sensitivity

In case of data communication that is “sensitive”, the Customer must formally inform MAGILEADS by writing the data processing if it is under specific control.

MAGILEADS takes into account the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect data “sensitivity”, which benefits from a higher level of protection, particularly in the event of data transmission in the future.

The attention to the exceptional protection procedure may be subject to a specific fatturazione.

Third authorized party

MAGILEADS is urgently authorized to provide scam information relating to the services provided by its third party designators to the client's mission: commercial, information service provider, partner and/or investor, consultant, logistic service provider, etc.

The customer must inform MAGILEADS about the limitations it intends to apply under this clause.

The Customer will be responsible for the processing of the Information provided on this part of the Customer.

Advertising and promotion

The Customer urgently authorizes MAGILEADS to provide any service for which it is provided, in this case, authorizes the reproduction of its logo and its operation in the form of advertising or communication, regardless of its use.

Article 12. Sicurezza

MAGILEADS adopts technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access or fraudulent use of data transmission, loss of property, alteration and/or disruption.

Salvaguard procedure

MAGILEADS takes legal action and in full mode it backs up the data memorized by the Customer for their interest, in accordance with article 34 of legge n. 28-17 of 6 Gennaio 1978 relativa all’informatica, ai file e alle libertà, che stabilisce che: “. The owner of the treatment must take all the necessary precautions, take into account the nature of the date and the risk of presentation of the treatment, to preserve the safety of the date, in particular, to avoid any distortion, or to access unauthorized third parties. . (…) “.

To complete this situation, the Client must implement an independent, reliable and reliable backup procedure, using the upload functionality at its disposal through the software solution, or through the Client Area.

Access to software and/or all Customer Area

Gli identifier to access the software solution and/or the Customer Area must be defined or defined by the Customer. This is a personal and personalized sound identifier.

The Customer is directly responsible for the use of the access data and the custody of the access code and assumes responsibility for the security of the proprietary computer equipment.

Article 13. Operating data

I have used, developed, supported, saved a backup or archive of MAGILEADS for our Customer's account which remains the property of the latter.

The accessory has been dated and is available to the Customer. However, the Customer is informed and accessed by MAGILEADS and can also access the property only by its mission and improve the quality of its service.

The Customer will be responsible for personal data processing and will not be subject to any data control by MAGILEADS for access to the contractual relationship.

MAGILEADS acts only in the quality of its sub-applicants and has the sensitivity to its disposition relative to the protection of its personal data, its disposition if impegna a risk.

MAGILEADS does not impregnate anyone with any element if it is available to the Customer who may be responsible for a direct violation or contravention.

MAGILEADS is not safe or uses personal data on the computer system for its own purposes or for its third party contents.

The Customer will be responsible for the quality of information and/or administrative pass (in particular for the quality of information from the CNIL), necessary for the collection and registration of personal data when registering with the IT Solution.

The Customer is entitled to MAGILEADS without any requests or requests relating to the use of the IT Solution on the part of the Customer, where there is no access to it, and if it is too expensive for any import, the cost and the amount relating to the violation and maintenance of the Customer MAGILEADS.

Article 14. Customer Responsibility

If the execution of the Contract is rich in an attractive collaboration between MAGILEADS Customers, we will not provide you with the right information.

The Customer must therefore make MAGILEADS available by documenting and documenting the information necessary for the provision of agreed services and taking into account the organizational requirements to guarantee the personal collaboration of the owner with MAGILEADS.

The Customer must make all the necessary arrangements for the success of their project, and in particular

  • Appoint a Project Manager who can make a decision on merit for the solutions proposed by MAGILEADS;
  • Sign up for an online assistance contract with your request;
  • Provide personal training to the owner.

In the case where the project is responsible for the project, it is not available to follow the program in question, or in the case where the project is responsible for the customer's business, it is ultimately necessary to take all necessary measures to comply with the request. mancanza, in particular appointing a new reference and organizing the training.

