How to complete Magileads with the GDPR regulations
- Francois
- September 10, 2024
GDPR Privacy Notice
How does Magileads comply with the GDPR regulations?
Nuestra datos base está alojada in francia in servidore seguros of ovh .
Tenemos varios web sites associated with the ones we collected included data.
Our activity has been declared to the CNIL: DEPOSIT N°1982723
To contact our RPD:
All new contacts keep the latest revision and may be deleted from our data base.
We do not have any sensitive data that allows you to clearly identify a physical person (medical data, identity number, personal direction, etc.).
A documento of síntisis del SNCD , the Organización Profesional that represented at the Industria del Marketing of datos : (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos) .
- Only we work with B2B data, we do not subject to prior consent, as stipulated by the CNIL through the Directive on electronic privacy, transposed to French legislation.
- Magileads respects the obligation to submit a subscription cancellation notice in any of our customer campaigns, to inform the user of the information that has been posted, the origin of the receipt and the elimination of the information that has been posted.
- It is also possible to exclude the electronic correo, the dominio, the SIRET/SIREN… from the business to no longer prospect. This function is also available for all our customers.
In order to advance, to structure the potential customer's shipping, we are in contact with you to inform you of our new marketing activities by electronic mail.
Each potential customer has the possibility of requesting the complete elimination of its data from the data base.
Therefore, no more will be contacted by our platform.
The potential customer can access the bottom of our list with a simple click.
The RGPD is not obligatory for us to be permitted, if only we inform you that you are in contact with us.
However, when a customer imports a prospecting expedition, they must certify that they have informed their prospects of their enfoque.
At the base, the potential customer has the option to base the communication of the client (su communication) or of all the clients of Magileads on the platform.
You can personalize the subscription cancellation link and configure the text message to your taste.
If no cancellation of the subscription is detected in your message, we will automatically send you a new text message like “ In favor, do not request a request: Cancel the subscription”.
Neutro message
In accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you can now access this electronic correo and automatically remove your data by clicking on the following link: Cancel subscription
Notice of exoneration of responsibility for the service
Magileads services .
To comply with the GDPR, you can now access this electronic correo and immediately remove the data by clicking on the following link: Cancel the subscription
Magileads allows you to benefit from B2B offers. At any time, you can request the deletion of our B2B data base by clicking on the following link: Cancel the subscription
This commercial offer is requested by Magileads, you can at any time request the elimination of our new B2B data base by clicking on the following link: Description.
More information
Personal data included in our data base (names, number, cargo, company position, electronic mail direction, NAF code, professional telephone number) is intended for Magileads customers and our services for operation and updating from the data base.
This data base comes from teleprospección operations or from the extrapolation of the information received by the company of specialized companies.
of specialized companies.
This transaction is necessary for the legitimate interests that the Magileads company pursues. In fact, the basis of data is necessary for the commercial activity of the company, except for contact data, customers cannot enter into contact with the prospects provided for the Magileads solution. The transaction is also necessary for the legitimate interests of the clients of the
because it provides a relevant and effective prospecting channel.
The data will be kept for a year.
Puede ponerse in contacto con el responsible for the protective of datos de magileads:
Cookie management
La Gestión de Las Cookies resperta la
Deliberación n ° 2019-093 DEL 4 of Julio of 2019
(CNIL n ° 1920776Z).
Artículo por el who adopted sober guidelines the aplicación del artículo 82 of the ley modificadada of 6 of Enero from 1978 a las operaciones de lectura o escritura en el terminal of a usuario (in particular, las cookies y otros rastreadores) (Corrección de Errores from Jorf n ° 0166 of Julio from 2019 ), that no requiere and consentimento previo, there that no compartimos datos personal sino sólo con estadísticos.
Note : How does the prior consent apply (opt-in or double opt-in)?
Respuesta : El GRPD No requires El Conseminateo previo para la Prospectción B2B, Como indicated in El Artículo Detallado in El Sitio Web de la Cnil: Prospectción Comercial Por Correo Electrónico.
El consentimento previo no es una oblión para reciger infomación, sino una buena práctica.
El Tratamiento sólo es lícito if there in the medida in that the alboi una of the siguientes condiciones indicadas in el artículo 6 del RGPD cumped: the CNIL Y El Reglamento Europe de Protección de datos.
One of these conditions is that “the treatment is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests carried out by those responsible for the treatment
”. In the case of Magileads, this legitimate interest is justified by our negotiation.
We will systematically inform you of every new contact that comes into our data base, indicating that the data you have received and will be used by our clients and associates.
Instructions: How is it constituted?
Respuestas: Our data base consists of information that we collect on the web in Open-data, as well as legal information data from INSEE, Infogreffe, Bodacc, Legi France, RNCS, the public part of professional directories and theirs social rules…, that we aggregate and structure through our intelligent algorithms.
prospectos contacted by me in promedio.
increase the number of city numbers.
of time ahorrado by vendedor a diario.
of commercial productivity adicional by término medio.