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All you need to know
about emailing software solutions

The realization of your emails or newsletters requires the execution of many specialized tools. These offer a more innovative way of using emailing by means of various integrated functionalities for the analysis and execution of your campaigns. Many of today's email marketing tools do not require an actual software installation. They have the possibility to work directly from a web browser and offer at the same time a very practical and simple interface. With the large number of French or international emailing solutions, it is not easy to find a way to improve your email campaign. That's why we're taking you to discover everything about emailing and software solutions.

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What is an emailing software in concrete terms?

An email marketing software is a tool that allows you to create and develop your email marketing strategy for your website. Software can be aimed at promoting an article or an offer, or even sharing content with a high added value. The purpose of marketing software extends even beyond emailing.

Indeed, the tool or platform can promote or improve customer loyalty, attract your prospects, and even boost your direct business from your site as well as maintain the image of your brand. Without a suitable solution, you will spend enough time preparing your campaigns.

The software for solutions intervenes especially in the establishment of your lists of contacts by starting from the data at your disposal from your site. These lists can be subdivided into several categories in order to achieve better quality mailings at the expense of your recipients' profiles.

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The positive points of emailing software solutions ahead of other communication channels

Emailing is a very relevant solution to create effective communication between you and your customer database. An emailing software will facilitate a set of processes for a better management of your emailing campaigns which can very quickly become tedious.

Email and automation: an answer to saving more time in your marketing strategy

With a software or an email solution platform, you can create and schedule an automation of subscriptions to unsubscriptions. You can also turn to creating targeted contact lists without having to spend hours sorting addresses, passing content or sending emails manually.

The principle of automation helps you to save real time with the software and also offers you the possibility to set up transactional, birthday and welcome messages which are the pillars of yoursite's image maintenance.

Emailing to penetrate new markets

Once you have created your mailing lists, the solution will allow you to reach a new target market at a much lower cost than soliciting other non-email communication channels.

However, it would be wise to create your own contact lists instead of buying them from a platform as some companies do to succeed in their email marketing project. You will be able to take through contests, social networks or other means to achieve this. The cost per email will be lowered automatically as your mailing lists grow, and this would be an opportunity to get a better return on investment.

Emailing solutions to measure your return on investment more quickly

By means of the comprehensive post-campaign data that most email marketing software solutions provide, you will be able to have available data regarding the site's business such as conversion rates, to items sold and more.

With email marketing, you will be able to configure and set up “events” on each component of your newsletter in order to discover which ones have obtained the most clicks on your platform. With these precise reports, the user will be able to evaluate the return on investment associated with each of the campaigns carried out and thus make budgetary forecasts for future campaigns.

Emailing to promote customer loyalty

By making it easy to launch your various email marketing campaigns, the English or other language solution software always keeps you in touch with your customer base. You will be able to set up content that matches the recipient's needs, offer incentives for regular purchases or inform customers about the latest items or promotions available, all by email.

The email campaign solution becomes your direct partner for a loyalty of your customers or contacts, to charm them, and why not lead them to more purchases. Moreover, your customers can also become your influencers and forward your message to their friends and family through email marketing.

Emailing to protect yourself from possible risks

Using an email campaign solution software allows you to discover your campaigns in great detail. With the editor, you can turn to many emails without taking risks. By means of an A/B testing system for example, you can be guided towards a better decision making. A/B testing is in fact a principle that declines an email in several variants in order to evaluate the relevance and the return on investment of each of them. This type of testing is a very effective way to improve the performance of your mailings.

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The choice of your emailing software: how to succeed?

Email marketing has never been so popular. It has become an essential lever for the promotion of a brand's products and services as well as for maintaining a continuous relationship with prospects. If you want to improve the performance of your emailing, the right emailing software is essential and a comparison is necessary.

According to the majority of opinions, the good emailing software is indeed the editor that best meets your expectations, whether it is for sending newsletters, transactional emails, automation, etc. Since changing solutions can be quite costly, taking the time to choose the best software at the beginning is crucial for a good email campaign.

The different types of emails transmitted by means of an emailing solution software

The principle of emailing is very simple to understand. It is indeed a question of sending mass emails in a commercial interest to contacts. The emailing can take many different aspects, meet various objectives and expectations. Each of the expectations is associated with a specific technical problem. So let's review the main uses of email marketing.

Email newsletters

The expectation is well determined within the majority of the VSEs/SMEs who wish to find an emailing solution. It is indeed the creation of newsletters and the passage through appropriate distribution channels. The newsletter is the most widespread and well-known form of email marketing. The role of the newsletter can be major to improve your communication strategy. The newsletter makes sure to stimulate your leads as well as your customers and can contain both raw information and incentive content in the email.

Generally, newsletters are sent at a periodic frequency, ranging from daily to weekly and sometimes monthly. To meet your expectations, your solution must be able to manage the entire process. This management goes through the creation of the address file from the forms found on your website, to the reporting until the performance is monitored. Nevertheless, it will be necessary not to omit the main stage where the newsletter is built.