However, whenever any service part is pressed at the Customer's location, it is ultimately necessary to provide MAGILEADS personnel with appropriate conditions for their needs.

If not otherwise agreed, the Customer is also responsible for the acceptance of the software solution.

The Customer is aware of the current information requirements and needs to be assisted by MAGILEADS or by other professional professionals who do not need to be in good condition to perform the primary test procedure in service of the computer solution.

Article 15. Assistance

Your party will be responsible for the loss and/or any direct liability and compromise caused by the other party in consequence of an inadequacy of the obligation to be provided for in this contract.

This is due to the fact that you are insured with a well-known company and is responsible for all insurance policies, which may result in any other party being liable for this contract.

The assicurative policy stipulates that you must copy, as a minimum, I follow it

  • Traditional civil liability: locality, person, personal injury, etc.
  • Computer Responsibility: Computer system, data, activity interruption.

This part must provide proof of the primacy of the other part.

Article 16. Cessazione / Sospensione

Resoluzione senza inadempimento

The Customer may, under the condition of resuming the contract, receive the present contract to justify the decision of the owner, close the respite for a period of advance notice of one (1) month, by means of a letter confirmed with receipt of the return or via e -mail directly directly to: In this case, you will not be able to use MAGILEADS. The Customer must pay immediately all the money and it will remain in the name of the present contract.

MAGILEADS may enter into this contract at the same time as it was made, and when it comes to motivating the owner's decision, with prior notice (6) even if the letter is confirmed with the right to return. MAGILEADS if impegna a reimborsare to the Customer the prezzo pro-rata pagato per il periodo non risky of the contract.

Disposal in case of accident

In case of violation of a party of a party or of another obligatory notice of the contract, che non-venga sanata entro trenta (30) giorni dall'vio di una lettera raccomandata con receiptvuta di ritorno che notifica le violazioni in questione e If it is requested by the other party, the contract if it resolves to the contrary, should be taken into account by you who may be rich in the accidental party.

The data of the notification by the letter that specifies the violation in question will be the data of the first presentazione, in the case of the letter recommended with the receipt of the letter, alternating the data of the postage stamp.

It presents a contract that may be risky in the event of serious force.

Article 17. Reversibility

In the event of termination of the contractual relationship, whoever knows the cause, MAGILEADS is unable to return or disrupt, at the customer's discretion, all data of its property.

Restoration or distribution will take place between thirty (30) times when you receive a rich invitation with a letter supported by a letter.

In the case of restitution, the data will be transmitted to the customer in a standard format which may be used in an equivalent environment. However, it remains the case that MAGILEADS does not guarantee the compatibility of the output format with the computer application of the customer intended to be downloaded, but it is necessary to integrate this data.

Due to the richness and pre-existing nature of an active service, MAGILEADS can assist the Customer in facilitating data recovery.

These assistance services will be subject to the current price.

The Customer will be informed and accepted by MAGILEADS and will then cancel all items after a period of one (1) day when a product or service provided by MAGILEADS is terminated and a rich restoration is provided.

Article 18. No personal

The Customer is surprised to assume his or her participation, directly or through his or her post, as a MAGILEADS collaborator of the Service, with the prior consent of MAGILEADS, and the initial wealth comes from the collaborator itself.

The rinuncia will be valid for the duration of this contract and for a period due (2) before the end of the service provided by MAGILEADS.

If the Customer is not obliged to do so, if they apply to MAGILEADS, in particular for the selection and assistance, for the training costs and for any derivation of the impost provided, they will immediately pay a sum of payment to the net of the transom, then the IVA, bet to be (3) volte the new retribuzione annua lorda della persona in questione o, se questa è superiore, to be (3) volte the previous retribuzione annua lorda.

Article 19. Intellectual Property

The Customer is the owner of all of the data used in the service of the application in the context of the Contract.

