The API is increasingly used in the world of the Internet. It exchanges and processes content between sites. This process makes it possible to increase the users of each of the protagonists. APIS help improve the user experience by facilitating access to various applications. Many don’t know what an API is. In this article, we will give its definition and importance.

What is the API?

The API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface . It is a computer concept that works on an agreement of entries and exits. It serves as a bridge between a platform and a software. The services of a third party are used for a site and the information that is extracted can be used as data to be analyzed. APIs facilitate communication between services or products and thus simplify application development. This is a real saving of time and money.

Examples of commonly used APIs

The Google Maps API is one of the most concrete examples. Thanks to its integration on various sites, it has become the reference mapping tool. Its use has expanded according to the creativity of its users. This extension can open up new business opportunities.

With Facebook Connect, visitors to an ordinary website who have integrated this plug-in can log in directly via their Facebook accounts. In this case, it means that Facebook has given permission for the user’s data to be sent to the site in question, so that the forms are automatically filled in.

The Google Adwords API helps the user generate new ads, add keywords related to their products, and speed up updates.

The Google Analytics API allows access to more features: creating a report on the same page, importing external costs and modifying tracking code.

The Freshbook API is a billing software with the possibility of customizing accounts and integration with other tools such as Salesforce the leading CRM software or the Magileads PRM.

It should be noted, however, that even if a company makes its services available through an API, it remains the owner of the data. Opening up access to APIs to other users does not sacrifice security. You can keep control of your resources over what you want to share and with whom. This security depends on its proper management.

The three ways to approach an API

Public APIs are available to everyone. They can interact with other applications.

Private APIs are only used internally. You then have full control over it.

Partner APIs restrict access only to company partners. This allows both to generate flow and to control security.

Why are APIs important?

All Internet experiences run on APIs : price comparison, credit card payment. APIs thus promote the user experience, and facilitate their lives in everyday tasks.

At the enterprise level, APIs simplify the work of developers who want to integrate new application components. APIs also allow companies to remain competitive in the face of tough competition in the digital marketplace. It is important to quickly develop innovative services to stand out. By making your API available, you generate new channels, expand your brand awareness, and drive innovation. As you will have understood, one of the major challenges of the API is to increase visibility and notoriety in a field.

APIs at the heart of inbound marketing

The principle of Inbound Marketing is to create « smart » content to attract a growing number of visitors. This consists of giving «  added value  » to content by integrating innovative and practical services. This is where APIs come in.

Not only can companies integrate APIs into their « ecosystems », but the better they can create and share their own APIs. This will make it possible to extend the areas of accessions in terms of user. Indeed, having an API available means that developers can build on it.

Faced with the constant intensification of competition, the use of APIs is a significant asset. The challenge lies in the agility of companies to implement APIs for more innovation and performance. Its almost non-existent cost and ease of implementation make APIs an ideal solution for a successful Inboud marketing strategy .

How to launch your API?

To ensure the successful marketing of your API, it is necessary to develop a marketing strategy. Each step of the 4 P method is important.

Product : To be relevant and recognized, create an API that brings real added value. This is what will make it a useful product that arouses the need. Make sure the API is consistent with your industry. This is in order to be able to establish partnerships with your customers.

Price : You can monetize your API as long as it’s truly innovative. Major brands such as Google, Microsoft and Expedia have succeeded in this bet. However, you can also develop an open or free API.

Promotion : make yourself known by developers by sponsoring hackathons for example. Developers are the best way to quickly deploy your API.

Location : The visibility of your API is crucial. Don’t just put a tab on your site, as that may not be enough. You need to dedicate an entire platform so that your API is enriched with the opinions of developers and the names of your partners.

Faced with the development of connected objects and mobile applications, APIs are becoming essential tools in marketing strategy.

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