When you launch a new product , you must carve out a place in a market that is sometimes already saturated . In particular, you need to convert prospects to turn them into lasting customers . Your results depend on how people respond to your ads.
To do this, you must take the time to study the psychology of your consumers . It’s about understanding the logic of their reasoning . This strategy will help you make your first sales. If you know how the customer thinks and thinks, you will be able to successfully run your marketing campaign.
However, persuading your core audience requires careful consideration. You can find marketing opportunities at the crossroads of two branches: human psychology and organizational goals .
Trigger purchasing decisions more effectively
Marketing psychology, or consumer psychology, is a tool developed by businesses to anticipate consumer behavior . It allows us to understand what people feel about the proposition of a product or service, and how they reason. By using it during your campaigns, you impact the thoughts and emotions of your targets. This is how marketing experts are able to trigger purchasing decisions more effectively .
As soon as you understand the mechanisms of their decision-making , you will be able to adapt your offers to their needs. Your commercial policy must be geared towards customer satisfaction to strengthen your proximity with them.
Use psychology to influence your customers
You don't need to be a psychologist to be able to elicit an emotional response from your potential clients. Anyone can do it with a little practice. You just need to understand the way people reason and then be able to explain their different behaviors. You need to ask yourself relevant questions like:
– How much do you understand the psychology of your prospects ?
– What are the characteristics of your ideal customer ?
– What are the emotional levers that motivate their purchasing decisions?
The answers to these questions will allow you to make your marketing project a successful marketing campaign .
With Magileads, you implement an acquisition strategy based on targeting and ultra-personalization of contact animations for effective prospect conversion.
Some strategies in marketing psychology
Encourage impulse purchases
We've all regretted errands we've done on a whim. Note that this last minute purchase is not the result of chance, but of psychological manipulation . Sellers display their products in a way that encourages impulse purchases .
This age-old trick is widely used. Stores intentionally arouse our purchasing desires by presenting us with irresistible offers . As our brain is constantly looking for the best way to satisfy our needs , we fall for it every time.
This marketing psychology tip is one of the most formidable you can use. Start by explaining to your prospect that they have a problem to solve . Afterwards, you must convince him that your product is the best solution to his problem. Show them that your offer is exceptional . Then, emphasize the urgency for him to take advantage of it.
Work on your marketing picture
Confucius was right to say that “a picture is worth a thousand words” . The human brain is more sensitive to the meaning of images than to that of words. We interpret a photo much more quickly than text. The reason is simple. Our survival instinct forces us to quickly analyze our surroundings to anticipate dangers. You can exploit this natural reflex during your marketing campaigns .
As we live in a visual world , using appropriate images will help you capture the attention of your prospects or convey a strong message to them. From a marketing perspective, an image is more engaging and interactive than plain text . A well-crafted photo will boost your conversion rate on social networks.
To do this you must master the power of the image . You can, for example, publish content snacks. These are irresistible , quick-to-consume content, based on photos or videos that convey a strong message . Take the time to choose your visuals carefully to be sure to succeed in your picture marketing .
Use the power of colors
Color psychology can be exploited in digital marketing to stimulate consumer interest . They condition the way we perceive the world around us. Indeed, each color symbolizes specific values in our unconscious. We associate certain colors with fantasy, others with confidence, love, even sensuality.
Widely used in the branding and marketing , colors influence our reactions and make us feel emotions. Some energize us while others calm us down. They define our visual identity , give consistency to our publications and, to a certain extent, convey our brand values .
Harness the power of words
Words help us communicate our thoughts. They also verbalize our emotions. Well formulated lyrics can open doors to us. They are able to move us or make us react in one way or another . This competence, which is called " copywritng " , requires specific techniques and a certain dose of empathy.
Marketing experts understand the power of words over our emotions . According to them, there is a group of words that have a strong impact on us: these are powerful words . A marketing strategy called an “ elevator pitch” consists of synthesizing an advertising message through three powerful words to make prospects react .
The power of the word “yes”
The word “yes” is among the most powerful words. It is not only pleasant to hear, but also induces positive thoughts and a feeling of tuneability. It acts as a green light that we give to affirm our desire to open the door to new opportunities. For example, in the expression “yes, I will try” , the word “yes” presents itself as an option without necessarily confirming your statement.
Getting people to say “yes” to small things encourages them to let go and overcome biases . You thus trigger a virtuous circle which increases your chances of successfully converting them. Many businesses use this strategy to capture their audience on social media, gain their trust and convert .
They exploit the power of yes on our psyche. Many sales are inside sales tunnels , conversion process aimed at cold prospect into an active client. The marquetter creates a journey marked by a series of small agreements which gradually open the door to a sale.
The best advice you should remember is to remain human when speaking to your customers. Seeing beyond the technical is the basis for successful marketing . Marketing psychology is one of the tools that will help you act humanly with your customers.
Combining your marketing psychology strategies with other branches of marketing will maximize your chances of success . This will help you adopt multiple angles of attack and test other approaches.