MAGILEADS is the owner of the property management system relating to all elements of the service and application solutions available to the Customer, not only in general, however, but also in the context of the Contract.

This contract does not confer with the Customer any direction of ownership of its solutions. The provision of temporary solutions under the stable conditions of the contract will not be analyzed as the transfer of intellectual property rights to the Customer is sensitive to the French Intellectual Property Code.

The Customer cannot reproduce any part of the software, born from the relative documentation, with all its contents, in its form and its support.

Articolo 20. Vari

No rinuncia

It is formally agreed that the Party will accept or cancel part of the Party, in the application of all or part of the Implementation of the Contract, regardless of its form, frequency or duration, but will not consider a modification of the Contract. potrà create alcun diretto.

Excluded clause

Any provision of the present contract is void in relation to a current legal standard or a legal decision to pass in court, which is considered unwritten, therefore it constitutes the nullity of the contract or alters the validity of the other provision. It is necessary for a non-party to apply a contract clause or consent to its execution, if it is permanent or temporary, it will not be interpreted as a rinuncia of a party of this clause which has been deriving from the clause.

In this case, the party must, as far as possible, replace the canceled provision with a valid provision that corresponds to all spirits and to the terms of the contract.


This article contains this document which serves only to facilitate consultation and does not require any contractual value or particular significance.


These General Conditions of Sale may be subject to change at any time. This new order implies full acceptance of the new General Conditions of Sale.


The mail sent to MAGILEADS must be sent to you at its legal address: 40 rue de plaisance – 75014 Paris – France.

Circulation of the contract

Poiché he presents a contract and concludes "intuitive personae", the party if asterranno, da un lato, dal trasferire a terzi, a qualsiasi titolo e in qualsiasi forma, sia a titolo oneroso che gratuito, ilcontrato or uno qualsiasi dei loro diritti e oblighi And, in addition, you have to follow the instructions of all of these or part of the obligatory contractual contract.

Prove IT

However, the current record of MAGILEADS is on the website and/or the Software Solution costs the transaction between MAGILEADS and its Customer.

Articolo 21. Giurisdizione – Diritto Applicabile

Il presents contracto è soggetto alla legge francese, anche se l'una ou l'altra parte è di nationalità striera e/oi servizi sono eseguiti in tutto o in parte all'estero.

Prima di intraprendere qualsiasi azione legale, le parti concordano di cercare una soluzione amichevole averso la concilazione o la negoziazione.

In the event of a possible solution, there may be controversies relating to the training , the interpretation or the presentation of the present contract, and in the event that it emerges, it will be excluded from the court of PARIGI, independently of the fate of my life or even more so. agreed or a rich guarantee. This will be correct if you apply the following procedure.



MAGILEADS specializes in providing IT services in SaaS mode. The item of service and IT application that may be available to the Customer is available on the website of the Customer, o at the moment of the invitation of a commercial proposal.

MAGILEADS audio services are available remotely via the Internet.

The Customer will wish to use an external computer solution for the owner's needs.


Software come servizio: i termini “Software come servizio”, “Software SaaS”, “Service in abbonamento”, “Software”, “Applicazione” if you refer to the software provided you are abbonamento and comprensivo di servizi.
Main and additional service: a main service and a service that can be operated independently of the other service.

An additional service (or a new service) must be combined with a main service: Modulo optional or aggiuntivo, ad exempo.

Authorization of the user: the “authorization of the user” is imposed on a user, consented to its extension or limitation by its owner and owner of the application.
Purpose: If you refer to someone you are accessing the software solution.
Administrative device: If you refer to an authorized application user, this is complete or complete with software.
Final User / User Access / Account User: If you have access to the software solution, you have access to the software solution.
Identifier: If you find the user identifier (login) and login password.
Dati dell'azienda: if you have already entered the data and generated it in the application.
Memorized file: If there is any caricature of the file stored in the application, the original file has been stored by the customer.
Initial order and aggiuntivo order: an initial order and the order of a main service with its current services.

