What if you were no longer looking to make a publicity stunt for your next product or service, but rather to focus on more important issues. Environmental protection, the fight against underage labor, local consumption, and many others will all be values ​​that your company can promote. Ethical marketing consists of carrying out marketing actions relating to causes or moral values ​​that your company supports.

Ethical marketing
What is ethical marketing?

Even if your brand's main goal is its financial sustainability, it also has social responsibilities . And thanks to ethical marketing, you will promote it. The issues are multiple. Your company asserts itself as a responsible actor within the community. Your actions will be likely to be a force for change in a world on the brink of crisis. And you will be able to extend your targets to those who share the same values ​​as you. In the end, everyone wins. But in concrete terms, what is ethical marketing Explanations.

The History of Ethical Marketing

The idea of ​​ethical marketing emerged a little over half a century ago. Historically, since the 1950s, the Yves Rocher brand had communicated in favor of sustainable development. It also promotes eco-responsible beauty which is part of the protection of nature and the environment until now. The brand thus has a good image since ecology is at the center of concerns.

It was in 1983 that the concept of ethical marketing began to become more popular. At the time, American Express carried out a marketing campaign to help fund the renovation of the Statue of Liberty . For every purchase or use of their product, a portion of the profits were allocated to this cause. American Express had just carried out ethical marketing that would inspire many other brands.

Communicate on causes dear to the brand

Carrying out an ethical marketing campaign for your company will consist of communicating values ​​devoid of any commercial issues . It's about defending an important cause for your company but also for society as a whole. You will then carry out actions so that your action is credible and coherent .

A non-commercial nature

Ethical marketing can be caused either by a deep conviction of managers or by the urgency of the situation. In both cases, it is the non-commercial nature of your action which will give legitimacy to your ethical approach. responsible marketing sustainable marketing as long as you seek to defend a cause favorable to general opinion. But whether you want to save tropical forests or support independent artists and artisans, the important thing is the voluntary nature of your action.

Consumption consistent with your values

More and more buyers want a more responsible consuming , particularly in line with their values. Indeed, a human rights defender would not buy anything from a brand that would employ minor children, for example. Consumers can therefore boycott a brand with which they have collaborated for a long time if its actions no longer correspond to their principles. Thanks to ethical marketing, you will then have a new clientele who will become attached to your brand because they will identify with you .

What ethical marketing 1

Be consistent with your values

Beyond a simple word aimed at encouraging this or that behavior, ethical marketing focuses more on the consistency of your actions with your values. Indeed, once your approach has begun, all your actions will be scrutinized, rightly, by consumers. Let's assume that your company advocates gender equality in the professional environment. Your own brand should then adopt a policy that goes in this direction. A good rating on the professional equality index between men and women would then be a perfect indicator to lend credibility to your ethical marketing .

An implication with immediate effect

Finally, your involvement must be effective and not just theoretical. It is not enough to say that you are going to send poor children to school for each purchase when nothing actually happens. You must be totally involved in the cause you are defending. Without this, it would just be “ washing” and could on the contrary harm the image of your brand.

Examples of ethical marketing

Since American Express, a large number of companies have contributed in their own way to various causes.

Coca-Cola and its various commitments

Look at the "our commitments" tab of the official Coca-Cola for example. See how the American brand is engaged in various fields: fight against global warming, carbon neutrality, or even men-female equality among others.

Companies taking action against overconsumption

H&M offers vouchers for those who come to bring clothes as part of their campaign to avoid overconsumption . The Levi's brand has been campaigning in favor of responsible consumption for several years.

Ethical marketing and the digital world

In the digital field, search engines like Givewater or Ecosia donate part of their income to provide access to drinking water and plant trees . Lilo finance social projects of your choice as you browse the web In short, ethical marketing is everywhere and can support many causes.

marketing will be your ally for all the important challenges you want to defend. In addition, collaborating with brands that share the same values ​​that your image will strengthen and will inevitably increase your turnover over time. What to please everyone, right?

If you are unsure about the cause you want to defend, you can opt for tools like Magileads . You will then have at your disposal a whole range of information and marketing automation. You will both propel your business while taking actions that will actually be meaningful .
