The best emailing software: Comparison and reviews

The best emailing software: Comparison and reviews

Are you an entrepreneur, running a startup or an online business? Whether you manage a VSE or an SME, you are probably looking for emailing software that can meet your marketing needs. This article will guide you to the ideal solution. It is important to remember that email remains a key marketing tool, often the most effective for boosting online commerce. To increase the visibility of your products, develop your activity on your website, and retain your customers, an emailing solution is essential to create effective campaigns. How to compare different emailing software and make the right choice to maximize your return on investment? Let's find out together.

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First, what is emailing?

Before tackling the comparison of emailing software , it would be wise to understand the concept itself. Also called email marketing or email marketing, emailing is the term used to designate the creation and sending of emails direct marketing This is a system which has long been confused with mass mailing, but which nowadays is based on the agreement of recipient contacts as well as the personalization of content from your site. Email marketing represents real support for digital marketing policy and is today considered the most powerful path with a surprising return on investment which is now estimated at 3800%.

In our opinion, it is becoming more and more impossible today to have an activity on your website or an online business without resorting to the creation of emails through a medium. Your website benefits from this. Whether it concerns order confirmation from the site, or the news newsletter on your website, emailing stands out today as an essential asset for the effective management and development of your business and it would be interesting to discover it. This is why we offer you in a comparison, an overview of the software which is involved in the smooth running of a good emailing campaign through your website for excellent promotion of your products.

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Comparison of some emailing software

When you are in online commerce or otherwise, successfully choosing the best support in the saga of accessible emailing software for the good of your website turns out to be a task that is not the least. However, the creation of your campaigns cannot be sold off. This is why a comparison would be ideal.

In fact, we call emailing software or emailing solution an editor which at the same time serves as a router for your emailing campaigns through your website. There are a whole multitude of solutions or software available on the market to discover and whose opinions are also numerous. Difficult to gauge them without establishing a comparison. This is why it is becoming more and more complex to find the ideal medium for mass shipments often carried out in online commerce. Here is for you a selection of the best emailing software for a complete comparison to discover in the next few lines.

Magileads : a marketing tool with multiple functionalities

Designed by Armand Thiberge and Kapil Sharma in 2012, Sendinblue is an emailing solution whose company has more than 80,000 users and has offices in France, India and the United States. It is one of the best software on the market and finds its place in this comparison. According to the majority of opinions, the marketing solution that we invite you to discover here is of high quality and we note an intuitive, complete tool, responsive support and even advice for improving the deliverability of email campaigns carried out via the site web. With this software, several services or functionalities including the principle of automation are within the user's reach and the latter will be able to discover them without difficulty when creating their events on their site.


Based on the reviews and findings, we realize that the main service offered for your website by Sendinblue remains this. He is focused on email marketing and transactional emailing. According to the reviews, you would therefore do well not to hope for the creation of cold email marketing on so-called non-opt-in email addresses with Sendinblue. Once your account is created, it is checked and validated by the solution team who also has the full right to refuse it. The ideal would then be to scrupulously respect certain essential criteria in order to avoid any account suspension. It is :

  • A minimum opening rate which varies between 10 and 12%;
  • A maximum unsubscription rate of between 1 and 2%;
  • A complaint rate equal to 0.2% 
  • A hard bounce rate of 2 to 3%.

Sendinblue is a support which has several templates which are made available to the user which they can discover if necessary. This support is very easy to use according to the majority of reviews, and includes a drag and drop system which allows you to quickly modify your emails, which is not always the case with other software.

Sending SMS

This is the second feature to discover that Sendinblue support has offered since its launch in 2012 for effective creation of email campaigns. As you might guess, SMS is undoubtedly the ideal complementary service to support the creation of digital marketing emails. Sendinblue therefore offers the sending of transactional or promotional SMS and it should be noted that sending SMS from the software is as easy as sending an email according to reviews.


Here is a feature to discover, which is just as essential to accompany the software in our opinion, but which rather keeps a low profile in consideration of veterans of the field. This is also a very easy feature to discover with this support and to use, giving you the possibility of making settings, customizations and administering the chat to use it with ease.


CRM, on the other hand, is a functionality that is one of those that is not yet sufficiently developed in terms of software. It is in fact much more like a contact manager than a real CRM. This is why most often, Sendinblue is associated with creation software dedicated to CRM. It is still a functionality that the user can discover and use with ease, as most reviews point out, specifically those who opt for business creation or VSEs.