An additional order is a successive order for operating services.

Articolo 1. Oggetto

The present Special Conditions apply to the provision of Software SaaS from MAGILEADS to professional customers, independently of the clause that can be compared with the Customer's documents, in particular with their general conditions of purchase.

The use of the Customer's part of the IT SaaS solutions marketed by MAGILEADS necessarily includes the acceptance of these conditions. Any changes to the present disposition will be optional to the Customer and will not be communicated with me.

Article 2. Order and instructions of the abbonamenti

Attivation of the application

After receiving the order from MAGILEADS, the Customer will receive the message via e-mail, providing an identifier and a password to consent to access the Application.

The data in this file comes from the information provided by the computer service.

Once you have entered the password, MAGILEADS will not be responsible for your password. The Customer is therefore invited to change immediately.

Creation of an active account

When using the MAGILEADS application, you may be able to create new user access.

Please note that you have access to reasonable prices based on the current tariff conditions and do not apply at any time.

Attivazione di servizi aggiuntivi

If you use the MAGILEADS application, you may have the possibility of attracting active services.

This new service is subject to additional charges based on the current tariff conditions and does not apply at any time.

Authorization for your user

The Customer is solely responsible for the distribution of user access and authorization of all internal applications of this kind, in particular in this case in which access is consented to attivare tali comandi aggiuntivi.

Article 3. Financial conditions

When using the MAGILEADS software, associated with assistance and maintenance services, the Customer must pay a gun, which is also an abbonamento.

The frequency of this subscription is adjusted to the scheduled service period.

You will have to pay for the purchase later. The subscription must be paid directly to the credit card. Payment with payment, bonus or payment must be made via e-mail to the official account and accepted in advance by MAGILEADS.
The warranty grants MAGILEADS in merit all the security of its transactions which are identical to the extent of MAGILEADS in the publisher of the payment system.

In accordance with the contrary information provided to the customer, the registered information is stored in the computer system of MAGILEADS and its partner in current security conditions, it will be considered as valid communication, in the ordinary course, confirmed and paid by the customer of MAGILEADS.

The information provided by the party is, however, the customer does not provide a written record of the contrary.

The fatture will be immediately available in the customer area accessible on the MAGILEADS website, it will be accessed by the Customer and will be identified by its own user.

The sound system played at the moment of the broadcast.

If the prezzo dell'abbonamento is not stored in the Customer's data, MAGILEADS may, at your discretion, allow for the execution of the contract.

The suspension of the service does not include the interruption of the fatturazione. For the owner's account, the Customer must pay with credit card, the owner's area of ​​the customer, all the sum paid to MAGILEADS.

Article 4. Durata dell'impegno


The subscription to the service, which can be initiated with a free service, is automatically provided at the end of the regular period. This initial period will be fatturato per intero.


The contract is automatically and automatically entered into, but the customer does not comply with the provisions of this document. At the moment of rinsing, the impregnation period is estimated to be equivalent to the customer's treatment period.

Aggiuntivo control

The account order remains unchanged during the initial period. This item contains soggetti that has a 1 (one) weight impegno.

Additional services may have a temporal impregnation that may vary depending on the service provided. The Customer will be informed of the duration of this impervious moment at the moment of the order, which is normal at a time.

If this period exceeds the duration of the name given to the main service, the name of the main service will vary accordingly.

Article 5. Access to the solution

The SaaS Solution is available on the Internet, through a URL provided by MAGILEADS. When the Client provides a URL, it must complement what MAGILEADS provides. Entrambi gli URL funzionano contemporaneamente.

The Customer is solely responsible for the operation of the URL provided to him. Must be guaranteed that it is installed in accordance with the MAGILEADS guide lines.

MAGILEADS if you store it using a URL provided by the Client.

Article 6. Software compatibility

To use the SaaS solution, the Client must have an adequate computer connection and a sufficient quality Internet connection.