Transactional email

Transactional emails refer to emails that are sent automatically after users have taken actions on your site. Generally, we talk about trigger marketing, which makes use of cookies. These cookies allow to materialize an exchange between your users and you, after they have taken an action. Among the classic transactional emails, we find those of the confirmation of an order, a payment, or generated by the activation of an account.

Unlike newsletters, transactional emails are not deployed as packages, but rather at the expense of the choices your customers or subscribers make. Cookies play a big role. Today, transactional email is more prominent, because with these cookies, it is possible to study precisely the way each user proceeds. These types of emails have an important impact today in customer relationship management. Their opening rate is very close to 50% with 20% for the click rate. Without debate, this is the form of email that subscribers expect the most, to the point where some may try to reach the site's webmaster when they don't receive one in their mailbox.

In order to optimize the deliverability of transactional emails and to be sure that they actually reach the recipient's inbox, some brands do not hesitate to put external solutions and emailing software in the foreground. According to our opinion, the advantage of emailing software solutions is that they promote better reporting through the marketing tools and statistical management they provide.

Reporting and user behavioral analysis in the context of email marketing is very important. This is the prerequisite for discovering the performance and quality of the launched email campaigns. Only the services of emailing solution software offer you a refined and detailed reporting.

Marketing automation

Opting for a software solution that does not offer the possibility to perform marketing automation can be problematic. Marketing automation is an automatic sending of email sequences to users following a particular scene. It can intervene in the transmission of successive emails for the reception of a new user as well as during the sending of traditional emails of revival following an act made by the user that detects these cookies.

Newsletter and emailing: the differences

The difference between emailing and newsletters is not only in their names. In fact, they have two distinct functions. Emailing has a commercial objective. It can be used as an indicator for your customers or prospects to let them know that an interesting offer or event is coming up. The emailing is actually promoting your brand, your products or even the services you offer and is supposed to impact your customers with content that interests them.

The newsletter, although an integral part of a digital marketing strategy, is much more oriented towards the loyalty of your customers. Here you will be taken to make stories that explain, for example, the reception of new models of clothing, about a change of card or about techniques and tricks for a given theme.

The price: a crucial element in the choice of the ideal emailing solution

In fact, when you consider other email marketing levers, you will realize that email marketing is a solution that does not require a huge budget. This is the main reason for its continued success. However, to make the cost of emailing actions better, the most important thing will be to find out which solution you think best suits your needs.

Overall, there are three main pricing models. Prices can be determined based on the number of customers, the number of emails sent or based on the number of credits. It is essential to orient yourself towards the formula that best meets your objectives and the type of actions you wish to implement.

Pricing based on the number of contacts

Here, the editor offers subscription prices determined by the number of contacts in our database. This is the only parameter used. Indeed, you can send the number of emails you want without the price varying. MailChimp is a user of this pricing model.

The pricing method according to the number of shipments

This subscription mode depends on the number of emails you send. In this context, the software solutions offer formulas “X euros per month for such and such a number of emails transmitted”. To date, this pricing method is very common and is the one used by Sendinblue.

The pricing method according to the number of credits

This type of pricing model is used by Sarbacane. You will need to purchase shipping credits that you will be able to use whenever you want.The great thing about this type of pricing is the flexibility it offers. From Sarbacane for example, your credits are valid for one year. So Sarbacane does not actually offer a monthly subscription system.

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Email campaigns: some advantages of some emailing software solutions

Choosing your solution can be embarrassing. As many existing software for your mails are multiple, as much their offers are varied. Here is a comparison of some emailing solutions that do not go unnoticed on the market.

Sarbacane: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


Based on the reviews in this comparison, you have with sarbacane, advantages related to the management and customization of your contacts, from creating his email via drag'n drop to access to specific statistics. You can integrate the solution into your CMS to automatically collect the contact information of your leads;


The sarbacane tool does not provide an interesting marketing automation solution. Higher prices than most other emailing software. Available in English and other languages ​​except French.


  • 30-day free mode;
  • 35 euros for 1000 emails;
  • 59 euros for 2500 emails;
  • 69 euros for 5000 emails;
  • 95 euros for 10,000 emails.

Sendinblue: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


In this comparison, we notice that the toolSendinblue is a support that has the basic features for emailing. As other advantages, it allows you to send enough emails without paying a lot of money, offers a simple and easy module of report creation and management. Sendinblue is available in English, French and other languages. The features of Sendinblue are simple and convenient. Automation through its API for sending transactional emails and costs less than Sendgrid.


Sendinblue does not contain all the innovative features in marketing automation; basic ergonomics according to the reviews.


  • The rates are between 90,001 and 40,000 emails for 19 euros per month;
  • Between 40,001 and 60,000 emails for 29 euros a month;
  • Between 120,000 and 350,000 emails (premium offer) for 49 to 129 euros per month.

Mailjet: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


Mailejet does not remain on the sidelines of this comparison of supports for your emails. We note:

  • With the mailjet tool, you have a modern interface;
  • Mailjet has A/B testing as well as several e-commerce features. Mailjet incorporates a functional depth; English, French and other languages ​​are available.