Marketing automation

The third major pillar to discover of this software is marketing automation which is very important if we look at the number of favorable opinions it generates in the trade. The concept of automation makes the solution very intuitive. It becomes very easy and above all very flexible to configure automations with the support used. Marketing automation is used, among other things, to:

  • Create a form on your website;
  • Edit a landing page;
  • Publish a call to action on your website;
  • Create and send an email or SMS;
  • Create email templates, a workflow;
  • Create a segmentation.

Software price

Regarding prices, Sendinblue aims to be very attractive in commerce. It actually offers pricing based on the number of emails sent per month. There are therefore several price levels offered. The software offers you the creation of 9,000 emails for free, but charges you for €19/month from 10,000 emails.

Configured languages

The languages ​​configured in the software are French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German.

Sarbacane software

The solution to discover here in this comparison is a design from the company Sarbacane based in the north of France precisely in Hem. She designed her software in 2001 and has been able to perfect it over the years to bring it into the ranks of the best software that you will find on the market and among the best reviews. Like the previous one, it offers several functions. First of all, emailing constitutes the very heart of the services to be discovered and offered by Sarbacane which focuses on marketing and transactional emailing. It mainly relies on the creation of emails, the templates available as well as routing support for better deliverability. This is enough to garner a lot of positive reviews.

Then, you will have to discover the function of sending SMS which ideally complements these marketing emails. The improvement of this module allows Sarbacane to make a significant technological breakthrough.

Chat is also the other feature to discover that it is impossible not to mention among the many features that this campaign creation software offers for your website. As is the case with the previous software, the chat function, although very useful in our opinion, remains behind compared to the specialists in the sector already present in the trade. It is a service through which you benefit from the chatbot, marketing notifications, satisfaction surveys, etc.

The CRM is one of the features that you can discover within the least sophisticated software to date and it is much more similar to a contact manager than an authentic CRM.

The marketing automation module also comes with Sarbacane email creation software, and allows you to configure the automation of sending emails in order to improve their efficiency. In our opinion and according to many, automation offers a real time saving. This software in our comparison has several features to discover, such as Workflow, trigger, segmentation, reporting, landing page and adding tags. Its real interest lies in the creation of automatic personalization of messages taking into account the interest or the opinion of the prospect, or even the behavior of the customer on your website.

Coming to the price, the Sarbacane software in this comparison is part of the software for creating campaigns operating on a subscription principle. Thus, you will in fact be entitled to email credits each month, which will be carried over to the following month in the event of non-use. Sarbacane therefore offers several prices to discover with obviously a trial period for those who wish to test, very advantageous in our opinion. Note that the minimum price is €59 per month.

The languages ​​available in this software are French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Dutch.

MailJet software

MailJet software is also one of the essential software that a website will need which marks its presence in this comparison. It is quite special since it focuses exceptionally on emailing. The reason for this statement is in fact that it only offers functionalities directly linked to emailing. In other words, unlike the other software in this comparison, MailJet does not offer web chat, landing page generator, or CRM, some limitations if we consider the current demand. It is very well known for sending newsletters and for being used by several major accounts for mass sending of emails.

To find out more, know that MailJet offers services such as email editing with drag and drop, a range of templates, the possibility of personalizing emails, working with several people on the same email, designing form registration on your website, the organization of your site, the segmentation and sorting of lists, without forgetting A/B testing and reporting, enough to get a lot of favorable opinions.

In addition to emailing, you can discover with MailJet a service for creating and sending transactional or promotional SMS messages. Marketing automation is also part of the services that this software offers for your website. Thanks to it, all the functions of classic software that offers automation are available, including segmentation, workflow, tagging and list management. It should be noted that this is a functionality perfectly mastered by the MailJet software, thanks to which the user considerably saves time and optimizes the quality of their communications.

Speaking of the price, several subscription rates per month are offered by MailJet. However, it offers 6,000 emails per month for free with a limit of 200 emails per day. It becomes payable at €7.95 per month when you exceed the limit of 6,000 emails and you remain within the maximum limit of 30,000 emails.

Finally, this software in our comparison is available in four languages ​​to discover: French, English, Spanish and German.

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Another solution apart from those proposed above?