If not otherwise specified, the customer warranty is limited to all ambient conditions described below:

  • Computer with 2 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM and 64 MB of graphic memory;
  • Screen with minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels;
  • ADSL internet connection, via cable or fiber
  • Operating system MS Windows, Mac OS or Linux
  • Ultimate version of the web browser Google or Firefox

When the Software file extends to the compatibility criteria, these mentions are only for information purposes and do not affect the liability of MAGILEADS.

The Software schedule limits its compatibility criteria, and your information is required on a mandatory basis and the Customer must be liable while using the Software.

The Customer's information is not controlled by MAGILEADS's Internet browser technology. In case of incompatibility of the Software with the browser, due to an ultimate modification, MAGILEADS will take a period of thirty (30) years to modify the software accordingly.

In case of technical impossibility, MAGILEADS may modify the order requirements.

Article 7. Technical information, volume of data

The hosting of the SaaS Solution provided by MAGILEADS is characterized by the availability of materials, in particular the space used by the customer, the space used only on its dates, the power of the calcolo and the width of the band.

The quote and the restrictions on the use of this hardware hardware are specific to the schedule described by the SaaS solution and are based on the access number you specify.

To guarantee the processing of Customer data, you may need to apply quotation and restrictions on the quantity of data processed by the current type, specification in the schedule described by the current SaaS Solution.

If this quote does not come true, the Customer must subscribe to a suitable service for its consumption.

Article 8. Sicurezza

The Customer is solely responsible for its use, conservation and identification and password consent to access to the software provided by MAGILEADS.

The Customer is responsible for the definition of the property's information security policy, which must be addressed with the appropriate organization and materials for the property's requirements.

Hacking or fraudulent access

In the event of piracy or fraudulent access to the software, MAGILEADS may grant you access to your property discreetly, immediately and in advance.

Please note that this is not a direct response to any customer dispute.

Article 9. Backup

Operational data

In the Ambito dei Propriezizi Zizizi, MAGILEADS guarantees the backup of the customer's operating data at least 48 years old.

MAGILEADS if impregnated to enable a backup second to the following procedure:

  • Free of charge, in case of technical problems attributable to MAGILEADS;
  • Coming to an aggiuntivo service, due to the tariffs in force, for other reasons (in case of management error, use of the correct solution, etc.)

If there is no charge for a backup, MAGILEADS does not allow the backup to be of any interest and cannot respond to the richness of the bank part of the data.

File archiving

If the file is imported from the Customer into the SaaS Solution, the Customer is responsible and must personally ensure the preservation of the original file on an independent computer system.

Application for training, training or free

The contents of this application are not intended for sale, but are therefore guaranteed to be provided by MAGILEADS.

Item 10. Implementation of availability

Access to our services

MAGILEADS will make SaaS software available to Customers via the Internet, 7 days a day, 24 hours a day, or 24 hours a day.

Please note that MAGILEADS should be able to limit access to the SaaS Solution in any way or in part to guarantee handling.

MAGILEADS informs its Customer of its operations with similar conditions.

Tasso massimo de inactivity de la Software

There is a lot of slow inactivity of the Software at 1% (one per cent) of the time.

The maintenance period takes effect between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. without delay in this case.

MAGILEADS is not responsible for any difficulties in accessing the SaaS solutions due to any Internet network interruptions.


If there is an outcry for unavailability, the Customer may report criminal payment to MAGILEADS.

If you know of unavailability other than the massively defined tariff, the penal import rate will be 1/100 of the charge for the service in question, but it is in this case it is superimposed.

Criminal import cannot supersede minor fat import.

Availability monitoring

MAGILEADS takes care of the availability monitoring procedure and ensures that it communicates the information resulting from the monitoring in true mode.

If the Customer disputes the misrepresentation of MAGILEADS, you can resolve a conflicting control solution and do not inform MAGILEADS with a 7 (sette) day notice.

