FAQ, tutorials and frequently asked questions about Magileads

What is the full solution with the GDPR regulations?

Yes , our solution includes the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). More information…

It is a regulation approved by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and came into force in the European Union on May 24, 2018.

Our data base consists of information that we collect from more than 20 qualified professional sources and published data, as well as data from INSEE, which we aggregate and structure using our intelligent algorithms.

  • Only we work with B2B data, we do not subject to prior consent, and this is what is stipulated in article 6 of the Electronic Privacy Directive. the CNIL , which prevails under the GDPR, and which is transposed to French legislation.
  • We respect the obligation to place a strap on the bottom of the boat in any of the camps of our customers.
  • If the customer wants to do a subscription cancellation link or is written incorrectly, our system detects it and AUTOMATICALLY sends a subscription cancellation link in clear text message on the lower part of the page.
  • Inform the user of the information we have posted, the origin of the collection and the deletion of these data in our current position.
  • We can also exclude the electronic correo, the dominion or the SIREN number of the companies that we solicit so that we cannot seguir prospects.
  • Each customer can import their lists (with MD5 encryption) of contacts, domains or SIRENs to exclude from their camps.
    Explanatory document in PDF of the SNCD , which is the professional organization that represents the data marketing sector

How is it built on the basis of B2B contacts?

Thanks to our new scripts and intelligent algorithms, we aggregate all the information
directly from more than 20 sources of qualified professional expedients.

Our new B2B data base profiles are structured, merged, enriched and viewed to be reviewed daily.

Cuáles sons fuentes de su archivos

The main sources of our B2B professional data base consist of files made up of specialized professional directories and listed in other fields:

  • Public data on social laws
  • The database of legal information data from INSEE, Infogreffe, Bodacc, Legi France, RNCS…
  • From the CCI: El portal de las Cámaras de Comercio e Industria
  • The official directorio of artesanos
  • Free access directories: Vérif.com, Societe.com, Kompass.fr…
  • OpenData archives of public administrations, health, education, associations, etc.

Are our records of potential customers always up to date?

Yes , we also have an electronic correo connection service provider for your communications.
We check and update the electronic contacts of the contacts which do not work to check and update the record.

Is it possible to have analysis and statistics in real time for prospecting?

If so, as our owners are based on multi-criteria data, you can consult the statistics in real time.

It informs you to pour and download:

  • Download the list of shelters and clicks on our messages
  • Here is a list of visitors to your website
  • Here are the statistics on the pages that you visited and the times that you passed on every one of them
  • Show the hours of your massage consultation and visits on your website
  • Ver las puestas de los clientes poenciales a su correo electrónico, que archivamos y clasificamos por oportunidad de negocio
  • It is possible to classify and see the quality of the prospectus compromise through the appointment of potential clients

An exclusive feature of Magileads is the possibility of consulting the socio-professional statistics of our prospects by electronic correo secuencia.

Is the solution available in France?

Yes , our solution is 100% French


  • Dissolved in France
  • Está alojado en servidores seguros y en Francia par OVH
  • All Magileads and customer data are stored in secure servers in

Is it regularly updated based on contact data?

If so , we regularly combine our data base.

1 – Through our new servers dedicated to the verification of business records and contacts.
2 – Through our verification records
3 – For permanent synchronization with the archives of our social records

Is your contact base receptive?

However , our basic data bases are compiled when we have electronic correos for our customers.

Thanks to the rastreadores that we have our electronic correos if we like it, we can comprobar if the potential customer has its electronic correo buzón.

If a potential customer does not have a call at a friend's location, we will contact you so that we cannot receive any prospects.

This allows us to maintain a B2B contact base with responsiveness.

New compromise : If the electronic correo of a potential customer is not connected to the input strip, we will not accept it.

Is it possible to see this based on contact data?

If, creando una cuenta gratuita en la aplicación online
You have access to all the functions of our new commercial prospecting solution.

You can realize the object files and see the contact records in our data base and create your first electronic correo campaigns or automation scenarios.

Is it possible to segment your contact lists?

Yes, create some prospecting contact lists as desired.

Thanks to our new intelligent filters, you can combine bus filters: Function, sector of activity, NAF code, plant, volume of trade, title, center of interests, center of competency, etc.

If there are less than 20 filters, do not hesitate to prescribe them.

Is it possible to personalize and automate the sequences of electronic commercial prospecting correos?

If so , any of your camper prospects will receive a personalized message based on variables such as name, number, cargo, number of company, sector of activity, etc.
You will also receive personalized and pre-programmed records. Depending on whether you respond or have one of your electronic correos or you interact with the call to the action of your electronic correo, such as:

  • A clickable link
  • Concertar una cita
  • Visit your website
  • Download documentation…

1 – The humanization of commercial prospecting

2 – Define an effective prospecting plan that responds to your messages

3 – Prospect with good practices to report value

Is it possible to maintain socio-professional statistics?

Yes , this is a Magileads exclusive . Since

this information

is the same, it will be possible to proportion this information.

At the end of the campaigns, we have the statistics of the professions and the categories of our prospects for each scheduled campaign.

  • By function
  • By sector of activity
  • By region
  • By the number of employees of the company

This allows you to recognize the map and the characteristics of your typical prospect and dynamically create a new list of prospects corresponding to your main object.


is a new generation email marketing solution with a simple and global 360 view of email marketing to prospect and automatically meet interested prospects and convert them into customers

Encontrarárás all las digital herramientas necesitas para elizar por pección commercial en una una plataforma

From our BtoB data base of 5 million contacts, you can select your potential customers and establish automatic sequences of electronic mail delivery, as well as the analysis and follow-up of your potential customers from your sales staff (CRM / PRM )

If so, you can register and access the entire platform free of charge . This allows you to segment your data base and create email sequences.

Once you have completed the packages, you will be able to acquire the package that suits you best to envy your campsite.
It is not necessary to print the credit card.

We offer packages that allow you to send to all our countries and use all our platform services.

No gas to install.

If, your information is stored in an independent server, secure and encrypted located in France in OVH.

If, your information is stored in a server encrypted independent , secured and located in France por OVH.

Use a security system (3D secure) approved by the ACPR, with number 16568 to protect your purchases.

Please check if there is an SMS to validate your purchase. If the problem persists, please contact us.

Just click on the “Customer Area” button on the upper side of this page. Follow the process.

No, all functions of https://application.magileads.eu its free and free use.
Only if you want your first campaña.

We work with a community of users that allows us to update regularly our solution and new functions.

This will keep you informed of new arrivals.

1 – Create/edit the electronic correo aquí: https://application.magileads.eu/creer-campagne.html

At the end of the field “devolver electronic correo” there is a “+” that allows you to choose the option of the responsibility.

==> Option 01: You will receive the electronic correo directly as if your customer can respond directly without it being returned on our platform. At this moment, there are no reported problems, but we cannot save the received response on our new platform

==> Option 02: (selected at the moment) When the prospect responds, there is another server that returns the electronic correo as usted, by eso ve “Nicolas de Magileads”. This solution allows us to protect customer service potential within the platform.

With this solution, one that receives the response, it is better to shelter a new conversation to continue the interchange with your potential client.

marketing automation scenario 2

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