To this question, it is obvious to answer in the affirmative. The software previously mentioned in our first comparison are just those mainly used. There is therefore not one, but several other software offered on the web to discover to get more from the clicks made on your site. So here are a few that we think are worth paying attention to.

Hubspot: powerful software, but quite expensive in terms of marketing automation

We now bring you to discover Hubspot. It is an emailing platform that has received many positive reviews on its rendering and which offers several features with email marketing as well as the creation of newsletters at its core. Although less popular in France like Sendinblue, Sarbacane or MailJet, several customers and reviews agree that Hubspot is an excellent alternative for those looking for a quality email marketing tool for their site. The annoying factor for the majority of opinions remains its inaccessibility to small budgets despite the power of the features it offers.

However, the reviews remain less flattering because of the cost of the Hubspot emailing solution. It becomes even more expensive the moment you use marketing automation features. It also offers a powerful landing page and complete documentation. It is important to note that this web support is mainly available in French. Only its mobile support is in English.

The first 2,000 emails of the month are free without advanced features and the basic plan costs €46 per month for 1,000 contacts.

Sendgrid: emailing software with additional billing fees

This is another software in this comparison that has managed to find a place in the list of effective email marketing tools. However, it should be noted that Sendgrid is limited when it comes to transactional emails. With this tool, you can easily create responsive emails and design simple newsletter campaigns. However, it is important to note that you pay more (API package) from the moment you use it to send transactional emails such as a purchase confirmation for example after an action on your site.

On the other hand, the costs of transactional emails sent through the SMTP relay are already included in the basic package. Sendgrid offers an intuitive publishing platform, a comprehensive resource pack and good deliverability. Note that the platform of this solution is only available in English. The supports also, whether web support or mobile support, are only available in English, not at all advantageous in our opinion.

Finally, about pricing, users can use the first 6,000 emails of the month for free with a goal of 2,000 contacts. Pricing thereafter will depend on the number of emails sent and the number of recipient contacts.

WordPress: an essential tool in the world of emailing

Several opinions are for the fact that WordPress is increasingly taking on the mantle of a tool whose use proves very beneficial in the world of email marketing and especially for website management. It is important to specify that WordPress is not part of the aforementioned software. It actually corresponds to a tool that offers several advantages, some of which relate to emailing. WordPress is much more prominent in website design. 1 in 4 sites are designed using the WordPress CMS, which means it is packed with lots of resources. Indeed, this tool includes applications called extensions or plug-ins in English and there are more than 50,000 of them in the WordPress database. The latter with all these advantages allows many things such as the creation and sending of newsletters, CRM connections, the creation of emailing campaigns thanks to the SMTP server for your website, etc. Overall, a real asset for your site in our opinion.


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What is the basis for pricing emailing software?

Based on all the above information, we realize that the price of an emailing solution depends on several criteria. These include the number of emails sent, the number of recipient contacts available in the database, additional features and support. Some offer up to 10,000 emails per month. In our opinion, it would be fair to budget an average of €50-100 per month if you hope to get software with a complete package.

How to make a successful choice among these emailing software?

As in a supermarket, the choice of your software must take into account your needs and the objectives of your digital marketing strategy. It is completely logical that you ask yourself the question of how to proceed to make the best choice among these emailing software . It is advisable to find out and then decide between the functionalities such as automation that you consider a priority and those that you put in the background for your website. If you have the opportunity, take the information or take advantage of the free trial offered to examine the software and its benefits for your site.

Can we single out one of these software programs as being the best of all?

The answer to this question is completely relative, because there is no conventionally best email marketing software. Opinions differ. You just have to choose the one that perfectly suits your needs, your website, as well as your profile, whether it is emailing, cold emailing or transactional emailing. Between the importance of the price, the need for automation of events from your site and chat, the best emailing software for you will be the one that will meet your expectations.

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Marketing automation according to Magileads

The MagiLeads automation solution allows you to very easily create automated scenarios to send personalized messages to your leads.

With automation, you know precisely how prospects interact with your content. You collect information about their behavior. This way, you can better qualify your leads.

Finally, with the lead scoring functionality, you can automate the transmission of hot leads to sales teams to initiate a first commercial contact at the right time.

Email marketing is still a channel of choice in commercial prospecting. But, to remain efficient, we must now gain finesse in the creation of sequences, the content of messages and the analysis of results. Adopting an email automation solution like that of Magileads will help you optimize your campaigns.

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