All of the costs relate to this item being paid by the Customer.

Article 11. Impregnation for fluidity

Impenetrable for service fluidity

MAGILEADS if impegna a tempo di risposta adeguato per l’utente in termini di fluidità del servizio.

This time of cooking is appropriate for the technical light of the service and the frequency with which it is consulted.

To view the current page, the application must set a medium speed of 5 (five) seconds.

To view the results of the ricer, the application must allow a medium speed of 10 (dieci) seconds.

Sono cluse da questo tempo medio massimo le pagine:

  • you consent to the import or export of data,
  • from the results of the ricerca avanzata,
  • visualizing the statistical or statistical table,
  • scaricare i file,
  • dell’elaborazione in batch.

You will not be able to access MAGILEADS alone if the Customer strictly complies with the quote and the restrictions foreseen in the contract.

Disrupting the fluidity of the service

MAGILEADS will follow the procedure to monitor the fluidity of the service and be able to communicate the information resulting from the monitoring in true mode.

The service fluidity setting is based on a series of 10 successive settings, with a minimum delay of 1 day, for a period of up to 24 hours.

When the Customer disputes the error made by MAGILEADS, it may be necessary to take action of a contrary control procedure.

All of the costs relate to this item being paid by the Customer.

In case of uncompliance with the MAGILEADS part, the cost of the MAGILEADS test will be immediately linked to the Customer and MAGILEADS will correct the anomaly within a period of time and therefore will be released again free of charge.

Article 12. Richest assistance

To guarantee quality service, MAGILEADS provides user-friendly assistance and correct maintenance services.

This service is provided as part of the access to the SaaS Service under the stability conditions and the general assistance conditions.

Article 13. System of third parties

In the context of SaaS Services, MAGILEADS is limited to software published and provided by MAGILEADS.

In particular, MAGILEADS is not responsible for any malfunctions originating directly or indirectly from a third-party computer system.

Article 14. Aggiornamenti

Minor aggiornament

This adjustment includes minor modifications to the application and correction of malfunctions.

These minor adjustments are made by customers and are not particularly competitive in technology.

Important upgrade

This modification brings new functions and voltage changes significantly in the way the software behaves.

The main adjustments will be effected by MAGILEADS, free of charge.

Article 15. Cancellation

In the event of a serious failure of a party of a party that has been deriving from the contract, the other party may be formally informed, while the letter is confirmed with the right to return, it may be due to an accidental tale within a period of time (1 ) mese, in conformity with the present clause.

If there is no incident involving a violation of one (1) month, the contract will automatically be issued in advance or formalized by the court.

Termination of Customer Initiation

When the subscription is initiated with a service period, the Customer can, during all the service period, cancel the subscription at the same time by sending a simple e-mail to However, the richness of the first period of payment is not due and will not be added at any time.

In all cases of cancellation of a subscription, and for this reason, the customer must contact the cancellation notice via e-mail at The cancellation of the subscription is subject to a monthly notice period. MAGILEADS will notify you of the payment of the final service after the termination date, and will notify you at the end of the pre-announcement period when it is started at the moment of the richness of the termination, and will not be subject to any delays.

Termination of MAGILEADS initiation

The resolution of this contract in the event of an inadvertent contract with a Customer obligated to take place automatically and automatically directs the occurrence of the amount paid by the Customer to MAGILEADS, including the amount paid in the basis of an impeded contract, the difference is immediately possible.

Article 16. Rimborso

The resolution of this contract in the event of an inadvertent contract with a Customer obligated to take place automatically and automatically directs the occurrence of the amount paid by the Customer to MAGILEADS, including the amount paid in the basis of an impeded contract, the difference is immediately possible.

Article 17. Final arrangements

The contract, the current contractual conditions and everything I report does not deviate from its discipline in the French language.

For all the controversies arising from the relationship between the contract and the current contractual conditions, the competent court of Paris (75, France) is excluded from the other