  • Obligation to switch to premium support to enjoy the basic functions of this solution;
  • Library to Template not enough provided at mailjet;
  • mailjet is less easy to learn for beginners compared to other software solutions, especially for transactional emails.


  • For the free version of this support, you have 6000 emails per month for your emailing, that is 200 emails to daily;
  • Basic subscription for 30,000 emails with only 8.9 euros;
  • Premium offer proposed at 18.86 euros for 60,000 emails.

Mailchimp: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


With the mailchimp tool, there are also many positive points.

  • Mailchimp appears in this comparison as a solution for managing the retargeting campaign Facebook ads as well as several plug-ins from WordPress, Magento, Prestashop, etc.
  • Mailchimp is a universal, simple tool for creating newsletters;
  • You can change your sender without having to manage the identification process thanks to mailchimp; A/B testing possible.


  • This solution is entirely in English;
  • Registration forms are limited on this medium;
  • Above average rate.


  • Free with up to 2000 subscribers for 12,000 emails per month;
  • 75 euros per month for 10,000 emails.

You Gestresponse: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • In this comparison, this solution offers advanced options for marketing automation including the ability to segment behaviors and not just an autoresponder;
  • Simple ergonomics, available in English, French and other languages.


In terms of disadvantages with this medium, we note:

  • Support not available in French;
  • Rates are determined in increments.


  • Free version at the beginning and then paying version afterwards.

Other rates are available in:

  • 1000 recipients for 12 euros per month;
  • 5000 recipients for 39 euros per month;
  • 10,000 recipients for 145 euros per month.

Active Campaign: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • Modern responsive modes;
  • Automation features that meet market requirements;
  • Good quality/price ratio. Offers French, English and other languages.


  • Available only in English;
  • Does not offer a landing page editor;
  • Not easy to handle.


For the tariffs, it will be necessary to consider for:

  • 600 emails daily in free version;
  • 9 dollars a month for 500 contacts;
  • 17 dollars a month for 1000 emails;
  • 45 dollars a month for 5000 emails;
  • 70 per month for 10,000 emails.

ActiveTrail: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • This support contains all the necessary features for an emailing campaign as well as SMS marketing;
  • Excellent user experience;
  • Pleasant to hold. Available in English, French and other languages.


  • Pricing based on the number of contacts and not on the number of emails sent.


  • Mid-range offer 600 emails for 1 euro;
  • Free version at 7 euros for 500 emails;
  • 2500 emails for 21 euros;
  • 5000 emails for 33 euros.

Hubspot: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


The hubspot tool also has something to charm in this comparison.

  • Allows easy capture of your subscribers' activities and use of their data for email personalization; easy to test
  • About 12 responsive models for specific purposes,
  • All-in-one solution. Available in English, French and other languages.


  • High rates if you reach several thousand prospects;
  • Marketing platform and therefore generates a rapid rise for access to exceptional features;
  • No option to simply purchase this solution.


  • 2000 emails per month with the free version without being limited in contacts;
  • Subscription plans starting at 41 euros per month for 1000 marketing contacts.

Email benchmark: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • In English, French and other languages;
  • Its drag & drop editor is very intuitive and a professional customer service is available.


  • Limited number of features in free version;
  • Likely delay in sending campaigns;
  • Too much intended for SMEs.


  • 2000 emails per month in free version;
  • 95 for 3500 emails;
  • 94 for 5000 emails.

Constant Contact: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • Usual features of a software solution available;
  • Integration with WordPress, QuickBooks and others. Available in English, French and other languages.


Not enough recent advanced features, resulting in the absence of:

  • Transactional emails;
  • Marketing and transactional SMS;
  • Features for marketing automation.


  • Free 60-day version;
  • 5000 emails a month for 45 euros;
  • 20,000 emails a month for 176 euros;
  • 4 shipments of 150,000 per month for an amount of 609 euros.

SG Autoresponder: advantages, disadvantages and monthly rates


  • Refer to the French marketing tools;
  • The proximity of the technical team to the customers;
  • Deliverability well optimized for the French territory.


  • This solution is too French and may not be suitable for companies with international dimensions, especially in English countries;
  • Ergonomics can be confusing if you are used to American emailing software.


Starts from 25 euros per month for 60,000 emails.

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Marketing automation according to Magileads

MagiLeads' automation solution allows you to easily create automated scenarios to send personalized messages to your leads.

With automation, you know exactly how prospects interact with your content. You collect information about their behavior. This way, you can better qualify your leads.

Finally, with the lead scoring feature, you can automate the transmission of hot leads to sales teams to initiate a first sales contact at the right time.

Email marketing is always a channel of choice in commercial prospecting. But, to remain effective, it is now necessary to gain in finesse in the creation of sequences, the content of messages and the analysis of results. Adopting an email automation solution like Magileads will help you optimize your campaigns.

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They use our email marketing tool

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